Tasukete Tako-San: Save me Mr Tako creator wants to bring the game to New 3DS
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, New Nintendo 3DS, News | 0 comments
Tasukete Tako-San: Save me Mr Tako is coming to Wii U, but a 3DS version hasn’t been announced thus far. Thanks to the announcement of Unity support for the New 3DS, that could change in the future.
Creator Christophe Galati indicated to Always Nintendo that he is “really hoping” to make Tasukete Tako-San: Save me Mr Tako for 3DS at some point. Wii U was chosen as his main option because “3DS wasn’t a viable option at the time”, though being able to run Unity on Nintendo’s newest handheld would remedy the situation.
Galati’s full words are as follows:
Yeah, when I heard that news I was really happy. The whole reason for choosing to bring Tako to Wii U was because 3DS wasn’t a viable option at the time, but since this game is obviously a tribute to Game Boy games, I definitely envisioned it as a handheld experience. I’m really hoping to bring it to 3DS eventually.
Xenoblade Chronicles X executive director on HD development and more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 4 Comments
Xenoblade Chronicles X is finally coming to Japan next week. With the game’s release so close, Joshin Web was able to ask director Tetsuya Takahashi about the Wii U game. We’ve now translated a few notable quotes.
One question has Takahashi being asked about Xenoblade Chronicles X’s development. In turn, he discusses the challenges working on an HD title for the first time.
He said:
An open world is a single phrase, but it wasn’t a simple thing to realize. As you know, it was our first HD title. The environment for development was drastically different compared to anything we had done before when it comes to distributing resources or formulating workloads. You can’t expect things to get done in a day and it finally took form as a result of many adjustments. There were many hardships, but it was worth the trouble as the gameplay turned out to be pleasant, even if I say so myself!
Forgotten Memories: Alternate Realities to have improved visuals and extra content on Wii U
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 3 Comments
Forgotten Memories: Alternate Realities is already out on iOS. However, it’s still slated for a couple of platforms including Wii U.
Speaking with Siliconera, producer and art director Wilfried Marcadet explained what this version of Forgotten Memories will offer:
That’s the idea, we are improving graphics on consoles and they will probably get some extra content. Vita and Wii U already support physical buttons and touch controls (simultaneously).
There’s still no specific release date for Forgotten Memories on Wii U. For now, check out the game’s original launch trailer below.
BoxBoy! director on how the project began, would consider multiplayer for a sequel, more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 4 Comments
Nintendo Life just put up an interview with BoxBoy! director Yasuhiro Mukae. Among the topics covered include the game’s conception, multiplayer, and more.
We’ve picked out a few excerpts from the interview below. You can read up on the full Q&A here.
More: BOXBOY!, HAL Laboratory, interview, top, Yasuhiro Mukae
Splatoon producer on the game’s prototype, plaza, communication; “allows for adaptive playstyles”
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 37 Comments
USgamer has a new interview up with Splatoon producer Hisashi Nogami. Nogami commented on various topics, ranging from the game’s origins to the type of player Splatoon is aimed at. Additionally, he was asked about how he thinks players will communicate given that voice chat is not included.
You can find a few excerpts from the interview below. The full transcript is located here.
More: Hisashi Nogami, interview, Splatoon, top
Artist’s block prevented Mega Flygon from happening
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 11 Comments
Mega Flygon is something that could have existed… had it not been for artist’s block.
That nugget of information was shared in the latest issue of Nintendo Dream, which features an interview with Game Freak’s Ken Sugimori, Shigeru Ohmori (Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire director), Shigeki Morimoto (game developer), and Kazumasa Iwao (Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire map designer).
Sugimori’s specifically shared the following:
Sugimori: For Aarune, he needed to have a Pokemon that could use the moves Fly and Secret Power, which are perfect moves for finding Secret Bases. And the only Hoenn Pokemon that wasn’t used by a key character that fit that criteria was Flygon. It does not Mega Evolve, but I really like Flygon.
Interviewer: Key characters often carry a Pokemon that can Mega Evolve, but Flygon is an exception, right?
Sugimori: Flygon has had the potential to have a Mega Evolution since XY, but we were unable to complete a design and so it was dropped from consideration.
Nintendo wants to support Splatoon with more content after launch
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 13 Comments
After Splatoon launches, Nintendo will continue supporting the game with additional content. Producer Hisashi Nogami teased upcoming plans while speaking with GamesRadar, and noted that the team hopes Splatoon “will become a franchise that Nintendo can be proud of.”
Below are Nogami’s full words:
We can’t go into a lot of detail on that today, but we do have some plans to follow up with content to keep interest in the game post-launch. We on the development team are thinking of the launch as a first step of sorts. We hope to add to that in terms of content, and even to the degree that we’re hoping that this will become a franchise that Nintendo can be proud of.
Mario Kart 8 received a ton of DLC after launch, and now we’re starting to see the same thing with Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS. Might Splatoon be next?
More: Hisashi Nogami, interview, Splatoon, top
Inti Creates wasn’t originally planning on making any Mega Man Zero sequels
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, GBA, General Nintendo, News | 13 Comments
USGamer put up a massive piece that recounts the history of Inti Creates. There are plenty of quotes mixed in from Takuya Aizu, the company’s president.
One of the more interesting topics concerns Mega Man Zero. Aizu first explains how Inti Creates originally wanted to kill off X, but Capcom intervened.
The main concept that we wanted to explore was Zero killing X. We wanted to come up with something really sensational. There was something about Mega Man Zero at first that we felt wasn’t quite right — it wasn’t true to our idea of the character. So we tried to resolve that by coming up with this dramatic concept.
Within the team, there was no resistance at all. In fact, right up until we went to master the game, the plot played out with Zero defeating X. However, Capcom as a company… it didn’t serve well for the company to have a series in which X is the hero and then another title where that same hero gets killed off. And so because of that, at the very, very, very end, like right before we sent the game to be manufactured, we had to change it so that the X that Zero kills was actually a copy. We didn’t have time to change the game play, though, so just the story changed slightly.
More: Capcom, interview, Inti Creates, Takuya Aizu, top
Splatoon devs didn’t want the game to be based on a Nintendo franchise
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 7 Comments
GamesRadar was recently given an opportunity to speak with Hisashi Nogami, producer of Splatoon. During the chat, Nogami spoke about how the team wanted “to not get too caught up in Nintendo’s already existing franchises”.
He said:
“We went through a period of creating lots of prototypes. We didn’t want a franchise-based game, so we made a bunch of prototypes and one of those prototypes happened to be the game that became Splatoon. The idea was ‘something fun, something new, something different,’ not ‘a shooter.'”
Nogami also spoke about how playing other games has some impact when creating new titles:
“The development team is made up of people who play games a lot, and among them are people who play shooting games a lot, including Mr. [Yusuke] Amano, one of the game’s directors, who I’ve heard has spent his college years playing Perfect Dark. As game designers who play games, you can’t really help observing things you like and don’t like, and having those have some degree of influence on your thinking. The best way to express this is that it forms a base of thought that you bring into game development, but it doesn’t directly influence the game development.”
More: Hisashi Nogami, interview, Splatoon
Nintendo on its evolved approach to HD development
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 5 Comments
This month’s issue of EDGE has an extensive feature about Splatoon. Naturally, a great deal of the piece focuses on the Wii U game, but the magazine was also able to ask Nintendo EAD general manager Katsuya Eguchi an off-hand question as well.
Discussing how Nintendo’s approach to HD development has evolved over the course of working with Wii U, Eguchi said:
“As you say, HD development tends to need a lot more people due to the higher standards required. The question of how to secure the necessary programmers and designers is one common to all companies in the industry, and everyone has to find ways of dealing with it. For example, if you increase the number of staff, there will be a greater difference in skill levels between them, which makes managing quality control extremely important.
“However, what’s really critical is making sure that this increased number of staff aren’t doing any unnecessary work. It hurts to imagine just how many people’s work would be wasted if we had to redo something. Being able to judge what needs to be done is the key to making sure that people and time are not wasted. This applies not only to decisions about specific features after development has started, but also to the starting point itself – what kind of new game to make, for example. That is critical, and getting it wrong runs the risk of the whole project amounting to nothing.
“It’s normal that, when a company decides what to start developing, the opinions of the people at the top of the organisation are given the most weight. It makes sense because the people in those roles have had a lot of experience and success stories. However, Nintendo is an entertainment company, and good ideas for entertainment can come from anywhere… Young people are also more sensitive to new trends, developments and technologies that are appearing. We are trying to use the opinions of this younger generation even at the start of a project.”