Disney Infinity 3.0 officially confirmed, featured in this month’s Game Informer
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 2 Comments
Disney Infinity 3.0 has finally been made official. The game has been officially announced in the latest issue of Game Informer, which is due out today digitally.
Here’s what we know about Disney Infinity 3.0 thus far:
– Avalanche heading up development again
– Other studios contributing as well
– Ninja Theory working on Twilight of the Republic pack-in playset
– This follows Anakin and Ahsoka as they fight to uncover who’s behind a freshly minted droid army
– Twilight of the Republic takes place after Star Wars: Episode II
– It features land and space battles
– Melee combat as well
– Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Darth Maul can enter the fray
– These characters will be separately-sold figures
– Studio Gobo’s (Disney Infinity’s Pirates of the Caribbean playset) Rise Against the Empire is a highlight reel of sorts that follows the events of the classic trilogy
– Luke and Leia tangle with Darth Vader and his forces through memorable sequences
– Battle of Yavin, Hoth, Tatooine featured in Rise Against the Empire
– Chewbacca, Han Solo, and Darth Vader figures will be available individually
– Star Wars characters can cross over between the Star Wars playsets
– Avalanche has reexamined fundamental parts of its core game and is working with best-in-class developers to ensure that Infinity is as good as it can be
– Ninja Theory has retuned melee combat
– Combat has been adjusted for timing and added depth for advanced players
– Sumo Digital (Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing) is tweaking driving; handling and drifting specifically
– One of the new Toy Box games is a kart racer
– Legacy characters will benefit from the gameplay improvements
– Another Star Wars playset due out this winter is based on Star Wars: The Force Awakens
– Sets are also coming based on Pixar’s Inside Out
– Joy, Disgust, Anger, Fear, and Sadness Inside Out figures coming
– United Front Games working on a new Marvel set, including Hulkbuster Iron Man, Ultron, and more
– More figures coming: Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Sam Flynn and Quorra from Tron: Legacy, Mulan, Olaf, and more
– Toy Box: addition of an updated hub world, toys for new players and experts, and the all-new farming system
– New Power Discs coming
– These discs won’t be in blind bags anymore, and you can see what you’re getting before you buy them
Disney Infinity 3.0 launches this fall on Wii U and other platforms. The Starter Pack will set you back $64.99.
HAL Laboratory working on some non-Kirby projects
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 4 Comments
Over the past few generations, HAL Laboratory has primarily worked on Kirby games. We’ve seen a few non-Kirby titles here and there (most recently with BoxBoy!), but that character is certainly the studio’s bread and butter. Interestingly, BoxBoy! director Yasuhiro Mukae recently informed Kotaku that “several” projects are in the works that are unrelated to the character.
Mukae mentioned:
Certainly, as you say, the Kirby series is HAL Laboratory’s main development focus, but we actually have several other projects proceeding along in parallel (not that I can give details on them right now, of course). We also have a few experimental projects in the works with smaller teams, so there certainly isn’t any rule that we must be involved with Kirby projects. Like I discussed in the first question, BoxBoy got its start as an experimental project along those lines.
I was involved in the development of Kirby: Triple Deluxe, but I was also working on the BoxBoy experiment at the same time. Handling both projects simultaneously presented some big challenges, but creating a game with a new character like Qbby made me feel happier than I’ve ever felt before.
Once Kirby: Triple Deluxe development wrapped up, I was able to devote myself fully to BoxBoy. This happened right when it went from an experiment to an official development project, and full-on development began at that point. Some of the Kirby: Triple Deluxe team also joined the BoxBoy project right about then.
As I wrote earlier, our development efforts may be chiefly devoted to Kirby, but there’s no hard-and-fast rule that everything has to be related to Kirby titles. I’m getting the chance to be involved a lot more often with non-Kirby things, such as this BoxBoy project—though, again, I can’t give details quite yet.
Below are some other noteworthy tidbits shared in Kotaku’s interview:
More: BOXBOY!, HAL Laboratory, interview, Kirby, top, Yasuhiro Mukae
[Review] Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker
Posted on 9 years ago by Dennis Gagliardotto(@LyonHart_) in 3DS, Reviews | 14 Comments
System: 3DS
Release: May 5, 2015
Developer: Atlus
Publisher: Atlus
Author: Dennis
When you think demons, you think about terrible sentient monsters that aim to do nothing but torture you and inevitably drive you to death. But what if you were put in a position where the very thing that’s nurtured to torment and cause perpetual trepidation becomes the cause and reason for your survival in a world that’s quickly dissipating?
Devil Survivor 2: Record Breaker wants you to experience this firsthand, with an extensive and elaborate narrative that shapes itself by how you choose to respond to certain situations, whether it be during gameplay in the battlefields set all around Japan, or during a cut-scene where you’re sometimes prompted to choose how to respond when interacting with another character. This is a game that wants you to be personally invested, to the point where they let you name your character, both first name and last. You’re only given a certain amount of spaces to input your name, but most names should fit with ease like mine did – Keanu Reeves.
Nintendo apologizes for amiibo shortages, will increase amount shipped to retail, out-of-stock figures will return
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 46 Comments
Nintendo of America issued an official statement about the status of amiibo over on its Facebook page just a few minutes ago.
In the lengthy message, the company apologized to fans who have been frustrated by the inability to find certain figures in stores. It was also reiterated that sales of figures exceeded Nintendo’s expectations.
As for what will be done to remedy the situation, Nintendo says that the company is “trying to meet the demands of our fans and consumers by increasing the amount of amiibo we manufacture and ship to retail.” There are already plans in place “to bring back some currently out-of-stock amiibo figures.”
Head past the break for Nintendo’s amiibo statement in full.
Nintendo Download (5/7/15, Europe)
Posted on 9 years ago by Matt(@OnePunchMaz) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:
Wii U Retail
Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush (Nintendo, available May 8) – €39.99/£34.99 (€35.99/£31.49 if you downloaded a Kirby title to your Wii U or Nintendo 3DS before, deal ends May 14)
Wii U Download
Zen Pinball 2: Iron & Steel Pack (Zen Studios) – €4.99/£3.99 (Free trial also available)
Zen Pinball 2: Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron (Zen Studios) – €2.99 /£2.95 (Free trial also available)
Disclaimer: The trial version of this content must first be downloaded from the Nintendo eShop in order to purchase the full version.
Wii U Virtual Console
Yoshi’s Island DS (Nintendo, DS VC) – €9.99/£8.99
Wii U Demo
Trine Enchanted Edition Demo (Frozenbyte)
3DS Retail
Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons: Super Mario Bros. Edition (Nintendo) – €29.99/£24.99
3DS Download
Bloo Kid 2 (Winterworks) – €3.99/£3.49
3DS Themes
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Hunter’s Weapon Gallery (Capcom, Theme) – Free (available until July 4)
eShop Sales
Wii U:
Puddle (Neko Entertainment) – €1.99/£1.79 (Ends May 14, regular price €6.99/£6.29)
TNT Racers – Nitro Machines Edition (Keen Games) – €4.99/£4.49 (Ends May 21, regular price €7.99/£6.99)
Suspension Railroad Simulator (Joindots) – €7.19/£5.39 (Ends May 21, regular price €7.99/£5.99)
SteamWorld Dig (Image & Form) – €4.49/£3.49 (Ends May 28, regular price €8.99/£6.99)
Trine Enchanted Edition (Frozenbyte) – €8.99/£7.69 (Ends May 21, regular price €12.99/£10.99)
Trine 2: Director’s Cut (Frozenbyte) – €8.49/£6.99 (Ends May 21, regular price €16.99/£13.99)
Bella Sara 2 – The Magic of Drasilmare (Bigben Interactive) – €19.99/£16.99 (Ends May 14, regular price €34.99/£29.99)
AeternoBlade (CORECELL) – €7.99/£7.19 (Ends May 21, regular price €14.99/£13.50)
Shin Megami Tensei IV (ATLUS) – €9.99/£8.99 (Ends May 14, regular price €19.99/£17.99)
Sweet Memories Blackjack (CIRCLE Ent.) – €2.99/£2.39 (Ends May 28, regular price €3.99/£3.19)
Brunch Panic (CIRCLE Ent.) – €2.99/£2.49 (Ends May 28, regular price €3.99/£3.39)
SteamWorld Dig (Image & Form) – €4.49/£3.99 (Ends May 21, regular price €8.99/£7.99)
3D MahJongg (Joindots) – €3.99/£3.59 (Ends May 21, regular price €4.99/£4.49)
Atlantic Quest (Joindots) – €5.59/£3.99 (Ends May 21, regular price €6.99/£4.99)
Crazy Construction (Joindots) – €5.59/£3.99 (Ends May 21, regular price €6.99/£4.99)
Undead Bowling (Joindots) – €5.59/£3.99 (Ends May 21, regular price €6.99/£4.99)
Aqua Moto Racing 3D (Zordix AB) – €3.99/£3.39 (Ends May 14, regular price €7.99/£7.19)
Kirby Weeks: Part Three (7 May 2015 – 14 May 2015)
Kirby: Triple Deluxe (Nintendo) – €29.99 (regular price €39.99)
Nintendo eShop is celebrating the Kirby series with discounts on a selection of Kirby games every week between 23 April 2015 and 14 May 2015! From 7 May until 14 May 2015 users can save 25% on the regular price of Kirby: Triple Deluxe in Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS.
Fans of the Kirby series can also look forward to a 10% fan discount on Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush from the game’s release on 8th May 2015 until 14th May 2015. If a title from the Kirby series for Wii U or Nintendo 3DS has been downloaded before, Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush can be purchased on Nintendo eShop for just €35.99/£31.49 instead of the regular price of €39.99/£34.99
Permanent Price Drops
Crazy Chicken: Director’s Cut (Teyon) – €0.99/£0.89 (Permanent, was €1.99/£1.79)
More: Nintendo Download, top, Virtual Console
[Just a Chat] Yooka-Laylee, Mighty No. 9, Xenoblade Chronicles X, and more
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Just a Chat, Videos | 2 Comments
After a one week hiatus, Brian and Daan are back for a new Just a Chat discussion. Playtonic’s Yooka-Laylee Kickstarter success is the big story this week, but there’s also talk about Mighty No. 9 and Splatoon. Plus, hear some impressions of Xenoblade Chronicles X and Bravely Second from someone who has played both games!
Brian’s Twitter
Daan’s Twitter
New survey (please fill it out if you have a moment!)
[Let’s Talk] Which character do you want to see in Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS?
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk | 62 Comments
Let’s Talk #6: Which character do you want to see in Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS?
During last month’s Nintendo Direct, it was announced that there are a bunch of plans for DLC in Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS. Along with Mewtwo and Lucas, Nintendo will be adding even more fighters to both games down the line. The company went as far as to open a Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot so that fans could voice their opinions about which characters they want to see on the roster.
That brings us to this week’s topic! I’m curious about the sort of characters you guys would like to see added as DLC. I’ll get the discussion started.
I’m not too sure if I have an absolute standout character that I’m pulling for in Smash Bros. Adding the Inkings from Splatoon would be a nice choice! And it’d be very neat to see Amaterasu from Okami in the game (though I know that will never happen).
Honestly, I feel like I had my dream fulfilled with Shulk – that’s someone that I never actually thought would make it into Smash Bros. When the initial leak happened last year, I felt like it was too good to be true. Some people say that Shulk is a dull character, but I believe that he is a really great representation of Xenoblade, and I never had a problem with him.
Those are just a few quick thoughts from me. Now I want to see what you all have to say! What would be your dream character for Smash Bros. Wii U/3DS? Sound off in the comments, and read up on some of your highlights from last week’s Let’s Talk below!
Last week’s topic: Your thoughts on Mario Kart 8’s new DLC and 200cc mode (highlights)
I didn’t think it would be better than the first DLC pack to be honest, but it would still be pretty darn good. They definitely proved me wrong lol. They just keep getting better. 200cc also helped get me hyped up it for as well.
I hate Cheese Land. I just don’t get it, and I had played the old version long ago. I didn’t like it then either. These new tracks don’t stick to me like the first DLC pack did. They shouldn’t have shortened Baby Park (seems a little smaller than it used to be) and given it more laps or something. Like Bob said, Wild Woods seems to be the best. I feel it has more to offer than the other tracks do for the latest pack.
I just got both packs of the DLC last week, so I’m going over the most notable tracks. Cheese Land is hard and lame. Wild Woods is cool. The F-Zero courses are bae. Animal crossing is meh as a racetrack. Hyrule Circuit is cool, but I just don’t see Zelda in it. Why couldn’t you just ride through shop town in majora’s mask or ocarina of time??? Ribbon Road is cool. Ice Ice Outpost is LAME! Excitebike arena is cool. Baby park is fun on 200cc and nothing else. SNES rainbow road is, oddly enough, one of my favorite rainbow roads and I like to see it in HD (finally some background scenery 🙂 Wario’s Gold Mine was my favorite course on my favorite Mario kart game, and I’m really happy to see that the mine carts are now GOOD to run into. The rest are just forgettable.
Update: Winners – [Giveaway] Affordable Space Adventures
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Giveaway, Wii U eShop | 217 Comments
Our winners are in!
North America: James Parry, Figureguy, Kevin Malone
Europe: Ramsés Cabello, daydream, Leon Fletcher
Congratulations to them! Codes should be sent out tomorrow, so keep an eye on your inbox. More giveaways to come!
We’re kicking off a new giveaway today for Affordable Space Adventures. Wii U owners in both North America and Europe are eligible to participate!
Simply leave a comment below and tell us about the following: if you could only bring one item with you on your Small Craft to Spectaculon, what would it be and why? Six codes are up for grabs (thanks Max Criden!) – three for North America, and three for Europe. We’ll choose a winner next weekend.
In your comment, please be sure to let us know which region you’re entering for. We may not be able to count your submission without this information.
Good luck, everyone!
Koei Tecmo talks a bit about Yo-Kai Sangokushi, strong Hyrule Warriors sales
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii U | 0 comments
During Level-5’s “Vision” event in March, a few new 3DS games were announced. One of these was Yo-Kai Sangokushi, which is a new collaboration title in partnership with Koei Tecmo.
This week’s issue of Famitsu has an interview with Koei Tecmo Games head Hisashi Koinuma. As expected, Yo-Kai Sangokushi was one of the things the magazine asked about.
Famitsu starts off by mentioning that he surprised by the fact that Yo-Kai Sangokushi is a collaborative title between Yo-Kai Watch and Romance of the Three Kingdoms. This led Koinuma to say:
Romance of the Three Kingdoms has its 30th anniversary in 2015, so everyone in the company is excited. I think Yo-Kai Sangokushi is a fitting title to adorn the 30th anniversary. I’m especially happy that Level-5 president Akihiro Hino likes Romance of the Three Kingdoms.
More: Famitsu, Hyrule Warriors, interview, Koei Tecmo, Level-5, top, Yo-Kai Sangokushi
Warren Spector on Epic Mickey – dark concept art, couldn’t show Mickey’s teeth, wanted a movie
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii, Wii U | 6 Comments
Epic Mickey director Warren Spector held a Reddit AMA a few days back. Spector shared plenty of insight about the original game and its sequel, and tackled some very interesting questions. He was asked about topics like Epic Mickey’s dark concept art that never seemed to be realized, how he tried pitching a film based on the series to Disney, and the one thing about Mickey he couldn’t show.
You can find a full roundup of Spector’s comments below. They’re certainly worth checking out!