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This week’s expanded Japanese software sales are as follows:

1. [NSW] Splatoon 3 – 66,036 / 3,184,154
2. [NSW] Persona 5 Royal – 45,998 / NEW
3. [NSW] Ultra Kaiju Monster Rancher – 24,069 / NEW
4. [PS5] Gran Turismo 7 – 10,313 / 169,438
5. [NSW] Dragon Quest X Offline – 6,157 / 206,084
6. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – 5,553 / 4,878,570
7. [NSW] Minecraft – 5,431 / 2,827,274
8. [NSW] NieR: Automata The End of YoRHa Edition – 5,107 / 44,997
9. [PS5] Persona 5 Royal – 5,051 / NEW
10. [NSW] Dragon Quest X Online All In One Package version 1-6 – 5,015 / NEW

Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life trailer

Marvelous has put out a new overview trailer for Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life. The title, a remake of the GameCube original, is currently in development for Switch.

Further information can be found in the following overview:

ARK Ultimate Survivor Edition delay trailer

Original (10/21): ARK: Ultimate Survivor Edition has been delayed again, and the title will now launch in November. We don’t actually have a specific date. Studio Wildcard says it’ll be out on Switch early next month in North America with the European release happening “soon thereafter”.

ARK: Ultimate Survivor Edition was originally planned for September. After that, it was moved to October 25. We hopefully won’t be seeing any further delays.

Bayonetta 3 Jeanne, Luka, Rodin, Enzo

PlatinumGames has published another blog for Bayonetta 3, and we now have concept art and details about the design for Jeanne, Luka, Rodin, and Enzo. This follows a previous post focusing on Bayonetta herself and Viola. 

Designer Mari Shimazaki ended up sharing insight into the side characters. Read more about the approach to each one below.

Puzzle Bobble Everybubble window

Publisher ININ Games and developer Taito have narrowed down the release window for Puzzle Bobble Everybubble. The title is now confirmed for Spring 2023. Previously, a general 2023 launch window was announced.

Here’s the latest on Puzzle Bobble Everybubble, courtesy of ININ Games:

Blue Fire Void Maker DLC

The 3D platformer Blue Fire is set to receive Void Maker DLC on Switch next week, publisher Graffiti Games and developer Robi Studios have announced. It will be available on November 1, 2022.

Void Maker lets players build levels filled with giant donuts, eyeballs, dragons and more. 24 new Void levels are also included.

Kao the Kangaroo Yooka-Laylee DLC

Original: Tate Multimedia has unveiled a new collaboration for Kao the Kangaroo, as Yooka-Laylee DLC has now joined the 3D platformer. This can be accessed on Switch starting today.

Kao the Kangaroo has received a mix of free and paid DLC since launching earlier this year. Earlier this month, we saw the “Oh, Well” DLC that added bonus wells and skins. More information can be found here.

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Famitsu are as follows:

Curse of the Sea Rats character

PQube and Petoons Studio shared an update on Curse of the Sea Rats today, and we now have a closer look at the title’s characters. We’re introduced to David Douglas, Buffalo Calf, Bussa, and Akane Yamakawa.

We have bios for each one below:

R-Type Tactics I II Cosmos details

R-Type Tactics I • II Cosmos was announced for Switch yesterday, and first details have now emerged. Granzella posted information on a newly-opened website today.

Here’s the full rundown:

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