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During a panel at GDC today, Nintendo showed off a 2D prototype used to test ideas for Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Someone has since put up a clip on YouTube showing the tool in action. Check it out below.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild went through an interesting trial and error process to say the least. During a panel at GDC today, some of the game’s developers revealed some of the early ideas thrown around.

For one thing, Nintendo was toying around with “Hyrule Wars” and an idea in which aliens are seemingly invading. We also get a look at some… interesting designs for Link.

Nintendo tweeted out the images from the GDC panel:

Update: Nintendo just added the following on Twitter:

Original: Some of the team members behind Zelda: Breath of the Wild revealed an incredibly interesting tidbit of information about the game during a talk at GDC today. Amazingly, a 2D prototype was made so that some of the ideas could be tested. We have a couple of photos in this post.

Nintendo’s GDC session for Breath of the Wild is still ongoing. We have a live blog of sorts here.

Source 1, Source 2

Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s GDC 2017 panel is now underway. Director Hidemaro Fujibayashi, art director Satoru Takizawa and technical director Takuhiro Dohta are participating in the talk.

Those who are in attendance – including Nintendo itself – are tweeting out tidbits and photos from the event. We’ll round it all up below over the next hour or so.

At Epic Games’ GDC press conference today, a pre-recorded video aired from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime. Reggie spoke about Switch’s support of Unreal Engine 4, and how the compatibility between the two allows for new developers to make “high-quality” games for Nintendo’s new platform. for The full clip is attached below.


YouTube’s AbdallahSmash026 has offered another lengthy look at 1-2-Switch. Watch a bunch of additional footage below.


Among Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s various special editions is Europe’s Limited Edition. An unboxing video showing the full contents can be found below.

Update: Confirmed for Europe as well on the same day.

Original: Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers appears to be receiving a worldwide release on the same day. The title was just confirmed for May 26 in Japan a few hours ago, and the same date has now been shared for North America.

The official Street Fighter account tweeted out the news:


Nintendo has posted a video that finally gives us a look at the eShop on Switch. It shows the merging of Wii U and 3DS eShop funds, and confirms that you’ll be able to download games in sleep mode.

Here’s the full look at the eShop plus the “News” feature on Switch:


An image has popped up on GameFAQs showing the full map included in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It’s a clear picture, devoid of borders, markings, and annotations. Head past the break for the complete map.

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