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Update: Bumped to the top. Added in Sunday’s updates.

Nintendo Badge Arcade has been receiving daily updates since heading to the 3DS eShop. Because it’s continually updated with content, we’re rounding up all of the additions and changes in a weekly post.

Here’s what’s on tap for the week of June 27:

June 27

– 2 Zelda: Twilight Princess HD panels (1 day left)
– 1 Zelda: Wind Waker HD panel (1 day left)
– 2 Monster Hunter icon panels
– 12 Monster Hunter panels
– 2 Super Mario Bros. icon panels
– 4 Super Mario Bros. panels
– 4 Animal Crossing icon panels
– 3 Animal Crossing panels (2 with 1 day left)
– 1 free play

Shigeru Miyamoto and Bill Trinen, senior product marketing manager of Nintendo of America, both weighed in on the Wii U games that should be given a second look while speaking with Game Informer.

Miyamoto was up first. His choice? Star Fox Zero.

About Star Fox Zero, Miyamoto had this to say:

“I think personally Star Fox is a really fun game if you sit down a play it. I think, for example, an elementary school kid who plays it without any preconceived notions, I think it would be really fun for them. I think it’s also really, really fun for siblings to play it together.”

Bill Trinen had a different pick. He went with Pikmin 3, which he feels is “the most amazing game on Wii U” and has one of the best new multiplayer mode.

My Nintendo is kicking off July with a new mission. Each time you answer the featured question on Miitomo, you’ll earn two Platinum Coins. This can be completed once per day.

You can check out all of the missions on My Nintendo here.

Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon were featured with some new footage at the Pokemon National Championships in Hong Kong today. Aside from showing the Professor Kukui/Rockruff clip from Pokenchi, Rockruff and Komala were shown battling.

At the moment, only an off-screen recording has been posted online, which we have below. If an official upload comes in, we’ll update this post.

WizByte Games, developer of the Wii U eShop game Vector Assault, has announced Chroma Blast as its next project. Based on the debut trailer, it’s about shooting objects, staying alive, and racking up high scores.

Here’s the video in question:

Chroma Blast will be available in North America on July 14 for $1.49. A European date will be announced later.


A few days ago, SEGA launched a 7th Dragon III Code: VFD on the North American 3DS eShop. A bunch of footage of the download can be watched below.

Puzzle & Dragons X launches in Japan later this month. With its release just a few weeks away, Famitsu has another article on the game this week with the latest details.

This week’s information starts with introduction of facilities in the Water City, the first city you start the game from. There are many civilians and Dragon Summoner Guild members on the island. Their conversations may change depending on story progression.

The facilities include:

1. Dragoza Communications Place

Players can trade monsters and guild cards, and receive presents from friends. It is also possible to trade between God and Dragon Chapters, so it is implied that it will be possible to trade rare monsters that are exclusive to each version.

A guild card contains the player’s max damage ever dealt to a monster, how many monsters they’ve befriended, play time, number of times they’ve used the Stone of Life, and a comment from the player. When you obtain someone else’s guild card, they become available as Puzzle Friends.

Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon were shown during this week’s episode of Pokenchi. There wasn’t anything overly substantial shown in terms of new content, though we did get another look at Professor Kukui and his Rockruff via a video chat clip. That can be viewed below.

Ubisoft EMEA boss Alain Corre recently shared some words about the NX, stating that the console could “recapture a lot of the lapsed Wii players.” Yves Guillemot, CEO of the company, has since weighed in on the new platform as well.

When asked by Game Informer if Ubisoft will be present during NX’s launch window, Guillemot responded:

“You can expect we’ll support Nintendo. Nintendo is one of the best partners in the world.”

Nintendo released Teddy Together in Europe this past Friday. Watch an hour of footage from the title below.

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