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Pokemon Sun/Moon has received its latest news update. Today, we’re able to see quite a bit that’s new. We’re able to get a look at new Pokemon (including Jangmo-o and Raticate Alola Form), Ultra Beats (UB-01), Aether Foundation, and more.

Watch two new Pokemon Sun/Moon trailers below. There’s one in English, and another in Japanese.

USGamer recently spoke with Risa Tabata, co-producer of Paper Mario: Color Splash. During the conversation, Tabata talked about topics such as working with Wii U and having more power, limited resources in battle in the form of cards, and giving Toads personality.

Continue on below for some notable excerpts from the interview. For the full talk, visit USgamer.

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Download

Jotun Valhalla Edition – €13.49/ £10.79 / CHF 14.39 until 15/09/2016, regular price: €14.99/ £11.99 / CHF 15.99

140 – €7.99 / £5.59 / CHF 8.00

Vektor Wars – €7.99 / £7.99 / CHF 12.00

Alice in Wonderland – €4.52 / £3.78 / CHF 4.93

Rorrim – €4.52 / £4.09 / CHF 6.40

TOUCH SELECTIONS – €2.99 / £2.69 / CHF 4.20

3DS Download

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice – €29.99/ £24.99 / CHF 38.90

Kingdom’s Item Shop – €5.00/ £4.79 / CHF 6.20

New Nintendo 3DS Virtual Console

Final Fight –  Conditional discount on Final Fight 1, 2, 3: Buy Two, Get One FREE; until 22/09/2016, regular price: €7.99/ £7.19 / CHF 11.20

Final Fight 2 –  Conditional discount on Final Fight 1, 2, 3: Buy Two, Get One FREE; until 22/09/2016, regular price: €7.99/ £7.19 / CHF 11.20

Final Fight 3 –  Conditional discount on Final Fight 1, 2, 3: Buy Two, Get One FREE; until 22/09/2016, regular price: €7.99/ £7.19 / CHF 11.20


Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice Costume Bundle – €0.99/ £0.89 / CHF 1.40

3DS Themes

AA: Spirit of Justice Athena Cykes Pixel Art – €1.99 / £1.79 / CHF 2.80

AA: Spirit of Justice Main Characters – €1.99 / £1.79 / CHF 2.80

At School with Miffy – €0.99 / £0.89 / CHF 1.40

Drawing with Miffy – €0.99 / £0.89 / CHF 1.40

Miffy learns to write – €0.99 / £0.89 / CHF 1.40

Game Informer recently spoke with Mark Pacini from Armature Studio. Although some of the discussion touched on Batman: Arkham Origins – Blackgate and his new game ReCore, he also spoke quite a bit about his days at Retro and directing Metroid Prime.

One interesting anedcote was about when Retro was meeting with Shigeru Miyamoto and other folks from Nintendo’s main headquarters in Japan. After the meeting, Pacini’s boss said that they were upset with him. Why? Pacini didn’t have a pencil and paper at the meeting, so Nintendo felt he wasn’t listening. Pacini called it a “very noobie mistake” on his part, and wanted to make sure that wouldn’t happen again.

Making Metroid Prime was the toughest project for Pacini from a development standpoint and getting it completed. “I think it was just the amount of stuff we were trying to do in the time we were doing it,” he said.

Prior to this week’s Nintendo Direct, we had gone several months without a major presentation. March was the last time when we saw a broadcast with new announcements in a prepared video. Most people have been expecting that we’d hear something about NX soon, but Nintendo first decided to share news about the 3DS.

Quite a bit was shown during the Nintendo Direct on Thursday. Not all of the games themselves were new, but it at least showed that the 3DS will continue to receive support into next year. Super Mario Maker is heading to Nintendo’s portable in December, followed by Poochy & Yoshi’s Woolly World next February (with a Poochy amiibo of course), Mario Sports Superstars in spring, Dragon Quest VIII, and a Pikmin side-scroller. Let’s also not forget about Ever Oasis and Tank Troopers. Nintendo also unveiled new Zelda amiibo, released new Hyrule Warriors DLC, Picross 3D: Round 2 (in North America, December 2 in Europe with a physical option) and Zelda: Skyward Sword digitally, and teased Animal Crossing: New Leaf’s update (with new amiibo cards and a Nintendo Direct to come).

Now that our brief recap is out of the way, what do you think of this week’s Nintendo Direct? Were you pleased with what was shown, or were you let down? Have any thoughts about particular games? Let us know in the comments below.

Highlights from last week’s topic: Your dream NX game

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Next month, tinyBuild will be bringing Punch Club to the 3DS eShop. Check out the video below for some footage recorded from Twitch’s PAX West stream.

Pokemon GO fans found hints of a new buddy system through recent data mining. Today, Niantic officially revealed the feature, which will be called “Buddy Pokemon”.

As Niantic puts it, Buddy Pokemon lets users choose their favorite Pokemon to open it up for in-game rewards and experience. You’ll see the creature walking with your Trainer avatar on your profile screen. Bonuses include Candy for walking together. Of course, you can change your Buddy Pokemon whenever you wish.

View some screenshots of Buddy Pokemon below. You can find Niantic’s full message below, which also teases “a lot more” for the fall.

Nintendo earned big exposure during the closing ceremony of the Rio 2016 Olympics last month. Mario appeared in a special video, and Japan’s prime minister even dressed up as the famous character. Mario and other characters had representation in the closing ceremony to ring in the next Olympics Japan will host in 2020.

Japan Today has a follow-up report on Nintendo’s involvement, and shared some interesting information. The site reached out to spokesperson Yasuhiro Minagawa, who said that the company did not need to pay anything for Mario’s inclusion. It merely came about due to Nintendo’s “cooperation”.

“I want to make that clear. We did not pay,” Minagawa stated. “And we are not going to become Olympic sponsors either.”



Over in Korea, a Pokemon Sun/Moon demo rating has popped up. The listing is specifically called “Pokemon Sun & Moon Special Trial Version”.

As far as when the demo is launching, that’s not yet known at the time. It’s also unclear if it’ll be a global release.


Pokemon GO keeps on trucking, as Sensor Tower reports that the game has exceeded $440 million in gross worldwide revenue on the App Store and Google Play. Niantic’s net revenue now sits at over $308 million thus far.

That’s the highlight from Sensor Tower’s report, but we also now know that global installs have surpassed 180 million worldwide. It’s estimated that the app has been installed on more than 12 percent of all active U.S. smartphones at some point. And as of August 30, active U.S. players on iOS have spent 32 minutes on Pokemon GO, which lines up closely to its launch in July. Lastly, in terms of revenue, Pokemon GO is still earning more than $4 million in worldwide net revenue each day.


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