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A couple of more excerpts from 4Gamer’s interview with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata are now available.

First, Iwata shared the following when it comes to story and modern games:

Iwata: So [modern games] are backed by this huge amount of effort and technology, but it feels like very few people remember them [story moments] or players skip over things within the game.

It certainly feels like there’s too many cut-scenes these days.

Iwata: Of course, you can use them effectively; I’m not trying to dismiss them completely, but I can’t help but wonder what could have been instead done with the energy [time, money, resources] that went into them. Miyamoto has never used many cut-scenes, in his games, but recently I think he has begun to think the same way, too.

Iwata additionally had the following to say regarding the Internet:

Another excerpt from 4Gamer’s interview with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has been translated. This time around, we get to read about Iwata’s thoughts on Miyamoto.

Interestingly enough, when Iwata was first starting out, he determined – in an arbitrary manner – that Miyamoto was his rival. Of course, Iwata had plenty of praise for the creator of Mario and Zelda as well.

Check out the full translation below:

Like Famitsu, 4Gamer published a massive interview with nearly 150 Japanese developers as they reflect topics such as the past year, what lies ahead for 2015, and more.

Bayonetta 2 producer Akiko Kuroda was one of the people 4Gamer included in its article. Kuroda confirmed that she’s hard at work on a new project, and also seemed to tease the development of something related to Bayonetta in 2015.

Here are Kuroda’s full words:

“I have started working on the next project, but it looks like the announcement will come later. In any case, I think that it would be nice if something Bayonetta-related was also developed in 2015, so please pay attention to the continuation of Bayonetta!”

Bayonetta 2 director Hashimoto Yusuke also mentioned a new project. However, he was less specific with his words.

The Associated Press has published a truly noteworthy interview with Shigeru Miyamoto. There is such a wide array of interesting questions and answers asked that we’re posting the discussion in full below.

Here’s an overview of topics addressed:

– amiibo cards
– The open world of Zelda Wii U
– Star Fox Wii U and how the game will play
– The Sony hack, and how a Mario film is unlikely
– Mario taking on a new role/appearing on a new game on Nintendo’s next platform
– A tease for what lies ahead after Wii U: “we have production lines that are working on ideas for what the next system might be”

Head past the break for all of Miyamoto’s juicy comments!

Korean site Inven recently had the opportunity to interview Bandai Namco’s Katsuhiro Harada. Among the topics discussed was Pokken Tournament, which is coming to arcades (and hopefully Wii U eventually).

Harada first noted that there are “really strict” guidelines when it comes to Pokken Tournament.

He also shared the following:

“There’s a huge fan base of children for Pokemon to appeal to. But surprisingly the idea of Pokken was well received. We first had the idea of having around 20 Pokemon trainers fight each other in the game but that idea was thrown out after 2 seconds.”

Finally, when asked about the possibility of Pokken becoming a new long term project (think sequels), Harada responded:

“I feel like this game (Pokken) can always be improved in new installments Having 700 different varieties of Pokemon gives a lot of freedom.”

Source, Via

NintendOn has conducted a new interview with Dan Adelman, Nintendo of America’s former boss on all things indie. The discussion tackled topics such as how Nintendo’s Japanese division makes final decisions, suggestions for the company’s indie program going forward, and more.

Read on below for a few excerpts from the interview. You’ll find the full talk here.

Will Zelda Wii U and Star Fox Wii U make use of amiibo? It certainly sounds like it.

During Shigeru Miyamoto’s recent interview with iJustine, he indicated that both titles will feature amiibo integration of some sort. Specifics were not shared, however.

Miyamoto said:

“I can’t really say just yet… but we do plan on doing something so that people who have amiibo will get some enjoyment out of having amiibo and using them in those games.”


Mario Maker

Another excerpt coming from today’s iJustine Shigeru Miyamoto video concerns Mario Maker. Miyamoto once again confirmed online functionality for the title, and went as far as to say that popularity rankings are being implemented.

Miyamoto’s full words are below:

You’ll be able to see what happens when other people play your course, or when you play other peoples courses… there’ll be popularity rankings for the most popular courses and things like that… so there’s a lot on the community side.


We shared iJustine’s new interview with Shigeru Miyamoto a short while ago, but I figured this was worth a separate post. When we get comments about Zelda Wii U, they’re certainly worth paying the extra attention to.

Here’s the Q&A about the new game:

You showed the Zelda trailer and that’s such a huge world. How is that going to be for you guys to approach as far as gameplay and story, because it’s such a huge world.

With Zelda games, what we’ve always done is try to make them where you enter this big world of Hyrule and there’s a lot to explore and discover, but because of the hardware limitations, what we’ve had to do is segment off each area and piece those segments together in a way that make them feel like a big world. Now, with the hardware capabilities of Wii U, we first started by saying if we can take an entire world the size of the world from Twilight Princess, and make that the size of one of the areas in the game.

Do you see that as a game where people will go to complete a certain mission and they end up doing fifty things along the way?

Yeah, there may even be times where you forget what your goal is, because you are doing other things on the side. There may be times where you go in to one big one long dungeon, or you’re headed for a dungeon and doing other things on the side. What we’re trying to do is design it in a way where you don’t have to play it for a super long time, but more matched to today’s lifestyle where you can think for a little bit, and say “maybe I just want to play for a little bit today and do this one thing.” and get that thing done, then take a break.


Destructoid recently conducted an interview with Matt Bozon, creative director at WayForward. Bozon primarily chatted about Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse, though a couple of side-topics were brought up as well.

Bozon shared the following when asked why WayForward continues to show support for Wii U despite the relatively small install base:

We’ve been there supporting Nintendo with every system launch starting with the Game Boy Color. We want to be first in line to make games for these legendary platforms. Whether they reach a massive audience or not, Nintendo fans occupy an extremely loyal corner of the game industry. They like intelligent design and visually iconic characters, and they typically understand that games of high quality take time. Sure, we want our games to appear everywhere and be played by everyone, but I feel we have a real connection with Nintendo and its fans.

We’re working to expand our fan base, but Nintendo fans got us here which is why we go the extra mile to serve them when we can.

On another note, Bozon said that he’d “love” to see Shantae in Smash Bros. and would even be supportive of a Shantae amiibo.

Yes, I would love to play as her in Smash and I want a Shantae Amiibo. Her move set aligns nicely, since she dances to charge up her bigger moves, can get extra jumps by way of Cannon or Harpy Transformation. And she brings more girl power, and has been Nintendo exclusive since back on Game Boy. So yeah, Shantae.

But if I HAVE to choose someone else, then it’s easy. Bomberman! He’s has an enduring Nintendo legacy, comes in various colors, and his bomb-based move set would make him a blast to play.


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