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Believe it or not, it was almost two years ago when Satoru Iwata first mentioned NX, Nintendo’s next gaming system known as Switch. Now the moment we’ve all been waiting for is almost here. Towards the end of next week, Nintendo will finally tell us everything we need to know about Switch. What’s the final release date? How much will it cost? What are the launch games, and other titles in the production? These important questions will be answered, among others.

Many people assumed that Nintendo would be hosting some kind of event to unveil Switch last year. Yet instead of that, we were teased with a brief announcement trailer. Since we’re about two months away from launch, so Nintendo really needs to fill us in on pertinent details.

The Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 is what we’re all looking forward to. But even after that, Treehouse Live is returning to give us extensive look at new games. Hands-on events will also begin around the world. It’s almost like E3 in January! Actually, it might be crazier than E3. I know that on my end, there will be a lot more to cover.

So for this week’s Let’s Talk, this is our general pre-Switch reveal discussion thread. We’ll have another one of these next week. Do you have any final predictions? Any last-minute hopes and dreams for the week ahead? Just want to share your excitement overall? You can do all of that in the comments below!

Highlights from last week’s topic: What do you want to see at Super Nintendo World?

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New Rime details

Posted on 8 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 4 Comments

IGN has posted a new preview of Rime that goes into detail as to how the game actually plays. Below, we’ve rounded up a bunch of the information. You can also read IGN’s full piece here.

Pokemon Sun/Moon

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

PS4 – 73,421
New 3DS LL – 45,809
Vita – 25,487
2DS – 20,259
PS4 Pro – 9,916
New 3DS – 4,342
Wii U – 2,589
PS3 – 1,002
Xbox One – 221
3DS – 72
3DS LL – 40

For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:

New 3DS LL – 111,513
PS4 – 90,140
Vita – 57,170
2DS – 51,077
New 3DS – 13,694
PS4 Pro – 10,098
Wii U – 8,348
PS3 – 1,234
Xbox One – 830
3DS – 169
3DS LL – 109

And here are the software charts:

It shouldn’t come as a major surprise, but Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima will be presenting at the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 next week. The invite pictured on 1-UP Studios’ Facebook page confirms as such. However, we can’t see the page in full, so it’s possible that Kimishima will be joined on stage by others.

Reception for the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 opens at 12 PM local time on January 13. But as we’ve known for quite awhile, the event itself officially begins at 1 PM (8 PM PT / 11 PM ET on January 12). The East Hall 8 will be used at Tokyo Big Site.

Nintendo is bringing back Treehouse Live next week following Switch’s reveal. During the broadcast, taking place on January 13, fans can tune in to get a look at upcoming titles for Nintendo’s new system. Games featured during the Nintendo Switch Presentation will be shown.

The stream will be held on both YouTube and Twitch. It’ll begin at the following times:

– 6:30 AM PT
– 9:30 AM ET
– 2:30 PM in the UK
– 3:30 PM in Europe



Nintendo UK has sent out a short announcement about next week’s Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017. As previously mentioned, it’ll kick off at 8 PM PT / 11 PM ET on January 12, which is 4 AM in the UK / 5 AM in Europe on January 13.

Nintendo says that the live stream will be broadcast in Japanese, though with English voiceover. Additionally, “key announcements” will be shared on the Nintendo UK Twitter account. Nintendo of America will almost certainly be doing the same.

A live stream is already in place on Nintendo’s Japanese YouTube channel. You should be able to watch it on the official Switch site as well. Nintendo of America will likely be streaming on Twitch and YouTube. 

Source: Nintendo PR


This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Download

Cup Critters – $1.49
Spheroids – $7.99
Zombie Brigade: No Brain No Gain – $4.99

Nintendo is finally delivering on a long-awaited Wii U Virtual Console title in North America. As of tomorrow, Pokemon Snap will be available on the eShop.

Here’s a brief overview:

“Travel to Pokémon Island and meet Professor Oak to begin a safari to take the best possible photographs of 63 different Pokémon. The island has many types of climates and environments to explore, along with secret activities and hidden passages to discover. Some of the Pokémon can be a little shy and won’t pose for the camera unless you tease them with special items! After you’re done, submit one picture of each Pokémon to Professor Oak, and he’ll judge it based on size, pose, technique, and number of Pokémon captured. Start practicing if you want to snap the perfect shot!”

Pokemon Snap will cost $9.99 on the Wii U Virtual Console.


Yesterday, news emerged that Rime is going multiplatform, and is heading to Switch in May. Grey Box, Six Foot and developer Tequila Works have now made it official. The game is arriving in May.

Along with the announcement, some new screenshots and art from Rime are now available. Check out the images below.

Last month, a new classification was spotted in Brazil for Rime. It was initially announced for PlayStation 4, but the listing indicated that it’s now planned for new platforms including Switch.

IGN has now confirmed that Rime is indeed coming to Switch. Additionally, a new trailer is in. Have a look at it below.

Rime is launching in May. Developer Tequila Works describes the game as “a single-player puzzle adventure about discovery, experienced through the eyes of a young boy who awakens on a mysterious island after shipwrecking off its coast. Players must navigate the island’s secrets by making use of light, sound, perspective and even time. Inspired by the rugged, sunbaked terrain of the Mediterranean coast, Rime paints its breathtaking world with a fusion of vibrant colors and moving musical undertones to set the stage for the deeply personal journey that awaits within.”


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