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Nintendo movie adaptations

Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto has discussed why Nintendo has been hesitant to have its games adapted into movies.

To say this is a field that Nintendo hasn’t explored much would be an understatement. After taking Mario to the big screen with a live action film in 1993, the company hasn’t done much with other adaptations. That finally changed this week with The Super Mario Bros. Movie, which was created in partnership with Illumination.

Nintendo Illumination movies

The Super Mario Bros. Movie marks the first collaboration between Nintendo and Illumination. The two sides haven’t announced any additional projects, but it’s likely that their partnership will continue in the future.

Recently, Screen Rant spoke with Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto and Illumination’s Chris Meladandri. Miyamoto noted how he’s “sure we will continue working on this partnership.” Meladandri also brought up how he’s a part of the board of directors at Nintendo and mentioned that “we’re working together into the future with me in that capacity.”

Shigeru Miyamoto violent games

Speaking with Variety, Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto clarified that he’s not against shooters and violent video games.

Some have had the perception that the Mario creator is opposed to violence in these types of experiences. That’s not the case, but Miyamoto feels it’s his “mission to find other ways to make an interesting and fun game.” When it comes to Mario, he’s “a character that never hurts other people”.

Miyamoto’s full words:

Zelda Tears Kingdom Kirby Forgotten Land

With Kirby and the Forgotten Land marking the series’ first true attempt at 3D gameplay, some have compared it to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in the sense that it took a new direction for the franchise. Kirby director Shinya Kumazaki has now shared his thoughts on this.

Speaking with IGN, Kumazaki stated:

mr driller drill puzzle

Hideo Yoshizawa, who previously worked on the Mr. Driller series, has said that he has ideas for the franchise that go beyond the puzzle genre.

“I would like to make one if I was given the opportunity,” Yoshizawa told Retro Gamer when asked why Namco didn’t expand the universe into other types of games like platformers. “I actually have some ideas, such as making various vehicles move using the drill or flying though the skies by putting an airscrew on his drill.”

Star Fox crew name origins

Dylan Cuthbert, a programmer and director for the Star Fox series, has spoken about how the names of the crew were decided. This was shared in a special 30th anniversary celebration video.

Cuthbert shared the following:

Christ Pratt Mario movie casting

A lot has been made about Chris Pratt voicing Mario in The Super Mario Bros. Movie. As the lead of the film, nailing that character and choosing the right actor for the role is one of the most important aspects of the whole project.

Aaron Horvath, one of the directors on The Super Mario Bros. Movie, recently explained why Pratt landed the role of Mario. He told Total Film magazine that it “made total sense” and he’s “really good at playing a blue-collar hero with a ton of heart.”

Mario popularity

When you think about games and the most popular characters in the medium, Mario has to be there as one of the top choices. He’s been around for decades, in multiple titles and genres – and now he’s even getting his own animated movie.

So what’s been behind Mario’s long-term popularity? Shigeru Miyamoto, the character’s creator, recently shared some thoughts.

In an interview with NPR, Shigeru Miyamoto was asked about what Nintendo will be like when he’s gone. But in his view, he doesn’t think much will change.

Miyamoto explained to the outlet that many people within the company – including those who work on Mario games – “all have this sense of what it means to be Nintendo.” He also pointed out how many new ideas often have the essence of Nintendo.

Miyamoto’s full words:

Shigeru Miyamoto story

Over the years, Shigeru Miyamoto has been painted as a developer who isn’t interested in having stories be a central part of his games. Some have taken it a step further and believe that he’s openly against them.

Mario, the most well-known franchise Miyamoto created, has generally been about gameplay with the plot being almost non-existent. Even with a franchise like The Legend of Zelda, the story hasn’t exactly been front and center.

In an interview with IGN, Miyamoto was able to clarify his stance. He mentioned how it’s not about complex stories being unnecessary, but another aspect is “to focus on a gameplay experience that gets you to try things over and over again.”

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