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Level-5 has picked up two new Youkai Watch-related trademarks in the United States. “Jibanyan” and “Whisper” – important characters from Level-5’s series – had filings on December 9.

Back in January, Level-5 trademarked “Yo-kai Watch” in the states.


youkai-theme-1 youkai-theme-2

A couple of new Youkai Watch 3DS themes are now available in Japan. The ones pictured above cost 200 yen each.

Source, Via

Youkai Watch is very, very big in Japan. So it should come as no surprise that the series’ latest entry, Youkai Watch 2: Shinuchi, is already causing a craze.

Famitsu took a few photos outside Biccamera in Toshima, Tokyo’s Ikebukuro district. Youkai Watch 2: Shinuchi went on sale starting at 8 AM at most stores, though Famitsu arrived an hour earlier. The line started out with 50 people, but quickly grew to 100 by the time the game went on sale.


Level-5 has announced that the original Youkai Watch 2 games – Ganso and Honke – have sold over 3 million copies in Japan since launch.

Additionally, pre-orders for Youkai Watch 2: Shinuchi have topped 1 million units. This version launches in Japan on December 13.


Capcom’s Shu Takumi wasn’t always up for the idea of Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. As he explained to Game Informer, he “disliked the thought of using the Ace Attorney universe to do a simple crossover with another franchise.”

It was because of Level-5 CEO Akihiro Hino’s goal with the project that led Takumi to become more open to the idea. Hino hoped Takumi would be involved and “wanted to do more than just borrow the series’ title and some characters”.

Takumi’s full comments:

I personally disliked the thought of using the Ace Attorney universe to do a simple crossover with another franchise. But Mr. Hino (Level 5’s president), who has always been a fan of Ace Attorney, had wanted to do more than just borrow the series’ title and some characters; his goal had been to have me on the project, and hearing that put me at ease and I gladly agreed to his proposal. I suggested the idea of having witch trials, and became the writer and director of the Ace Attorney parts of the game.

With this game, I was able to bring to life something I wouldn’t have been able to in the actual Ace Attorney series: trials that take place in a world where magic exists.


Level-5 has announced that shipments of Youkai Watch 2 have reached the 3 million mark in just about four months.

At retail the game has sold over 2,800,000 units and if you include the eshop version the total sales of the game are well over the 3 million mark.

Source, Via


A patch for Youkai Watch 2 will be out in Japan on December 13, Level-5 has announced. The update will be available for the game’s two versions, and offers the following:

– S-rank version of Jibanyan and Koma-san
– New boss for the Youkai Busters mod
– “Honke” version nets you Super Saiyan Koma-san
– “Ganso” version nets you “Super Saiyan Jibanyan
– Both bosses are included in Youkai Watch 2: Shinuchi

The December update will also allow players of the original Youkai Watch 2 games to transfer save data to the new Shinuchi version. By connecting all three versions, you can obtain the Black Oni.

Source, Via

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