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Nintendo’s financial results briefing for the third quarter of the current fiscal year took place last week. As always, there was a Q&A session with investors at the end of the meeting. Nintendo’s official English translation of the transcript of that Q&A is now available here

From Nintendo’s board of directors, Shuntaro Furukawa (President and Representative Director), Shinya Takahashi (Director, Senior Managing Executive Officer), Shigeru Miyamoto (Representative Director, Fellow), Ko Shiota (Director, Senior Executive Officer) and Satoru Shibata (Director, Senior Executive Officer) were present. Naturally, most of the questions and answers center around sales and business strategies, but they also touch upon Nintendo’s collaboration with LINE for Dr. Mario World, video game addiction, the number of female employees Nintendo has and more. There aren’t any groundbreaking new announcements, but it’s an interesting read nonetheless.



EEDAR has published a new report on Q4 2018 gaming, including information about Switch that details a shift in its demographics. We learn that the player base has a more even male-female split while ages are starting to skew both younger and lower than 30.

Below are some of the more notable tidbits:


This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

BlazBlue: Central Fiction Special Edition – €39.99 (available February 8)
Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Videogame – €59.99 (available February 8)
Riot: Civil Unrest – €16.99 until February 14; regularly €19.99
The Book of Unwritten Tales 2 – €29.99

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Monster Energy Supercross – The Official Videogame 2 – $59.99 (available February 8)
The Liar Princess and the Blind Prince – $19.99 (available February 12)

Nintendo has announced a new Switch bundle for North America, though it’s one that doesn’t include a specific game. Starting February 14, consumers will be able to purchase a package that comes with $35 in eShop credit.

Nintendo says the bundle “is available while supplies last.”

Here’s the full announcement:


Nintendo just published a brand new Japanese trailer for Kirby’s Extra Epic Yarn, which launches next month. You can view it below.

Civilization VI

Take-Two reported its financial results for the third quarter today. There’s one aspect in particular that should be encouraging for Nintendo fans.

Take-Two says that Civilization VI, which launched last November, “significantly exceeded expectations”. It also released NBA 2K19, NBA 2K Playgrounds 2, and Carnival Games in 2018.

The latest Japanese hardware sales from Media Create are as follows:

Switch – 69,472
PS4 – 15,074
PS4 Pro – 10,540
New 2DS LL – 3,622
Vita – 1,521
New 3DS LL – 1,188
2DS – 104
Xbox One X – 86
Xbox One – 17

Nintendo has revealed this month’s NES offerings for Switch Online. Two more games are joining the lineup in the west on February, including Super Mario Bros. 2 and Kirby’s Adventure.

In Japan, Nintendo will be throwing another game in the mix: Tsuppari Oozumou. This is the second month in a row that Japan has had an extra game. However, anyone who creates a Japanese account on their Switch system regardless of their region can play Tsuppari Oozumou.

The way that Switch works currently, Nintendo’s online architecture doesn’t properly support voice chat. That’s why we’ve seen something like Fortnite taking a different approach, which happens to use Vivox.

Vivox is taking its Switch plans a step further by announcing that it’s making a software development kid available to add text and voice chat to Switch games. Third-parties will be able to take advantage of the same functionality that Fortnite has been offering.


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