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Nintendo has always been a big supporter of The Game Awards. Going back to the show’s debut, former Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime attended every single year and the company was represented on the advisory board. It’s also been home to big announcements like Bayonetta 3, Joker in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, and more.

In a recent Reddit AMA, The Game Awards creator and producer Geoff Keighley spoke further about Nintendo’s backing. Keighley revealed that late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata personally told him that the Big N would always be sure to support the show, which meant a lot to him. Keighley noted that The Game Awards wouldn’t be what it is without Iwata and Reggie.

Nintendo will host a new Feh Channel presentation for Fire Emblem Heroes tomorrow, the company has announced. It will air on February 1 (or February 2 for those in Europe).

Look for the broadcast to begin at the following times:

Several new games out came out this week on the eShop. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a look at the gallery below.

Mojang’s got another update in the works for the Switch version of Minecraft. A bunch of fixes will be implemented pertaining to crashes and performance, add-ons, and more.

Below are the full patch notes:

The latest episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta tackle some super hard Fire Emblem would you rather questions. Check out the full episode below.

IGN has provided a fresh look at the relentless action title Bloodroots. Take a look at the first eight minutes of the game below.

Niantic has shared a bunch of information regarding upcoming events for Pokemon GO. Players can expect new Team GO Rocket Special Research, a Valentine’s Day celebration, and more in February.

Here’s the full rundown from Niantic:

Publisher NekoNyan and developer Smee have announced that the comedic visual novel Fureraba: Friend to Lover will be released in the west. As of now, a specific launch date hasn’t been shared.

Here’s an overview of the title:

Nintendo has put out a new video highlighting some of the games that were added to the eShop around January 2020. Get a look at it below.

Gelato Games is bringing the retro-inspired action platformer Goblin Sword to Switch in February, according to an eShop listing. The title will be sold digitally starting February 13.

Here’s an overview of Goblin Sword, along with a trailer:

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