Seemingly no Pokemon Sun & Moon news this month; CoroCoro teases for next issue
Posted on 8 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS, News | 13 Comments
Update: In slightly related news, here’s an update on the Pokemon Elections pertaining to the movies from Serebii:
For the Pokémon Elections, announced last month, it is confirmed that the distribution Pokémon at the movie will be the winner. To enter, you need to get a card when prebooking the ticket and then send your vote in before May 8th. The winner will be announced in June and then distributed at the movie
In last month’s issue of CoroCoro, the magazine announced that its coverage of Pokemon Sun & Moon would start with this month’s issue. The first partial scan of said issue has come out and sadly, it doesn’t reveal much at all. In fact, it mostly seem to tease next month’s issue, where apparently the game’s covers will be revealed.
That said, we don’t have any full scans yet so they might still hold some new info, but I personally wouldn’t count on too much being revealed this month if they’re even saving the covers (and thus the first look at any Pokemon) for the next issue. Nonetheless, we will keep you updated should any other interesting news come out of this month’s issue.
More: Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun
Update: Nothing – First Pokemon Sun/Moon footage to air on a Japanese show next week
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 31 Comments
Update (4/2): Bumped to the top. Nothing new was shown, sadly. Masuda was in attendance, but they only went over the trailer that was shown during the Pokemon Direct in February. This was technically the first TV airing of the video, but it’s disappointing nonetheless!
Original (3/26): It was already made clear that we’d be getting a proper look at Pokemon Sun/Moon in the near future thanks to CoroCoro’s upcoming issue. However, we now have confirmation that gameplay will be shared very soon.
Next week’s episode of the Japanese variety show Pokenchi (Gathering at the Pokemon House) is confirmed to show the first TV aired footage of the new games. Game Freak director Junichi Masuda should also be in attendance to talk about Sun/Moon.
Pokenchi’s upcoming episode airs on April 3 in Japan.
More: Game Freak, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun, top
CoroCoro to begin sharing Pokemon Sun/Moon updates starting next month
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 19 Comments
This month’s issue of CoroCoro sadly lacks any news on Pokemon Sun and Moon. Come next month, however, it sounds like we’ll finally have some concrete information. A teaser in the latest issue says special features for the two games will begin. It’s officially due out on April 15, though chances are that the magazine will leak a bit earlier than that.
More: CoroCoro, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun, top
Pokemon Sun/Moon pre-orders open
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 45 Comments
Update 4 (2/29): Bumped to the top again. For our UK friends, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon
are up on Amazon.
Update 3 (2/28): Bumped to the top. Pokemon Moon is now up properly for pre-order on Amazon. 20% Prime discount included. Updated our weekly pre-order post with this.
Update 2: Some issues with Amazon’s pre-order page for Moon. Will update when it’s working again.
Update: Bumped to the top. Added in Pokemon Moon at Amazon.
Original (2/26): Retailers are starting to take pre-orders for Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon following today’s announcement. We’ll keep track of the different reservations in this post.
Amazon (20% off with Prime)
Best Buy (20% off with GCU)
More: Amazon, Best Buy, GameStop, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun, pre-order
[Let’s Talk] What do you want to see from Pokemon Sun/Moon?
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Let's Talk | 66 Comments
Let’s Talk #40: What do you want to see from Pokemon Sun/Moon?
A big Pokemon announcement was made yesterday. Although we did see it coming due to European trademark leaks, we can now officially say that Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon are the latest entries in the series, and both will be out on 3DS later this year.
Thus far, we don’t actually know much about Sun and Moon. It looks like we’ll have a new world to explore, and new Pokemon are being introduced as well. That should mean we’re entering an entirely new generation.
Since we know so little about what’s coming, that leaves the door open to plenty of possibilities. Having said that, is there anything in particular you’d like to see in Sun/Moon? Are there gameplay changes or new features you’d be interested in? Let us know in the comments below!
Highlights from last week’s topic: What are you playing? – February 2016
More: highlight, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun, top
Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon will have a new world and Pokemon, note on 3D
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 42 Comments
Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon were formally announced today. We didn’t receive a whole lot of details other than a release window and information about supported languages. We saw some development footage as well with image snippets, but that was pretty much it.
The official Pokemon site does offer up a couple of extra tidbits about Sun and Moon at least. Both will feature “a new world, new Pokémon, and new adventures to discover”.
By the way, we also have a small note on 3D for those that missed it. It seems that Sun and Moon will have similar functionality as past games. The North American Pokemon Direct said that they’re in 3D, though some areas will also be playable in 3D.
More: Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun, top
Pokemon Direct (2/26/16) – full presentation
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 10 Comments
The full presentation for today’s Pokemon Direct has now gone live. If you missed it, you can watch it in full below.
More: Nintendo Direct, Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun, top
Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow on the 3DS VC work with Pokemon Bank
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 17 Comments
During today’s Pokemon Direct, it was announced that Pokemon Red, Blue, and Yellow on the 3DS Virtual Console are all compatible with Pokemon Bank. That means any Pokemon you catch in the classic games can eventually be transferred over to Sun and Moon.
Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon officially announced, out this holiday
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 17 Comments
Following yesterday’s leak via European trademarks, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon have been officially announced. Both were just revealed via a special Pokemon Direct broadcast.
No actual gameplay was shown – instead we were treated to sneak peaks of quick development footage. However, we do know that the two games will be launching around the world this holiday on 3DS. English, Italian, French, Spanish, Korean, German, and Japanese languages will be supported along with traditional and simplified Chinese.
More: Pokemon Moon, Pokemon Sun, top
Nintendo has the “” domain, redirects to “”
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 49 Comments
Update: and have also seen the same activity.
Earlier today, two European trademark filings were found for Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon. It’s assumed that both will be announced tomorrow.
Additional evidence has since surfaced pointing to Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon being the real deal. Nintendo of America registered the domain name today, although it only redirects to “”. I imagine that will change tomorrow!