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THQ Nordic and Yukes have released a brand new gameplay trailer for AEW: Fight Forever. Today’s video offers up another look at gameplay.

We have more information about the title in the following overview:

RWBY: Arrowfell gameplay

RWBY: Arrowfell dropped on Switch this week, and new gameplay has shown off the Switch version. A half hour of footage is available.

Further information about the title can be found in the following overview:

Live A Live update 1.0.1

A new update has been released for the remake of Live A Live on Switch with version 1.0.1 starting distribution. This follows the original launch back in July.

The new update largely includes bug fixes, including a couple of specific ones involving corrupted Mimic Mammet’s Ability data when transferring from the demo version and one preventing the ability to save at a certain point.

The full patch notes for the Live A Live version 1.0.1 update are as follows:

How to evolve Primeape into Annihilape Pokemon Scarlet Violet

Following the release of Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, we have information about how to evolve Primeape into Annihilape.

Primeape is Fighting type Pokemon with the following Abilities: Vital Spirit / Anger Point / Defiant. Meanwhile, Annihilape is a mix of Fighting and Ghost type, and has the following abilities: Vital Spirit / Inner Focus / Defiant.

Bayonetta 4 Hideki Kamiya

PlatinumGames’ Hideki Kamiya has commented on Bayonetta 4. Kamiya was a director on the first game, supervisor on the second, and supervising director on the third entry.

Kamiya’s comments came about in response to a fan question on social media, in which he said that an unexpected twist is in store. Additionally, he seems to feel that many people did not properly understand Bayonetta 3’s ending.

Keep in mind that spoiler-related information follows below.

Garfield Lasagna Party trailer

Microids has readied a new launch trailer for Garfield Lasagna Party. Just a few days ago, the game debuted on Switch.

Here’s an overview with more information:

make shiny boost sandwiches recipes Pokemon Scarlet Violet

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet have introduced picnics where you can create sandwiches, and we now have a list of recipes and more information about how to make specific ones that’ll boost the appearance of shiny Pokemon.

How to evolve Charcadet into Armarouge / Ceruledge in Pokemon Scarlet / Violet

Charcadet can turn into either Armarouge or Ceruledge in Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet, and we have the steps players can take to evolve it.

In Pokemon Scarlet, Charcadet can become Armarouge. The evolution for Pokemon Violet is Ceruledge.

Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet have finally been released on Switch, and some fans may be curious about how to evolve Finizen into Palafin. While not an overly tricky process, it looks like you’ll have to get another person involved.

Transiruby physical

Super Rare Games is teaming up with Flyhigh Works and Skipmore on a physical version of Transiruby on Switch, the company has announced.

4,000 copies will be made in total. Each unit comes with all the current content on its cart, a full-color manual, interior artwork, an exclusive sticker, and trading cards.

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