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Once upon a time I mentioned how Comcast played a role in canceling one of our podcasts because they made Laura’s internet go away. This week, another American corporation has disrupted our regular flow of feces-like podcasting content to you, but thankfully Xcel Energy’s mishandling of my electrical power only succeeding in delaying the podcast rather than outright canceling it. It’s an exciting show though, because Laura is back in Minneapolis so we’ve recorded our first in-person show since episode 103! Here are today’s chapters:


1) Opening
2) Picture of the Day
3) Game of the Week: Super Mario Land!

What we played

4) Laura’s a’rumblin’. (Pokémon Rumble World)
5) Story of Sadness. (Story of Seasons)
6) Story of Seasons Spoilers Skip-Mark
7) Shepard is not a smart man. (Mass Effect)
8) ProPay develops new Streetpass games for Laura.
9) Donkey Kong Country 2 vs. Super Mario World, a retrospective featurette.

Shenanigans Redux

10) Freetures (the only free part of the podcast)
11) Donkey Kong Country 3 musical interlude

Listener Mail

12) Mario & Luigi is good?
13) New 3DS transfer process and other woes.
14) Are cinematic games taking over? Will they always suck so bad?
15) Comedian corner.

Shenanigans Finale

16) Super Mario Land Quiz
17) Ending sequence and staff roll.

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The newest installment on the Wii U breathes life into a series that was quickly losing its charm and magic

The illustrious Mario Kart is a series that’s been around since SNES and has touched the hearts of millions across the globe with its simplistic-yet-addictive and sometimes-competitive gameplay. We’ve seen the series grow exponentially in features and gimmicks with each new generational entry, but there’s always been one thing in particular that they’ve all had in common that was causing the series to dwindle in its excitement and keeping it from its full potential: speed.

Now, just to be clear, I’ve always loved and will continue to love Mario Kart. It’s held a special place in my heart since I first played it as a child on the Nintendo 64, but as I’ve grown and watched it evolve with each new entry, whether handheld or console, my interest in Mario Kart began to tank, specifically after Double Dash!!. I didn’t have any animosity towards the series (except for Mario Kart Wii) – it’ll always be in a league of its own – but as I began to delve into other racing games across various platforms, quickly becoming one of my favorite genres, it was hard to go back to Mario Kart expecting an immersive, adrenaline-fueled experience games like Burnout, Need for Speed, Extreme G Racing, or F-Zero would give me. After a while, even games that had the same power-up/items mechanics it had like Wipeout, Blur, Split/Second and, in a more obscure sense, Twisted Metal started to feel superior to Mario Kart. I’d still go back and play Double Dash!! and 64 from time to time with friends, but despite the merriment of the occasion, I couldn’t play more than twenty minutes at a time before wanting to go to sleep. The excitement was lost for me. I preferred to watch from a distance.

There was lots of Nintendo news this week, including the announcements of Monster Hunter Stories and Project X Zone 2. Brian and Daan talk about both of these games, along with the new Mario Kart 8 DLC tracks, Smash Bros., and more!


Brian’s Twitter
Daan’s Twitter

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Update 2: Latest winners announced! Congratulations to NintendCoo, TheOfficialBert, and thecerealwizard.

Update: Our winner is in! Congratulations to 1upGoomba.

The Mewtwo festivities aren’t over though! Thanks to Dingledots and an anonymous giver, we have three more codes (2 3DS, 1 Wii U) to hand out. Enter the Wii U giveaway here, and the 3DS giveaway here.

Reader mrsujano was kind enough to give us a Mewtwo DLC code for Smash Bros. Wii U. That means it’s time for a new giveaway!

Entering is very simple, though you’ll need a Twitter account. We’ll choose a random winner based on those who are following us on Twitter and re-tweet this post. It will be a quick giveaway, as we’re choosing a winner tomorrow.

Good luck!

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Let’s Talk #4: The future of 3D Mario games

3D Mario platformers have done quite a bit since Super Mario 64 launched for the N64 back in 1996. We’ve seen Mario leap into paintings, explore a tropical island, and even travel through space. Super Mario 3D World, the series’ latest entry, also allowed for four-player multiplayer for the first time in a 3D Mario game.

So what’s next? Where do new 3D Mario games go from here? That’s the topic for this week’s Let’s Talk!

If I’m being completely honest, I’d want to see Super Mario Galaxy 3 above anything else. I absolutely adored the Galaxy games on Wii, and would be very interested to see what Nintendo could do with the idea on another console.

That’s not to say I’m against other possibilities! Actually, I’d also be open to another game like Super Mario 64. I feel like a lot of people would love to see a sequel to that game, or something that follows a similar sort of path.

The one thing I absolutely don’t want is another game like Super Mario 3D World. I did like Super Mario 3D Land on 3DS (a lot!), and thought World was pretty good. But now I’d like for Nintendo to move on from that overall type of game.

And now it’s your turn! Where do you want to see 3D Mario platformers go from here? Do you have any ideas for new titles? Sound off in the comments section, and be sure to check out some of your highlights from last week’s topic below!

Last week’s topic: Which Wii games do you want to see on New 3DS?


If Kirby’s Return to Dreamland happened, I might consider purchasing it. Otherwise, if the Wii game isn’t something that’s hard to find, I really don’t care to see any ports. They need to catch up on N64 and GCN first.


Something that allows for short intensive bursts gameplay wise. I don´t know maybe Galaxy, MadWorld, Muramasa or something like that


If they make a port of Pandora’s Tower and The Last Story, then i’ll buy the New 3DS in a heartbeat.

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What an episode have we got for you here today on this episode of the show on our website. If you like Donkey Kong Country 3 you should skip listener mail because Jack gets incredibly critical of it, going so far as to call it a game Rare must have developed during their bathroom breaks. Still, Austin has impressions of Affordable Space Adventures, so that should make up for it. Unless he’s right.

I suspect he is. Here are today’s chapters:


1) Picture of the Day.
2) Game of the Week: Zoda’s Revenge: Star Tropics 2!

What we played

3) Austin needs no qualifications for space adventures. (Affordable Space Adventures)
4) Jack dedicated himself to tears. (MOTHER 3)
5) Austin walks through the valley of the shadow of death (Super Ghouls n Ghosts wrap-up)

Shenanigans Redux

6) Freetures (Because they’re free)
7) Mighty Switch Force music break

Listener Mail

8) Donkey Kong Country 3 is Rare’s “bathroom break” game, according to Jack.
9) Would we be down for more clay?
10) Project H.A.M.M.E.R., Halo DS, and more: Our favorite cancelled games.
11) Why is Art Academy for Wii U taking so long?
12) Diarrhea-like random questions.

Shenanigans Finale

13) Zoda’s Revenge QUIZ QUIZ
14) Ending fanfare

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There are two big topics that receive the focus in this week’s Just a Chat: Level-5’s Vision event – which had plenty of 3DS announcements – and LEGO Dimensions. Aside from that, Daan and I discuss the latest Xenoblade Chronicles X presentation, lack of voice chat in Splatoon, and this week’s “Let’s Talk” topic.


Brian’s Twitter
Daan’s Twitter

Share your thoughts about Wii games you want on the New 3DS here!

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Let’s Talk #3: Which Wii games do you want to see on New 3DS?

It’s a big day for the New 3DS. Xenoblade Chronicles 3D is available in North America (though it launched last week in Europe in Japan), which means the system has its first “exclusive”.

I can’t begin to tell you how excited I was when Nintendo announced Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. You see, the original Wii title ended up being one of my favorite games of all time. I also love being able to play games in a portable format so I can take them wherever I go. It was the perfect match! As much as I appreciate brand new games, ports/remakes here and there aren’t a problem I feel.

So here we are. Xenoblade Chronicles 3D, originally a console game on Wii, is now in portable form on New 3DS. That begs the question: could similar games receive the same treatment in the future? That’s where this week’s topic comes in!

Here are a few of my thoughts:

There are a few titles that I’d be interesting in seeing on the New 3DS. I’ll talk a tiny bit about my selections below.

– Okami – I was pretty disappointed when Okami HD was announced, only to see that Capcom wasn’t bringing it to the PlayStation Vita. So… how about the New 3DS?! That would give me an opportunity to play it on a handheld!
– Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 – Like Xenoblade, these two are among the best games I’ve ever played. I would totally welcome New 3DS ports/remakes!
– The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess – right up there as one of my favorite Zeldas. Having it on New 3DS would give me another opportunity to play through the game once again.

Now I want to hear from you! Is there any particular game – or games – from the Wii era that you’d like to see brought over to the New 3DS? Sound off in the comments section, and be sure to check out some of your highlights from last week’s topic below!

Last week’s topic: Thoughts on the April 2015 Nintendo Direct


I was pretty pleased overall! I really appreciate that they keep adding on to the games that I already own. I’m really excited for both mario kart and smash updates and DLC. Splatoon is huge on my radar, and I can’t wait for either fire emblem game that was shown. I don’t currently have anything really like SMTxFE on my Wii U, so it is a welcome change from normal FE play style. The new amiibos are looking good, and I’m already so deep in that I can’t help but get them all (though I missed out on Greninja so far). Overall, I really enjoyed it.


As a 3DS owner, I wasn’t really expecting too many announcements as I think majority of the 3DS library will be localizations this year and that would obviously be left for E3. There’s really not much left in terms of first party unless they come up with some more wacky stuff like Tomodachi (which would be awesome).

I like MewTwo’s new final smash and bringing Lucas back was cool too. That yoshi amiibo was too awesome and I like what I’m seeing from Fire Emblem if but I’m glad it’s not coming out until next year (It took me 50 hours to beat awakening and I’m a little burnt out). I’m glad they listened to the fans about Codename Steam and will speed up enemy turns.

I like the way SMT X Fire Emblem looks but that’s moreso because I am not familiar with SMT games. I’ve always preferred Awakening, Persona and Etrian Odyssey so I’m use to the anime style by now. People have said that they saw some Awakening characters in the trailer though and if you look at the battle parts, you’ll notice little symbols by the fighters which seems to dictate their FE classes.

I’m going to need a little information on that Animal Crossing game since I can’t really tell how big it’s going to be. on the one hand it seems like an eshop game but it might not be.

Overall it was a pretty solid direct considering E3 is so close. I’m looking forward to the Level 5 event Tuesday and this is usually the time of year developers start announcing games out of nowhere (looking at you Atlus). Am I the only one hoping we’ll hear about that Great Detective Pikachu game? I haven’t forgotten about that guys!

And here are a few highlights from last week’s topic! These all come from you guys.


It was pretty decent. People seem to be blowing it out of proportion though. Like it was good.. but not that good! Very weird to see nothing more on ‘X’ at all. No more on Devils
Third either!! In terms of new stuff / announcements there wasn’t much of it- but I agree with you Brian, all the new announcements will be made at e3 which is just around the corner. I also gotta say although I am mostly interested in Wii U…it’s disappointing to see the 3DS almost completely neglected. We’ve had a good pace of releases up until now but what’s coming next? We’ve got quite a lot of confirmed first party Wii U titles coming but virtually no 3DS ones.

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System: 3DS
Release: March 31, 2015
Developer: Marvelous AQL
Publisher: XSEED Games

Author: Kirara

Story of Seasons is a farming simulation game that was created by the same development team that has worked on past Harvest Moon releases, and if you’ve played a entry in that series, it will only take a moment to realize that Story of Seasons is by all means a successor in all but name. For all intents and purposes, it should have been called as such, but licensing issues prevented that from happening. I myself never played any of the Harvest Moon titles, and to be completely honest I have never really been a fan of simulation games; they’ve always intrigued me but it was never enough to inspire me to play one, with exception to my secret obsession Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

Now I must say: after four seasons into my year one with Story of Seasons, I am exhausted! The game’s description is “farming simulation”, but that cannot be farther from the truth; it should really be considered part of the “everything simulation” genre. You are not only a farmer, but a carpenter, cook, designer, animal caregiver and breeder, landscaper, horticulturist… you probably get the point by now.

Giving this a bump to the top. All emails that have been sent in have been responded to!

Kira is lessening her role on the site slightly to pursue some new opportunities and free up time. Because of that, we have a spot open for a news writer!

We’re looking for someone who can cover Nintendo Everything two days each week (between Monday and Friday) at the following times:

1:30 AM PT – 4:30 AM PT
4:30 AM ET – 7:30 AM ET
9:30 AM GMT+1 – 12:30 AM GMT+1
6:30 PM GMT+10 – 9:30 PM GMT+10

When joining the team, you’d initially pick the days that you’d be responsible for, though you’d need to stick with them. If you select Mondays and Wednesdays, we’d count on you being available during those days each week.

Please note that this is a non-paying position. I’d love to compensate our writers, and I feel awful that I can’t… but I just don’t have the means to do so. At all.

… anyway, I’ll also mention that you would only be responsible for news coverage, but your role could expand into areas such as reviews and features – depending on your interest of course!

I’m probably forgetting something, but I think that’s it! If you’re interested, send an email here and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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