Wales Interactive interested in the New 3DS thanks to Unity support
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, New Nintendo 3DS, News | 0 comments
Wales Interactive has already made a couple of titles for Wii U in Gravity Badgers and Master Reboot. Soul Axiom will also be on the eShop soon. In the future, Wales Interactive may extend its support to another Nintendo platform: the New 3DS.
You may recall that Unity support was announced for New 3DS awhile back. Thanks to the engine’s upcoming compatibility on the handheld, we could see games on the system from Wales Interactive.
Wales Interactive co-founder and technical director Richard Pring told Nintendo Insider:
“Definitely. Actually, weirdly enough when we were out in Cologne we were talking to some of the developers of that. It is something that we want to actually try, because we’ve created a handheld version of Gravity Badgers for PlayStation Vita a while back which kind of did quite well. We know the 3DS is such a massive market. We’ve been to Japan a few times now as well, and we couldn’t believe people were playing it all the time. It will be something we definitely want to try out. For us especially, we like to develop and it would be a nice one for us to do.”
More: indie, Richard Pring, Wales Interactive
New set of characters confirmed for Project X Zone 2
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 9 Comments
Famitsu has more coverage of Project X Zone 2 this week. The magazine officially confirms the addition of Ingrid, Ryo, and Estelle, which were previously leaked through Korean screenshots. We also have the latest confirmations regarding enemies and characters appearing in event scenes.
Here’s the full listing from Famitsu:
Solo units
Ingrid (Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX)
Ryo (Shenmue)
Estelle (Tales of Vesperia)
M. Bison (Street Fighter)
Pyron (Darkstalkers)
Black Hayato (Star Gladiator)
Ranmaru (Sakura Wars)
T-elos (Xenosaga)
Metal Face (Xenoblade Chronicles)
Characters in event scenes
Ada Wong (Resident Evil 6)
Miles Edgeworth (Ace Attorney)
Garigliano (Resonance of Fate)
Tarosuke (Shadow Land)
Tiki (Fire Emblem Awakening)
More: Bandai Namco, Monolith Soft, Project X Zone 2, top
This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:
Forza 6 (XBO) – 8/9/9/9
7th Dragon III Code: VFD (3DS) – 9/8/9/8
Destiny: The Taken King (PS4/PS3) – 9/8/8/9
Geki Jigen Tag Blanc + Neptune Vs. Zombie Gundan (PSV) – 7/7/8/7
Earth Wars (PS4/XBO) – 7/7/7/7
More: Famitsu, Famitsu scores
First Shin Megami Tensei IV Final details
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments
Yesterday, Famitsu revealed that Atlus is developing Shin Megami Tensei IV Final for 3DS. First details about the game have since leaked out of this week’s issue.
Here’s what we know thus far:
– Takes place in Tokyo
– Year 203X
– In order to avoid destruction from the war against the gods that suddenly broke out 25 years prior, thick bedrock was made to cover the sky
– This also prevented any contact with those outside
– It wasn’t long until the battle ended, and the people of Tokyo began to fight and murder others for the little amount of supplies and resources that remained
– The people have become ruled over by the angels and demons that stood atop the food chain
– Masashi Doi is working on character designs
– See the likes of Merkabah, Lucifer, and others, including Medusa from the previous game, in their refined forms
– 90% complete
Protagonist (CV: Hiro Shimono)
– Has been spending his days as an apprentice of an organization called the Inhumanity Hunter
– While out on a mission, he takes a surprise attack from a demon, and dies
Mysterious Demon (CV: Shuichi Ikeda)
– Wanders the underworld after the protagonist dies and forms a contract with him
– The protagonist is given a new life and the ability to summon demons
Asahi (CV: Seike Tomoko)
– 15-year-old girl and childhood friend of the protagonist
– Part of the Inhumanity Hunter organization
Navarre (CV: Shintaro Oohata)
– Same Navarre from Shin Megami Tensei IV
– After losing his life for something petty, he meets the protagonist when he wasn’t able to properly go to the afterlife
– Currently has the form of a green body
That’s all thus far! We’ll let you know if any other notable information comes in.
More: Atlus, details roundup, Japan, Shin Megami Tensei IV Final, top
Skull Kid playable in Hyrule Warriors Legends, Phantom Ganon is a boss
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 35 Comments
This week’s issue of Famitsu reveals a pair of new characters for Hyrule Warriors Legends. Thanks to the magazine, we now know that Skull Kid will be playable. Phantom Ganon is also in as a boss, and he uses an ocarina during battle (not to mention that a fairy is at his side).
Hyrule Warriors Legends comes out in Japan on January 21. The western release will follow sometime in Q1 2016.
More: Famitsu, Hyrule Warriors Legends, Koei Tecmo, Omega Force, Team Ninja, top
3DS eShop charts (10/5/15)
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 3 Comments
This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:
1. Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer
2. Mario Kart 7
3. Super Mario Bros. 3
4. Shovel Knight
5. Super Mario Bros.
6. Smash Controller
7. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
8. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
9. The Legend of Zelda
10. Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal World Duel Carnival
11. The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth
12. Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
13. Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
14. Pokemon Omega Ruby
15. Fractured Soul
16. Pokemon Alpha Sapphire
17. Pokemon Trading Card Game
18. Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
19. Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D
20. Pokemon Dream Radar
1. Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer PAX Prime 2015 Video
2. Zelda: Tri Force Heroes E3 2015 Trailer
3. Meet Chibi-Robo!
4. Let’s Watch! Super Mario Maker Overview!
5. Pokemon Rumble World Trailer
6. Nintendo Treehouse Live @ E3 2015 Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer
7. Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon E3 2015 Trailer
8. Chronus Arc Trailer
9. Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer E3 2015 Trailer
10. Skylanders SuperChargers Racing Trailer
11. Shovel Knight amiibo Reveal Trailer
12. Little Battlers eXperience Trailer
13. Super Smash Bros. Mii Fighters Suit Up for Wave One
14. Mario Kart 7 Video
15. Hyrule Warriors Legends E3 2015 Trailer
16. Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Nindies@Night PAX Trailer
17. Chibi-Robo amiibo!
18. Super Mario Maker Accolades Trailer
19. Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butoden Trailer
20. Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam E3 2015 Trailer
Source: 3DS eShop
More: charts
[Interview] Tomorrow Corporation shares more on Human Resource Machine and its Wii U features
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Interviews, Wii U eShop | 6 Comments
Nearly three years ago, Tomorrow Corporation brought Little Inferno to the eShop in time for the Wii U’s launch. The studio is now almost ready to release its next game, Human Resource Machine. Just a few weeks ago, an announcement was made confirming a Wii U launch for October 14.
We recently got in touch with Tomorrow Corporation’s Kyle Gabler in hopes of learning more about Human Resource Machine. Gabler shared more information about the game and talked about what we can expect from the Wii U version, and also touched on a few other topics like the Nindies community and the difficulties of being a small team.
For our full interview, head past the break.
Splatoon – SplatNet website is now in English
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 5 Comments
SplatNet, the multiplayer service hub for Splatoon, is now accessible in English. You can access it here. Previously, the website was only displayed in Japanese.
Splatoon players can access a variety of information on SplatNet. This includes:
– Friend List status (see if they’re playing)
– Rank data
– Gear and weapons you’ve equipped while playing online
– Information about stages
It’s also possible to link your Nintendo Network ID to your Twitter account.
Here’s the official announcement from Nintendo:
Log into with your NNID to recruit friends for #Splatoon battles, view rankings and more!
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) October 6, 2015
More: Splatoon
Zelda: Tri Force Heroes – Moldorm boss fight footage
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Our latest look at The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes shows off the Moldorm boss fight. The latest footage, as uploaded by GameSpot, is attached below.
More Race the Sun footage
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
Additional footage has come in for the indie title Race the Sun. Take a look at the newest video below, coming from NintenDaan.