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Ultra Age Project Rebirth DLC

Publisher Dangen Entertainment, along with developers Next Stage and Visual Dart, announced today that Ultra Age is getting Rebirth Project DLC today. The content is free and adds “a significant amount of value to the game.”

Dangen Entertainment notes that “Rebirth Project is a completely new rogue-lite side game with loads of content that can be accessed from the main menu after the player has reached a certain point in the main game.” Read more about it below.

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope DLC

Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope was known to be receiving three rounds of DLC that ends with Rayman, but Ubisoft has now come forward with some additional information.

First up is Tower of Doooom, which is planned for early 2023. With this DLC, Madame Bwahstrella needs Mario, Rabbid Peach, and their friends to clean her multi-dimensional tower and save their old friend Spawny. It’ll add a new combat game mode in which players will face highly strategic battles as they make their way to the top of the Tower.

Doraemon Story of Seasons: Friends of the Great Kingdom Winter DLC

Bandai Namco and Marvelous have sent out a couple of trailers for Doraemon Story of Seasons: Friends of the Great Kingdom. Along with a video celebrating the game’s launch, we also have one for the first DLC titled “Winter Life”.

The first wave of DLC arrives in time for release later this week. It features five outfits for Nobita and Friends, eight types of furniture, and one mini story.

Grime Colors of Rot

New DLC has been revealed for Grime titled Colors of Rot, and it’s been confirmed for Switch. As of now there’s no word on a release window.

Here’s some additional information, courtesy of publisher Akupara Games and developer Clover Bite:

Blue Fire Void Maker DLC

The 3D platformer Blue Fire is set to receive Void Maker DLC on Switch next week, publisher Graffiti Games and developer Robi Studios have announced. It will be available on November 1, 2022.

Void Maker lets players build levels filled with giant donuts, eyeballs, dragons and more. 24 new Void levels are also included.

Kao the Kangaroo Yooka-Laylee DLC

Original: Tate Multimedia has unveiled a new collaboration for Kao the Kangaroo, as Yooka-Laylee DLC has now joined the 3D platformer. This can be accessed on Switch starting today.

Kao the Kangaroo has received a mix of free and paid DLC since launching earlier this year. Earlier this month, we saw the “Oh, Well” DLC that added bonus wells and skins. More information can be found here.

Marvel's Midnight Suns DLC

Marvel’s Midnight Suns will have a good amount of characters in the base game, but even more are planned via the game’s DLC season pass. It was revealed today that Deadpool, Venom, Morbius, and Storm will all be added to the title.

These four characters will be offered in DLC packs. Each pack also contains new story missions, a new upgrade for the Abbey, and a selection of new skins and outfits.

Here’s a rundown of the different DLC characters:

Wingspan Oceania Expansion

Monster Couch isn’t finished with Wingspan, as the studio today unveiled a brand new Oceania Expansion for the game. Information regarding the launch date and price will be shared at a later date.

With the DLC, players can learn about birds from around Australia and New Zealand. All-new resources and mechanics will also be available.

Here’s everything you need to know:

JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle R Risotto Nero

Bandai Namco has shared a bit of news about Risotto Nero in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R with a release date and trailer.

The DLC character is now confirmed to be dropping next week. Most players will have access starting on October 28, but if you have the season pass, he’ll be going live a couple of days earlier on October 26 instead.

Resident Evil Village Gold Edition story trailer

Capcom has provided a new look at the Gold Edition and Winters’ Expansion DLC for Resident Evil Village. As a reminder, the game itself is set to arrive on Switch next week.

Resident Evil Gold Edition is highlighted by three features. It includes a new third-person mode, Mercenaries Additional Orders with new playable characters and stages, and Shadows of Rose that continues the story of Ethan’s daughter, Rosemary.

Here’s some additional information:

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