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Indie developer Edrox Interactive has revealed a new project for Wii U titled “Bizerta: Silent Evil”. This horror game started out as a PlayStation Vita/PS Mobile game, but will now be heading to Nintendo’s console instead.

Just a few details have been made known thus far. We know that players will roam through a a disheveled mansion with a flashlight as they confront panic inducing gameplay elements. Additionally, there are plans to mix both horror and puzzle elements into one experience.

Check out some images from Bizerta: Silent Evil below.


Comic Workshop 2 exists, and it’s coming to Japan next week. The application is due out on February 25 for 1,000 yen, via the eShop.

The following features have been added:

– gradation
– concentrated linework
– adding and multiplying a layer
– seals and the selection tool can be freely rotated
– locking a transparent section
– inverting the canvas horizontally and showing grids
– copying and moving a page
– custom button configurations

View some screenshots from Comic Workshop 2 above.

Like the last special fish video for The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D, we’re posting the video after the break!

HAL Laboratory opened its doors on February 21, 1980. That means the company is now 35 years old! They are behind some of Nintendo’s biggest hits, including Kirby and Super Smash Bros. Happy birthday, HAL!

A West Coast port strike has been ongoing for a number of months. That has impacted Nintendo’s business in the United States, causing shipment issues for amiibo and New 3DS XL hardware. Fortunately, we’re hearing that the strike is effectively coming to a close now that negotiators reached a tentative contract. Hopefully Nintendo’s shipment issues will be ending soon!

Source, Via

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