In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime said “Brazil has huge potential.”
But there are a few problems Nintendo is facing. For one thing, the Big N’s hardware typically goes for over $1,000 in Brazil, a significant price hike that plagues other technology companies as well.
This could be remedied, at least somewhat, if Nintendo were to manufacture some of its hardware directly in Brazil. While Reggie says Nintendo has considered doing so “a number of times”, the country’s manufacturing industry may not be up to the task due to a lack of technical capability. Nintendo has concerns about piracy in Brazil as well.
Nintendo has teamed up with Wayne Brady to produce a number of upcoming vignettes for Wii U and Wii Party U. GamerHubTV caught up with Brady, and asked the Whose Line Is It Anyway? performer about his favorite games, Nintendo memory, and more. He sounds pretty knowledgeable about gaming!
Need for Speed… Millionaire? Believe it or not, Criterion did indeed toy around with such a concept.
Criterion creative director Alex Ward revealed the canned idea on Twitter, which was an experiment that came about prior to Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit’s development.
Need for Speed: Millionaire would have allowed players to buy all available Supercars for you and your friends after winning a lottery. Ward said the game “was supposed to be Freeburn meets Top Gear challenges.” It was in a playable state, but Criterion only tried things out for about six months before moving on to Hot Pursuit.
Ward’s tweets in full: