[Interview] Inti Creates on Luminous Avenger IX, working with Switch, future plans, and more
Posted on 5 years ago by Oni Dino(@Oni_Dino) in Interviews, Switch | 0 comments
Inti Creates has a lot going on these days. Between Gunvolt, Blaster Master Zero, and Dragon Marked for Death, in a way there’s something for everyone.
When we had a chance to speak with Inti Creates president Takuya Aizu at E3 2019, we asked about almost everything the company has been working on as of late. That includes Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger IX (and what they’ve been able to do on Switch that wasn’t possible on 3DS), what to expect from future Dragon Marked for Death updates, whether we could see another Sunsoft revival like Blaster Master, and more.
More: highlight, Inti Creates, Takuya Aizu, top
Inti Creates doubles down on Switch support, teases future projects
Posted on 5 years ago by Oni Dino(@Oni_Dino) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Nintendo fans don’t have to worry about Inti Creates slowing down on its support for Switch. Although the developer has been experimenting with more platforms as of late, the Big N’s console remains a top priority.
When asked about future Switch support from Inti Creates, president Takuya Aizu told us:
More: highlight, Inti Creates, Takuya Aizu, top
Inti Creates on the future of the Gunvolt series, Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 should happen eventually
Posted on 5 years ago by Oni Dino(@Oni_Dino) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Inti Creates is going in a slightly different direction with the Gunvolt series. After a pair of Azure Striker Gunvolt titles, we’re now getting Luminous Avenger IX – a project starring Copen. What does that mean for the future of the overall franchise?
Inti Creates CEO Takuya Aizu clarified the situation in a recent interview with Nintendo Everything. Aizu indicated that there are essentially different series with Azure Striker Gunvolt and Luminous Avenger IX, both of which have different directors leading them.
Inti Creates on Luminous Avenger IX’s development and why no Gunvolt 3, Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon talk
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
At BitSummit a few months ago, Inti Creates revealed a pair of notable projects. Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon was announced and subsequently released a couple of weeks later while Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX is much further off.
Game*Spark caught up Takuya Aizu shortly after the two games were made known. Not many had the chance to ask Aizu about Luminous Avenger iX in particular, so the interview is pretty noteworthy. Aizu discussed the project’s development status and why we’re not seeing Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 yet, among other things. There’s some Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon talk sprinkled in as well.
More: highlight, interview, Inti Creates, Takuya Aizu, top
Dragon Marked for Death status update, news should be coming at Anime Expo
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
Dragon Marked for Death was announced for Switch close to a year ago. The “immersive dark fantasy style action RPG” lets players experience the game alone or with up three other people in local or online multiplayer.
Inti Creates has been relatively silent on Dragon Marked for Death since its initial announcement, but news should be coming soon. Inti Creates boss Takuya Aizu ha said that the team has “gotten to a point where we are right about finishing up a beta build” and the company will have more information at Anime Expo.
Inti Creates talks Dragon Marked for Death, surprised Nintendo was so accepting of Gal*Gun 2
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch, Switch eShop | 0 comments
After it was announced last year, Inti Creates has been keeping mostly quiet on Dragon Marked For Death. In a new interview, however, the studio talked a bit more about the project.
Inti Creates boss Takuya Aizu has said that the game has a main story, with individual arcs for each of the four characters. You’ll be able to progress with each story online by playing with someone else on the same map while advancing the plot at your own pace.
Inti Creates on Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon – Igarshi’s involvement, dev length, Ritual of the Night connection
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 0 comments
Despite only having just announced it at BitSummit last week, Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon is releasing next Thursday. Inti Creates will have it ready on both Switch and 3DS.
At BitSummit, USgamer spoke with Inti Creates president Takuya Aizu to talk more about the new title. Aizu commented on how involved Koji Igarashi is (Igarashi himself also had a few words here), how long it has been in development for, and the relationship to the upcoming Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night.
Find these excerpts below. You can read the full piece on USgamer here.
Inti Creates on how Blaster Master Zero came to be, Shovel Knight collaboration
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Switch eShop | 7 Comments
Dengeki was able to speak with Inti Creates president and CEO Takuya Aizu. Recently, an English translation of their discussion was posted. It included some interesting comments about some of Inti Creates’ Nintendo-related titles.
At one point during the interview, Aizu was asked about how Blaster Master Zero came to be. He offered this lengthy explanation in response:
Inti Creates on Gal*Gun 2 – will use the gyro sensor, won’t be censored, why it’s on Switch
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 91 Comments
Gematsu spoke with Inti Creates’ Takuya Aizu and Matt Papa about the newly-announced Gal*Gun 2. Highlights include the confirmation of gyro sensor support, news that the game won’t be censored at all, and the decision to release it for Switch.
We’ve included these excerpts below. For the full interview, head on over here.
More: Gal*Gun 2, interview, Inti Creates, Matt Papa, Takuya Aizu
Inti Creates trying for physical Azure Striker Gunvolt for Switch in the west, talks Mighty Gunvolt Burst
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Switch eShop | 8 Comments
Inti Creates made two announcements last week. The first is that the Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack is coming to Switch, while Mighty Gunvolt Burst is in the works for both Switch and 3DS.
USgamer spoke with Inti Creates CEO Takuya Aizu following the news. For Azure Striker Gunvolt, Aizu spoke about how the Striker Pack came to be on Switch and confirmed that they’re trying to release a physical version in the west. Aizu also confirmed that Mighty Gunvolt Burst will be adding more characters and spoke about how Mighty No. 9 isn’t a direct influence on the game.
Read up on these comments from Aizu below. You can find USgamer’s full piece here.