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The next issue of CoroCoro will be one to keep an eye on if you’re a Pokemon fan. According to the latest magazine, the next edition will contain some big news about the franchise in 2016. Expect the news to leak out before December 15.


Last week, we reported that The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D was finally being restocked at Best Buy stores. The retailer has now made the 3DS title available on its website as well. If you’re looking for a copy, head on over to Best Buy’s page here.

Some folks have been asking about how NIS America handled the Wii version of Rodea: The Sky Soldier in terms of packaging. As many of you know, that version of the game came with all pre-orders (plus first-print copies).

Rodea: The Sky Soldier’s Wii edition doesn’t have its own box. Instead, NIS America included it in the same Wii U case. A separate case would have been nice, but at least we did end up getting the Wii version in the end!

Austin has been playing a bit of Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash, and one element he’s been trying out is what’s offered through amiibo. Get a look at the game mode in the video below.

A few hours ago, Atlus hosted a new stream for Stella Glow. The full Twitch archive, comprised of 90 minutes of footage, can be found after the break.

Final Fantasy Explorers can now be pre-ordered from the Square Enix online store. If you’re in North America, do so here. Those in Europe should visit this link.

Note that the Final Fantasy Explorers Collector’s Edition will be exclusive to Square Enix’s store. If you want it, you’ll need to grab it through the links provided in this post.

We recently got our hands on Xenoblade Chronicles X ahead of its western launch early next month. In the video below, you’ll be able to view over an hour of footage from the game.

Several new games out came out this week on the Wii U and 3DS eShops. If you’re interested in checking out what’s new in screenshot form, take a peak at the gallery below.

Test Your Mind was one of the new games on the Wii U eShop this week. Take a look at some footage from the release below.

Nintendo has brought out a new Splatoon map as promised. Players can begin battling it out over on Museum d’Alfonsino.

Here’s an overview of the map from Nintendo:

“This time, the battlefield is the courtyard of a modern museum, characterized by a number of revolving doors. Time your jumps well across high platforms to reach the most strategic turf! With a little bit of luck, you can turn each and every painting into a Jackson Pollock and claim victory for your team!”


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