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Tadpole Treble debuted on Steam at the beginning of May. Now Wii U owners are curious as to when the game will appear on the eShop.

Earlier this month, developer BitFinity provided an update on Kickstarter. There’s unfortunately been a bit of an issue with one of Tadpole Treble’s features, which has been causing issues with lot check and a later-than-anticipated release. It seems that the functionality has been cut for the time being, but BitFinity hopes to add it in later through an update.

The full notice from BitFinity reads:

Of course, the question in mind for many of you is regarding the Wii U version’s release date. To be straight up, we’re having quite a bit of difficulty passing through lot check, and it turns out that one of our extra features has been making this task particularly difficult. Unfortunately, this may result in us having to cut that feature for the Wii U version, although we’re already attempting to find a way to patch it back in post-release! But since it’s a major reason why it’s taken the Wii U version longer to get through, we had to make a difficult decision on whether to delay the game further, or just try to work it in as a patch so that people can still play the game sooner.

Here’s the good news: it’s still happening. It might be coming in Summer 2016 instead of Spring now, but we’re still making it our biggest priority. I’m a Wii U owner and lifelong Nintendo fan, and I know the sting of companies (or Kickstarters!) canceling the Nintendo version out of the blue. We’re not going to do that to you! The Wii U will have Tadpole Treble. I didn’t come this far to not have my game on a Nintendo system, by gum! WE’RE MAKING IT HAPPEN. NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT DETERIORATES OUR SANITY!!


Update (6/27): Bumped to the top. MixedBag Games sent out a few more tweets, confirming cross-buy with Wii U.

Original (6/26): MixedBag Games recently brought Futuridium EP Deluxe to Wii U, with a New 3DS version planned for the near future. The studio is also still working on forma.8, which is now confirmed for New 3DS as well. If that wasn’t enough, a game for all 3DS systems is planned as well.

MixedBag told one fan on Twitter today:


Nostatic Software is bringing one of its prior releases to the Wii U eShop. Last week, the indie developer shared a photo of Block Zombies on the GamePad.

Here’s an overview of Block Zombies:

In a world gone wrong, one girl stands alone. Alone, but not unarmed!

Strange crystalline structures have turned the populace into mindless, zombie-like creatures.

Explore a variety of environments and upgrade your arsenal as you take on the zombies and blow them into their constituent blocky bits.

Fight the Zombies! Stop the Infection! Save the Day!

And a trailer:


ZeNfA Productions, developer of ZaciSa’s Last Stand, is revealing its next game exclusively to Nintendo Everything today. The indie studio is readying “Hot Rod Racer”, which is coming very soon to the Wii U eShop.

Hot Rod Racer is what you’d expect based on the title: a racing arcade game. ZeNfA shared the following overview with us:

The year is 199X. The world’s most dangerous racing competition has been created: the F-Ze… er, I mean the INFINITRACK GP! Created by – oh, I don’t know, some nefarious corporation I suppose – it stretches on indefinitely and has never been completed by ANYONE. Of course, that hasn’t stopped thousands of thrill-seekers from attempting to conquer it every day on their shiny new bikes and in their speedy new hot rods, and on this day in particular you too take it upon yourself to join those who have etched their names in the halls of glory by challenging this course yourself. There’s just one problem… you’ve somehow managed to get onto the track driving the wrong way! But hey, a couple of head-on collisions never hurt anybody, right? (Don’t quote me on that.) Choose your vehicle, give it a paint job and some upgrades, and see how far you can make it on the Infinitrack! This is Hot Rod Racer!

Hot Rod Racer will offer unlimited racing, multiple vehicles, and four different environments. In terms of features, it’ll boast online and local leaderboards, rewards and unlocks, Miiverse stamps, and off-TV play.

Here’s the first trailer:

Hot Rod Racer is planned for release in July (possibly July 21) across North America, Europe, and Australia. The game will cost $2.99 / €2.99 / £2.69, with a 15 percent discount planned during the first week.

Lake Lodge Games has produced a new video showing off progress made to Sushi Princess. Below, you can see what’s been added in terms of levels and mechanics.

Intropy Games has confirmed a release date for Prism Pets, its next Wii U eShop release. The game will be out in just a few days – June 30 to be exact. Presumably, that date only applies to North America.

Here’s the news from Intropy’s Twitter account:


Invanoid footage

Posted on 7 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments

RCMADIAX will be bringing Invanoid to the Wii U eShop next Thursday. Take a look at some footage from the indie title below.

Rubik’s Cube is out on the eShop today in North America and Europe for both Wii U and 3DS. Watch the launch trailer below.

Yacht Club Games posted a new blog today that covers the upcoming Specter Knight campaign from Shovel Knight in-depth. You can see some animated images and a rundown of the character’s different moves here.

As for when the Specter Knight campaign is launching, that’s still unknown at this point. Yacht Club is currently working on all campaigns at once – Specter Knight and King Knight – plus Body Swap and Battle Mode features.

Here’s the rundown from Yacht Club:

When Shovel Knight originally kicked off we focused entirely on making the original Shovel Knight campaign the absolute best! It’s the game we originally pitched and knew we wanted to spend all of our efforts and energy polishing the core campaign. After release, we gathered everyone’s impressions before cracking open the game once more to brew up Plague of Shadows! Plague Knight was a chance to build upon and deliver all new story, characters, and playstyle. We made many iterations (threw out a lot of ideas), and learned some great lessons on how best to extend and change up the existing Shovel Knight game world.

With that experience fresh in our minds, the team here is now working on all remaining campaigns and updates at once! That means Specter Knight, King Knight, Body Swap, and Battle Mode (for PC and consoles). That’s a lot more game — and it should arrive sooner than the wait between Shovel Knight and Plague Knight. Creating these updates simultaneously will allow us to plan more cohesively. How levels change between the two characters, how much time is needed for new mechanics/systems, stories interweaving, and so on. Once we’re nearing completion on one set of updates, we’ll be switching our focus to a single campaign to make sure it’s polished for release. Then we’ll be doing the same by switching to the next campaign! Here are some answers to the most frequent questions:

HullBreach Studios has pinned down a release date for SDK Paint version 4. The new update is currently scheduled for June 23.

The upcoming update will bring about a host of new features. HullBeach covers it all in the official Miiverse post below.


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