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Another three cameos have been confirmed for Hex Heroes, but this time around, they’re not from another Nintendo indie game. The folks over at Game Grumps will be playable, Prismatic Games has confirmed. Each of them will be voicing their own character.


Wondering how long today’s Super Smash Bros. Direct will be? 39 minutes, according to Nintendo of America’s live stream. Stay tuned for all of the news and announcements!

LEGO The Hobbit’s Wii U delay – first rumored by retailer listings – has now been made official. In North America, the game won’t ship until April 22, though all other versions are out today. Australia Wii U owners will be forced to wait until May 7.


Update: It’s official: if Shaq Fu hits its goal, the game will head to consoles, including Wii U. 3DS support appears to have been dropped.


Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn could end up receiving full console support for its Indiegogo campaign.

If this is something the team pursues, the game would head to Wii U, 3DS, and other platforms assuming the main goal is met. This would mean that no additional funds/stretch goals would be involved.

You can share your input by answering a one-question survey here.

Thanks to Spookoyo for the tip.

If you want to secure these limited goodies, you can pre-order here.

Throughout the Wii’s lifecycle, we saw various rip-offs of the console, many of which originated from China. We’ve moved on to Wii U now, but copycats continue to surface – like the “G20”.

Chinese online retail giant Alibaba and electronics company Xiao Bawang are teaming up to produce the new console. The system itself isn’t a complete Wii rip-off, but it does make use of a controller that possesses some blatant Wii Remote similarities.

Source, Via

If you haven’t already purchased a Wii Classic Controller or Wii Classic Controller Pro, you may want to consider doing so soon. It seems that Nintendo is no longer manufacturing both items. New stock isn’t being sent out, though you may still be able to find the two controllers at various retailers.


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