Nintendo on expanding access to its IP
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…
We are continuously pursuing our basic strategy of expanding the number of people who have access to Nintendo IP.
Toward that end, first, we will continue to pursue the design and development of unique products and services that are overwhelmingly fun to play and whose appeal is easy to understand at a glance. This serves as an engine for Nintendo’s growth and boosts our value as a company. Second, we will continue active use of Nintendo IP. We aim to broaden the genre and scale of Nintendo’s involvement in entertainment through the use of smart devices and other kinds of entertainment besides games.
Third, we aim to create long-term relationships with consumers through initiatives to promote the business based on the use of Nintendo Account. These three points, while emphasized differently in the different areas of our business, are considered guideposts for how Nintendo should proceed.
Nintendo reflects on changes in the business environment surrounding the company between the 2000s and now
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News | 0 comments
This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…
When I became company president, I discussed with the directors here today the questions, “What is Nintendo?” and “What it does as a company in the first place,” and we reaffirmed that we are “a company which creates entertainment that brings smiles to people’s faces.” Nintendo has long upheld the idea of “entertainment” as the cornerstone of its business, and we want to continue to make people smile through entertainment. To understand how we arrived at this basic strategy, I’d like to start by looking back at the changes in the business environment surrounding Nintendo between the 2000s and now, and how the company changed strategies in response.
At the start of the 2000s, advancements in video game system performance rapidly led to more sophisticated and complex games. This created a growing belief among the general public that games were only for a select group of fans, which led to stagnation brought about by shrinking demand for games as indifference among some consumers grew. We called this the “gamer drift” phenomena, and in response…
Nintendo on increase in third-party Switch sales, digital sales, sales in Asia
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…
Titles from other software publishers are also seeing a steady rise alongside Nintendo Switch. Nintendo’s revenue related to software from other software publishers was more than twofold during April through December of 2018.
This chart presents a comparison of digital content sales for our dedicated video game platform business over the
years. Digital sales have expanded since Nintendo Switch was launched in March 2017. The background to this is that, in addition to the pure growth in sales volumes for Nintendo Switch software and the associated growth in overall digital sales, there are more consumers choosing digital versions of packaged software, as well as growth in download-only titles, addon content, and subscription services, such as Nintendo Switch Online, from both Nintendo and other software publishers.Meanwhile, the sales volume for Nintendo Switch in the Asia region is growing significantly compared to past Nintendo platforms. Sell-in for Nintendo Switch in the Asia region has already reached more than twice the cumulative sell-in for Nintendo 3DS. Looking at the percentage of units shipped to the Asia region compared to its total cumulative sell-in, Nintendo 3DS cumulative sell-in never reached more than the 1-plus-percent range, while the figure for Nintendo Switch is already 7 percent.
Nintendo on evergreen Switch software, Labo’s performance
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News | 0 comments
This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…
This chart shows the combined sell-through in Japan, the US, and Europe since April of 2018 for the four titles you see here. All four were released in the year before last, 2017. Sell-through of each title continued at a reasonable pace, then spiked upward toward the end of the year. As the spread of Nintendo Switch progresses, the number of new consumers is increasing. And to consumers who just purchased Nintendo Switch hardware, every existing title seems new. One of Nintendo’s strengths is how easy it is for consumers with past experience playing Nintendo games to become interested in new Nintendo-brand titles. And if the steady sales of our evergreen titles can reliably support our overall software sales, we believe that will help fill any gaps between releases of new titles.
Nintendo on Pokemon: Let’s Go, wants it to serve as a link to 2019 entry
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…
Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!, released in November of last year for Nintendo Switch, are among the first Pokémon series titles designed for a home gaming system, and have been well-received by many consumers. We’d like more people all over the world to continue playing these titles. The people who first came in contact with or regained interest in Pokémon through the Pokémon GO application for smart devices are purchasing this title, as are the increasing number of children for whom this is the first title they have ever played in the Pokémon series. We hope to continue to show consumers the appeal of these titles, and that playing them will serve as a link to the entirely new entry in the series, planned for release late this year.
Nintendo on Super Mario Party’s sales, appealing to players in their twenties
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…
Super Mario Party was released in October of last year. The Mario Party series may be generally viewed as being popular with families and kids, but this new title is also being enjoyed by consumers in their twenties. Beginning in 1998 with the release of Mario Party for Nintendo 64, the Mario Party series now consists of 16 titles across eight platforms. It seems that people around the world who have experienced the fun of playing the past installments in the series are now enjoying this newest title. The game meshes well with our “play anytime, anywhere, with anyone” concept for Nintendo Switch, and you can see on social media people playing the game with friends, at parties, and in all sorts of places. Because this is a game that everyone from regular game players to newcomers can enjoy together and have fun, our hope is that it shows continued sales growth this year and beyond as an evergreen title on Nintendo Switch, for whenever people gather together.
Nintendo on Smash Bros. Ultimate’s huge success
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate has achieved a sell-through of over 10 million units. The title has continued to show explosive growth after its release, with the fastest start for any title on any Nintendo home console ever.
This chart shows the Japanese sell-through of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate from the time of its release up to the present. Within only 4 weeks from its release, this title exceeded the lifetime sell-through of the title with then greatest sell-through in the series to achieve the highest sell-through ever.
Nintendo on its best-selling Switch games
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch | 0 comments
This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…
As was posted on our official website yesterday, these are the four Nintendo Switch software titles with the highest total sell-in. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, which was only just released in last December, has already joined this lineup after less than a month since its release by selling over 10 million units, an amount that other popular titles have taken years to grow into. Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!, released during the holiday season last year, are ranked fifth in total sell-in, while Super Mario Party, released during the same period, is in seventh position. Each of the new titles released in succession during the holiday season sold at an unprecedented pace. Looking back on this holiday season, I feel that we have managed to further enhance the Nintendo Switch software lineup consumers all over the world were looking forward to playing and would recommend them to the people close to them.
Note: Sell-in refers to units sold to retailers from the Nintendo group of companies
Nintendo says Switch sales saw a big rise during the holidays, pace close to Wii
Posted on 6 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch, Wii | 0 comments
This information comes from Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa…
This graph shows the trend in cumulative sell-through following the launch of Nintendo Switch in our major markets. Because Nintendo Switch was launched in March, its sales can’t be directly compared to those of Wii or Wii U, which were launched in the holiday season. Even so, Nintendo Switch sell-through rose greatly during this past holiday season, and it continues to sell at a pace close to that of Wii up to this point.
And cumulative global sell-through, including sales outside of the major markets you saw on the previous slides, has surpassed 30 million units as of the end of January, and the Nintendo Switch business is on a trajectory for further growth. Also, all of the new titles released in succession during the holiday season also showed exceptional sales.