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Fire Emblem Warriors just came out, but GameXplain already has the ending fight and ending itself uploaded in a video. If you want to check it out you can see it below.

Robo Army was added to Switch today as the newest NeoGeo game on Switch. Take a look at some footage below.

This week’s Switch eShop charts are as follows:


1. Stardew Valley
2. Golf Story
3. Sonic Mania
4. Axiom Verge
5. Overcooked: Special Edition
6. The Flame in the Flood
7. Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition
8. SteamWorld Dig 2
9. Arcade Archives Mario Bros.
10. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
11. Picross S
12. Pokken Tournament DX
13. Zelda: Breath of the Wild
14. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
15. ACA NeoGeo Metal Slug X
16. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
17. Oxenfree
18. FIFA 18
19. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
20. Snipperclips

Source: Switch eShop


The full version of Super Mario Odyssey’s “Jump Up, Super Star!” was made available on iTunes in Japan earlier today. It seemed somewhat unlikely that other regions would be getting the same treatment, though Nintendo has surprised us.

The US release of “Jump Up, Super Star!” is now live on iTunes here. It officially confirms that Kate Davis is behind the main theme. And just like the Japanese version, it’s just over four minutes long.

Switch’s firmware update last night was notable for several reasons. It added features like video capture and the ability to transfer data, but it also included support for eShop pre-loads – like what has been on Wii U and 3DS.

In Japan, the very first pre-load option has gone live. By accessing the eShop, it’s possible to purchase Snipperclips Plus ahead of time. Doing so allows you to download most of the necessary data, with only a small update needed to begin playing at launch.

Snipperclips Plus takes up 1.1GB in case you’re curious.

Source: Switch eShop

Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find a new stage, along with some brand new items.

“Stars of the petting zoo! Fashion Farm (Sheep)” is the new stage. It includes the following:

– Fluffy sheep (hat)
– Woolly sheep outfit (top)
– Woolly sheep outfit (bottoms)
– Woolly sheep outfit (boots)

And as far as the new items go, you can nab the following:

– Bunny-ear beanie
– Hoodie Dress
– Gradient tights


Nintendo uploaded a new commercial to promote Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions on 3DS. Watch the “Best Friends” advert below.

Following up on last week’s update, Splatoon 2 has received another patch. It’s now at version 1.4.1.

It was sort of expected, but today’s update isn’t too significant. Instead of adding new functionality and making adjustments to elements like weapons, this is mainly about addressing a few issues.

Nintendo just issued two new Japanese Snipperclips Plus trailers, and we have both below. The first is an overall introduction to the game. The second is primarily aimed at those who played the original release.

Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle was updated today with some new DLC featuring Koishi Komeiji. Check out a bit of footage in the video below.

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