Fire Emblem Fates male customization footage
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos | 0 comments
Another video has come in for Fire Emblem Fates. In this latest one, we get a look at male customization. Check out the video below.
More: Fire Emblem Fates
Fantasy Pirates hitting the European 3DS eShop next week
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 0 comments
EnjoyUp Games is planning yet another title for the 3DS eShop. Fantasy Pirates is on track to hit Europe next week – July 2 specifically. Pricing is set at €1.99.
More: EnjoyUp Games, Fantasy Pirates
Super Sonico in Production, Toushin Toshi pulled from the Japanese eShop due to Imageepoch closure
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News | 1 Comment
With the closure of Imageepoch, two of the company’s games have been removed from the 3DS eShop. Super Sonico in Production and Toushin Toshi are no longer available digitally. At least those who purchased them previously can still access these titles from the eShop!
Yo-Kai Watch English anime trailer
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, Videos | 1 Comment
An English trailer has been uploaded for the Yo-Kai Watch anime. Watch it below.
More: anime, Level-5, Yo-kai Watch
Dragon Quest VIII screenshots
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Screenshots | 2 Comments
Square Enix shared new screenshots from the 3DS version of Dragon Quest VIII today. You’ll find them in the gallery below.
More: Dragon Quest VIII, Japan, Square Enix
Tiny Galaxy launch trailer
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 1 Comment
A launch trailer for Tiny Galaxy has been prepared ahead of the game’s North American launch on July 16. Check it out below.
More: Arcane Pixel, indie, Tiny Galaxy
Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash devs on why snacks are prominently featured, took lots of effort
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 2 Comments
In Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash, the game is packed with plenty of snacks like pocky and Utz potato chips. Nintendo producer Risa Tabata explained during E3 2015 last week that this came about so that players would be able to truly understand Chibi-Robo’s size, and so that he’d have more items to collect that felt more substantial.
Tabata told Nintendo World Report:
“We were trying to think of ways to express [how tiny Chibi-Robo is] to give you a point of reference to show you how small he is in real life. Since this time, there are no people around, [the snacks] something we can give you to compare.”
“Because the game itself takes place around the world in various places, we thought coming up with different monuments that you see around the world, such as the Statue of Liberty or the Pyramids, but that would be way too big to use as a reference for a tiny little robot. And that’s when I thought ‘What’s something that’s around us all the time, and makes people happy to see or to find in game?’ I personally also love snacks too, so I thought this is a great idea to implement in the game.”
In order for snacks to be included in Chibi-Robo!: Zip Lash, Nintendo branches in North America and Europe needed to reach out to different companies. Tabata also visited 30 different snack food companies for the Japanese version.
Nintendo producer Kensuke Tanabe said:
“Around this time in Japan, it is super hot and humid. So she was wearing her business attire, walking around the whole country, travelling to present this idea to all these people. I myself was sitting in the office, just chilling, thinking ‘She’s going through such a hard labor.’ *laughs*”
Scans roundup – Aikatsu! My No. 1 Stage!, Dragon Quest VIII, Fire Emblem Fates
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images, Wii U | 1 Comment
This week’s issue of Famitsu has now been published, and while it isn’t as Nintendo-packed as previous issues, there’s still plenty to check out. The latest Nintendo coverage is mainly dedicated to Aikatsu! My No. 1 Stage!, Dragon Quest VIII, and Fire Emblem Fates. Scans of each are in the gallery below, along with a random one for Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem.
More: scan
Nintendo talks about why Super Mario Maker is being released on September 11
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 15 Comments
We knew for some time that Super Mario Maker was planned for a September launch, but Nintendo finally shared a specific date during its Digital Event last week. It’s slated for September 11 – only two days before the 30th anniversary of the original Super Mario Bros.
Some may have felt that going with September 13 would have been the smarter move, but Nintendo ultimately ships titles on Fridays these days. That’s pretty much why Super Mario Maker’s September 11 date was ultimately chosen.
As Nintendo representative Julie Gagnon recently explained:
“Nintendo is really respectful of this date, but the thing is that when we launched Super Mario Bros back in 1985, it was September 13th. And, as we have worked with retailers on Friday as a launch day, the date worked out as Friday, September 11th for this year.”
More: Super Mario Maker
Latest Langrisser Re:Incarnation Tensei character art
Posted on 9 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Images | 1 Comment
The latest art for Langrisser Re:Incarnation Tensei gives us a look at four more characters in the game. Each image is posted in the gallery below.