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Emily Rogers posted a new article regarding Nintendo’s software plans for NX. You can read the full piece here, but we did want to highlight some of what was written on the site.

This is all unconfirmed of course, but here’s a look at the main points:

– The big fundamental focal point (and overall goal) behind NX is to vastly increase the software output from Nintendo’s first party teams and studios.
– To accomplish this, the entire process of how Nintendo develops and produces software has gone through radical changes.
– There is a new strategy that was put in place to create and release first party software at a faster rate.
– Multiple unannounced Wii U projects were moved over to NX.
– The NX could potentially see the highest output of first party software in the company’s history. (I’m talking about the entire lifespan of NX. Not just one or two years.)

Rogers also writes that “the NX’s software output will blow away the Wii U’s software output” and within a year, “will build a larger library of games than Wii U produced in three or four years.”

Additionally, Rogers stresses that some games won’t necessarily avoid delays, and it’s possible that there will still be gaps between releases. Nintendo may also choose to save game announcements for different events, meaning we may not see the full slate at E3 or even by launch.



Update: Going to leave this here rather than making a new post. NeoGAF’s 10k has posted more rumors about the NX (thanks Yolkghost). They’ve been verified by a moderator supposedly, but that doesn’t make them true necessarily. In any case, read the rumors here if you’re interested.

New tweets from Emily Rogers indicate that four Wii U ports are currently in development for NX. We’ve already heard plenty of speculation about the new Zelda as well as some talk about Smash Bros. However, Super Mario Maker and Splatoon could hit the new system, too. But Rogers cautions:

“Just because something is in development doesn’t mean it’ll be released. So either all four of these ports will come…or only two of them.”

Emily says that Zelda and Smash Bros. “sound like guarantees” after speaking “with at least 10 people regarding these four ports.” Splatoon is said to be “up in the air.”



The fourth portion of Natsume’s winter Q&A with fans was added to the company’s Tumblr page today. Natsume tackled topics about the 3DS (why no Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories, series and support for the system in general) and NX (not much to say currently). For the latest three questions and answers, head past the break.


You may recall that we put up a post last week regarding Mercenary Kings on NX. In a Twitter interaction with a fan, Tribute Games showed some interest in making that happen.

Tribute Games co-founder Jean-Francois Major saw our post, and actually brought up another possibility. He told us that if the studio can be in a position to have a game out for NX at launch, the team will port over Flinthook.

We followed up with Major within the past few days, who said he and Tribute Games “still stand by our dreams of making games for Nintendo consoles.” That being said, it’s tough for them to commit to NX since such little information is floating around at the moment. However, he reiterated, “given the chance to release a NX launch title, I think we would jump at the occasion.”

Major added that, regarding Flinthook, Tribute Games is “still trying to figure out where the title will end up,” and nothing is set in stone. The team is “still shopping around for the best partner for the game.”

Emily Rogers – who most recently revealed that a new Paper Mario was heading to Wii U prior to the announcement of Color Splash – has come forward with a new set of rumors about Zelda Wii U.

Today’s speculation consists of three parts. Rogers further backs up claims that the new Zelda will be on both Wii U and NX. Additionally, the game may allow players to choose between a male or female character, and most characters are voiced – aside from Link.

Here’s the full roundup of Rogers’ tweets:

Like with all rumors, these bits should be taken with a grain of salt. It shouldn’t be too much longer until we hear about the new Zelda in an official capacity again, as E3 is coming up quick.


Mercenary Kings, Tribute Games’ side-scrolling shoot ’em up, never made its way to Wii U. A port to the console was ruled out in September 2013, several months before the game came out.

Could Mercenary Kings end up on Nintendo’s next core system though? Tribute Games co-founder Jean-Francois Major expressed interest in the possibility when conversing with one fan on Twitter.

He said:

Major did tell us back in 2013 that as former Game Boy Advance developers, Tribute Games “would love to go back on Nintendo consoles at some point.” Maybe that could happen with NX.

Thanks to Dry Bone Koopa for the tip.


Last night, it became clear that rumors about NX’s controller having been leaked were inaccurate. The person behind the image ended up coming forward and revealed that he had created a fake photo.

There had been a second NX “leak”, but we knew that was fake as well given its the similarities to the original image. This person has now also shown how he made his version of the controller, which was actually a physical item. Check out the video below.

Thanks to alexinfurs for the tip.


Speculation about the NX’s leaked controller is coming to an end.

Reddit user Idriss2Dev, who started the discussions last week, has now posting a video revealing that he came up with a fake product. He shows some of the steps that he went through in attempting to make a believable image. See the video below.

There was also a different “leak” yesterday from a separate user, perkele37. However, you would have to assume that it’s fake as well given their similarities. It’s unclear if perkele37 is the same person as Idriss2Dev, but I think we can dismiss the overall rumors about the NX’s controller at this point.

Source, Via


Last week, Videogamer spoke with Rebellion CEO Jason Kingsley to talk Nintendo, including the NX.

Regarding the company in general, Kingsley had only good things to say about the Big N. He told the site:

“Nintendo are brilliant. They’re a fabulous company and I love them. I always feel they’re quite eccentric. They come up with some incredible hardware. Even the Virtual Boy back in the day was really intriguing, and then the clamshell design of their handhelds. To be honest, I just don’t know [whether Rebellion will support NX]. The only way I can answer the question is, when we know what the machine is we’ll see and we’ll have a look. I’ve always loved Nintendo, I love their games and love their hardware.”

As for NX, Kingsley has no idea about what the system actually is at this point. He therefore can’t commit to or rule out support until more information has surfaced, though the door is being left open.

Some outlets have been reporting on Foxconn Technology’s Q1 earnings, such as Yahoo and MoneyDJ. It was already known that Foxconn is involved with NX, but a key takeaway from recent articles is that the system will be making the company’s operations “hot” in the second half of 2016. In other words, it sounds like Foxconn’s involvement with NX will really be picking up after June.

There is a language barrier since the original articles are in Chinese, unfortunately. Because of that, we’re marking this post as a rumor – even with what we’ve heard before pointing to a possible NX release this year.


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