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Tuesday is gearing up to be a busy day for indie news on Switch. Along with Nintendo’s own Nindies Showcast, tinyBuild has confirmed that its next #HelloSwitch presentation will be airing.

It’ll be shown at the following times:

The next step in Nintendo’s closure for the Wii Shop is fast approaching. On March 26 at 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET / 9 PM in the UK / 10 PM in Europe, this will no longer be possible.

The Wii Shop will close on January 30, 2019. Any points you’ve added can be used up until then. You just won’t be able to add new points after March 26.

This week, Amazon UK opened pre-orders for Super Smash Bros. Switch. You can reserve it here.

A couple of other Amazon websites are taking pre-orders as well. As previously mentioned, the game can be reserved on Amazon US here. Amazon Germany also has it here.

Bromio is back with another video showcasing how Pato Box has changed over the course of development. This time, we’re able to see how the area Pizzicanatra’s Food Factory has improved. Watch the video below.

Scribblenauts Showdown only just came out this month. Despite that, the game has been given a significant discount. You can nab it for $19.99 on both Amazon and GameStop (regularly $39.99).

Today’s discount comes as part of a new “Play Days Sale” over at GameStop. You can find the full lineup of deals here.

Fire Emblem Heroes has a few new events starting today. The game has added in its latest Bound Hero Battle, summoning focus, and map.

First, Chrom: Exalted Prince and Lissa: Sprightly Clereic are now showing up in Special Maps for Bound Hero Battle: Chrom & Lissa. And in related news, both characters are available through a summoning focus along with Robin: High Deliverer.

Lastly, Blessed Gardens has a new map. Grotto of Wind has been added. Players are advised to visit with four Heroes who are either Wind-type Legendary Heroes or Heroes with a Wind blessing.

Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find returning stages with more items.

“Drivin’ me crazy! Vehicle Vogue” is the returning theme. The stages provide the following:


Gal*Gun 2

While Gal*Gun 2 won’t be available in North America and Europe until April, the game did launch in Japan this week and with English support to boot. View an hour of footage on Switch below.

Last week’s Nintendo Direct was packed with Splatoon 2 news, including what’s to come in future updates. Three more stages will be added in the months ahead.

The Japanese Splatoon 2 Twitter accounts confirms that Piranha Pit will be up first at the end of March. Camp Trigger Fish will follow in late April. Finally, Wahoo World will be out at the beginning of June.

We also have these screenshots of the stages:

Thanks to m_t for the tip.



The recent announcement of GameMaker Studio 2 support on Switch has been a very big deal. After the news was made known, a number of developers have come forth expressing interest in bringing their games to the console.

Indie Pogo, a fighter featuring a mashup of indie characters, is another title that may end up on Switch. After hearing about the compatibility between the engine and Switch, Lowe Bros. Studios is looking into the possibility. That doesn’t mean a Switch port is officially happening, but it’s a very encouraging first step.

Thanks to awesomeparadise3 for the tip.

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