It’s the perfect time to give EarthBound Beginnings a chance
Posted on 3 months ago by Ethan in Features, Switch | 0 comments
By now, just about everyone involved in the Nintendo sphere knows or has heard about EarthBound in some way, shape, or form. The game went on to inspire many of today’s popular indie titles, and it’s since become a cult classic among its fans. EarthBound – which is actually the second game in its series – was released in the United States in 1995. It didn’t sell very well, however, thanks at least in part to a poor marketing campaign. It turns out, selling your game with the tagline “this game stinks” doesn’t make people more likely to buy your product!
More: EarthBound, EarthBound Beginnings, highlight, top
Examining the pros and cons of a Mother 3 localization
Posted on 1 year ago by Ethan in Features, GBA | 0 comments
The past couple of months have been both great and terrible for EarthBound fans. On one hand, we’ve received so much — a huge wave of Porky merchandise and plushes, a bunch of EarthBound icons for Nintendo Switch Online profiles, and even a release of Mother 3 on the Switch’s Game Boy Advance lineup. The problem is that Mother 3 release was only in Japan.
There’s a lot of discussion surrounding a potential Mother 3 localization – it seems to become a talking point every few years, mainly around the game’s anniversary in April. Though there are far more reasons why Nintendo wouldn’t want to release Mother 3 in the west, there are a couple of (admittedly quite hopeful) reasons that a localization is still possible. Today, we’re breaking down all of the reasons why. We’ll be discussing some light spoilers here, so if for some reason you’re avoiding them, please keep that in mind before you continue reading.
More: EarthBound, highlight, Mother, Mother 3, top
Five Nintendo franchises that would make for a great movie
Posted on 2 years ago by Bryce(@brodee922) in Features, General Nintendo | 0 comments
The Mario movie is coming out next year and while very little is known about it, its delay in April hasn’t given Nintendo fans a lot of confidence in the production. Of course, it’s too early to tell if it will be a good movie or not, but what is interesting to discuss is what other Nintendo properties would be good movies.
When we consider this, it’s fair to ask – what makes a “good” movie? Is it the plot, memorable characters, an amazing soundtrack, or lots of Morbin’? I would say all that helps (especially the Morbin’), but when it comes to conceptualizing a movie from a video game, there’s a greater thing to consider: how does the core premise fits into a cinematic wrapper?
Turning Red’s look was influenced by Pokemon, EarthBound, Zelda
Posted on 2 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Domee Shi, the director of Pixar / Disney’s Turning Red movie, was able to find some inspiration from some notable Nintendo games like Pokemon.
Growing up, she played Pokemon and Zelda on devices such as the Game Boy Color and DS Lite. Shi was limited to handheld systems as her parents didn’t exactly approve of her hobby. But since they were portable, she could continue playing games by hiding them under her pillow longer than her parents allowed.
EarthBound director Shigesato Itoi shares message for Switch Online launch
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
EarthBound and EarthBound Beginnings finally dropped on Nintendo Switch Online today. Shigesato Itoi, the original director, shared a message to celebrate the news.
Below are his words:
EarthBound, EarthBound Beginnings coming to Switch Online today
Posted on 3 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
EarthBound and EarthBound Beginnings are both joining Nintendo Switch Online today, it’s been announced. These will release on the SNES and NES apps respectively.
Here’s the official overview from Nintendo:
More: EarthBound, EarthBound Beginnings, top
EarthBound vinyl soundtrack pre-orders open
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
We recently reported that EarthBound – otherwise known as Mother 2 – will be getting a vinyl soundtrack in Japan. Pre-orders have now opened.
The Mother 2 soundtrack includes 24 songs from the game. The full listing of tracks is as follows:
More: EarthBound, pre-order
Lots of photos of the new Mother shop in Japan
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Images | 0 comments
Hobonichi recently set up new Mother shops in Japan based on the EarthBound series. A location previously opened in Osaka for a couple of weeks, followed by another in Tokyo, which will close on December 27.
If you’re an EarthBound series, you’ll find that these shops are almost like treasure troves. There’s a slew of merchandise to pick up such as Mother: The Complete Scripts, plushies, jewelry, and more.
Many fans – especially ones in the west – probably won’t be able to make it to these limited-time shops. However, Twitter user masato_furuya did share a whole bunch of photos a few days ago. We’ve rounded them up below.
More: EarthBound
Mother: The Complete Scripts releasing in Japan this month
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
Just in time for Christmas comes another piece of Mother merchandise from Hobonichi. In Japan, Mother: The Complete Scripts is slated for December 25.
Mother: The Complete Scripts features every quote and message from all three Mother games, including all variations from dialogue branches and item explanations. Also included are unique quotes from each platform release.
Here’s a trailer promoting the upcoming release:
More: EarthBound
EarthBound getting vinyl soundtrack in Japan
Posted on 4 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
EarthBound, also known as Mother 2, is continuing to receive new merchandise. It’s now been revealed that the game’s soundtrack will be offered in an analog vinyl record format.
The soundtrack features two discs with 24 songs from the game. Much of the music will be recorded from the SNES audio source, but the last three songs in the second disc will be PSI Mix arrangements of “Room Number,” “Hula Hoop,” and “ANOTHER 2.”
The EarthBound vinyl soundtrack releases in Japan on February 10, 2021. The Sony Music Shop has pre-orders for 5,500 yen.