Nintendo Everything comic #8: Readers, we choose you (part 3)
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Comics | 7 Comments
We’re back with a new comic after last week’s hiatus of sorts! We’re also returning Ted and Bowser’s adventure. So where did they end up? Let’s take a look…
[Let’s Talk] Pokemon Sun/Moon starters and more
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Let's Talk | 12 Comments
Short site update I want to sneak in here: we still have a comic coming this weekend, and it should be up tomorrow. Don’s been very busy, but he’s working extremely hard. We appreciate your patience!
It took a few months, but we finally saw the first gameplay trailer for Pokemon Sun/Moon this week. The world was shown, the mascots and boxarts were unveiled, a release date was announced, and… we have a first look at the new starter Pokemon! They are Rowlen, Litten, and Popplio.
What’s everyone making of Pokemon Sun/Moon thus far? Have you already decided on the starter you’ll be going with? Since we’ve seen the legendaries, do you have a better idea about which version you’ll be buying (or both)? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
Highlights from last week’s topic: What are you playing? – May 2016
[Let’s Talk] What are you playing? – May 2016
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Let's Talk | 30 Comments
A new month is here! We entered May last week, so that means we want to know what you’ve been playing. Have you started up something entirely new for the month? Or maybe you’re continuing something you started a little while back? Whatever the case, let us know in the comments below!
Highlights from last week’s topic: This week’s big Nintendo news
[Review] Pocket Card Jockey
Posted on 8 years ago by Jakob Vujovic(@jakovujo) in 3DS eShop, Reviews | 3 Comments
System: 3DS (eShop)
Release date: May 5, 2016
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher Nintendo
You’re playing solitaire, managing RPG stats, strategically maneuvering an adorable little stumpy-leg horse. As disparate as these elements seem, they manage to meld into a single cohesive experience with every little initially convoluted wrinkle feeding into another system, looping around and creating a uniquely addictive experience. I haven’t ever wanted to play a racehorse management sim governed by the rules of solitaire, but I’m sure glad I did. I guess what’s most surprising is that some madman somehow crafted these distinct gameplay elements into one of the more engaging 3DS games.
More: Game Freak, highlight, Pocket Card Jockey, top
Nintendo Everything comic #7: Majora’s Mask – secret origins
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Comics, General Nintendo | 21 Comments
Our new comic for the week can be found below, which is a one-shot featuring Eiji Aonuma and The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask! We’ll be back next week with the choose your own adventure-styled comic.
Want to catch up on our previous comics? Simply visit this page!
[Let’s Talk] This week’s big Nintendo news
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Let's Talk, Switch, Wii U | 76 Comments
In just a matter of minutes, Nintendo made major announcements about the NX, the new Zelda game, its E3 2016 plans, and next mobile titles on Wednesday. Now that the dust has settled, it’s take to look back on the news and talk about it all.
Here’s a recap of everything:
– NX: not releasing this holiday as many expected, but will instead launch globally in March 2017; unveiling later this year
– Zelda: the new game is coming to both NX and Wii U; delayed to 2017 for a simultaneous launch on both platforms
– E3 2016: no NX at E3, Zelda will be the only playable title
– Mobile: Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing games coming this fall; the latter will connect “with the world of Animal Crossing for dedicated gaming systems”
Now it’s time to talk about the big news! How’s everyone absorbing the various announcements? I think for me, the most surprising thing is that Zelda is the only playable Nintendo game at E3. We’ve never really seen anything like that before. I do sort of wonder why Paper Mario: Color Splash isn’t going to be there, and we won’t be seeing anything on 3DS which seems slightly odd as well.
Nintendo Everything comic #6: Readers, we choose you (part 2)
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Comics | 44 Comments
After our one-shot with Miyamoto, we’re returning to the “choose your own” adventure we started with Ted a couple of weeks ago. We asked you guys to help us in deciding where to take the comic, and the winning submission was… Bowser, as suggested by Jordan Fricks. We ultimately selected Bowser as we felt it would work best with the story.
Here’s the second part of the comic (click for full size):

And now we want your feedback again! Which Nintendoverse should Ted and Bowser end up in? Let us know in the comments below, and we’ll be back soon with the next part of the story!
[Let’s Talk] Thoughts on Star Fox Zero
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk, Wii U | 32 Comments
Let’s Talk #46: Thoughts on Star Fox Zero
Following a half-year delay, Star Fox Zero has finally launched on Wii U. The game just came out in all territories this week. Most of you have probably seen the critical reception at this point, but each person’s experience is their own.
For those of you who have managed to get some time in with Star Fox Zero, what are your impressions thus far? Are you enjoying it, or are you disappointed? The controls have been a big topic of discussions, so how are you finding those. Please share your thoughts with us in the comments below!
Highlights from last week’s topic: What are you playing? – April 2016
[Review] Star Fox Zero
Posted on 8 years ago by Vincent Ward in Reviews, Wii U | 19 Comments
System: Wii U
Release date: April 22, 2016
Developer: Nintendo / PlatinumGames
Publisher Nintendo
Over the years we’ve seen the Star Fox series take many new directions in its style of gameplay simply to shake things up from standard air combat. Whether it be shooting rocket launchers in a battlefield or saving a planet of dinosaurs, Fox McCloud has done it all. Now, with Star Fox Zero, Nintendo has finally decided to reconnect with the series’ roots in an attempt to build upon the formula that worked so well in the series’ origins.
More: highlight, PlatinumGames, Star Fox Zero, top
[Review] Star Fox Guard
Posted on 8 years ago by Philip(@P_Trah) in Reviews, Wii U | 4 Comments
System: Wii U
Release date: April 22, 2016
Developer: Nintendo / PlatinumGames
Publisher Nintendo
During E3 2014, Nintendo showed off a couple of demos that were meant to highlight some of the more unique uses of the Wii U GamePad. Two years later, fans would hear nothing about either of them until the March Nintendo Direct of this year where it was announced that one of the demos, Project Guard, had been completed. Enter Star Fox Guard, a companion game to coincide with the release of the newest entry in the Star Fox series, Star Fox Zero. Nintendo’s spin-off games of popular franchises have proven to be hit-or-miss over the years, so just how well does this title fare?