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One new game will be available on the Japanese Wii U Virtual Console next week. It is as follows:

Duck Hunt (Famicom, 514 yen)

The game above is hitting the Japanese eShop on December 24.


Jupiter already made five Picross games for the 3DS eShop, and they’re about to launch another – at least in Japan.

Next Wednesday, Picross e6 will be available on the Japanese 3DS eShop for 500 yen. Zomgeri Panic Nightmare (1000 yen), Toy Stunt Bike (500), and Perfect December (200) are also due out on the same day.

You can count on a western announcement for Picross e6 happening sometime in the future.


Nintendo prepared a new update for Steel Diver: Sub Wars today, bringing the game to version 4.1. It should take up 326 blocks or so.

With the 4.0 patch, the following change was made:

– Submarine diving and surfacing angles The angle of a sub when it dives or surfaces will not be as steep, which makes it easier to evade frontal attacks.

Today’s update changes things again it has returned to 3.0 settings for the angle of a sub when it surfaces. This appears to be the only modification from the newest patch.


Destructoid recently conducted an interview with Matt Bozon, creative director at WayForward. Bozon primarily chatted about Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse, though a couple of side-topics were brought up as well.

Bozon shared the following when asked why WayForward continues to show support for Wii U despite the relatively small install base:

We’ve been there supporting Nintendo with every system launch starting with the Game Boy Color. We want to be first in line to make games for these legendary platforms. Whether they reach a massive audience or not, Nintendo fans occupy an extremely loyal corner of the game industry. They like intelligent design and visually iconic characters, and they typically understand that games of high quality take time. Sure, we want our games to appear everywhere and be played by everyone, but I feel we have a real connection with Nintendo and its fans.

We’re working to expand our fan base, but Nintendo fans got us here which is why we go the extra mile to serve them when we can.

On another note, Bozon said that he’d “love” to see Shantae in Smash Bros. and would even be supportive of a Shantae amiibo.

Yes, I would love to play as her in Smash and I want a Shantae Amiibo. Her move set aligns nicely, since she dances to charge up her bigger moves, can get extra jumps by way of Cannon or Harpy Transformation. And she brings more girl power, and has been Nintendo exclusive since back on Game Boy. So yeah, Shantae.

But if I HAVE to choose someone else, then it’s easy. Bomberman! He’s has an enduring Nintendo legacy, comes in various colors, and his bomb-based move set would make him a blast to play.


Tomonobu Itagaki is continuing to share a few details about Devil’s Third over on his Facebook page. Here’s a roundup of the latest information:

– Devil’s Third meaning has to do with music
– Might be referring to a “tritone,” a musical interval composed of three whole tunes or six half tones
– This is colloquially sometimes referred to as “The Devil’s Interval”
– Unknown right now if this is what he meant

On whether Devil’s Third will feature both a single and multiplayer campaign:

“We made this game for single play (campaign) and online online multiplay gamers. ‘Cuz I know I have to respond to expectations by both gamers. So, in fact, we invested double amount of resources than general development in this industry, to accomplish to develop this game. I can’t show you specific length of single play mode, ‘cuz we’re still tuning this game. But you can estimate the total length of single play mode, by my saying above.”

Itagaki also said that the specs for Devil’s Third, which includes framerate and resolution, are still being worked on.


Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse is launching for Wii U next week. Today, WayForward confirmed that the game will be available on December 25 in North America.

Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse previously released for 3DS back in late October.

Like the 3DS release, Shantae will cost $19.99 on Nintendo’s home console. Here’s a look at the Wii U features:

• HD character portraits by Mega Man developer IntiCreates
• Off-TV play
• Classic Controller Pro and Wii U Pro Controller support
• Unlockable Pirate-Mode
• Multiple endings
• Epic original soundtrack by Jake “Virt” Kaufman

Source: WayForward PR

Having issues with auto-play, so you can find the footage after the break!

This week’s issue of Famitsu reveals a new DLC quest for Final Fantasy Explorers. By purchasing the magazine, players will receive a code to unlock the quest. The Lance of Kain – a special weapon resembling the one used by Kain in Final Fantasy IV – will be awarded to those who gather all materials.

It was previously revealed that another quest can be unlocked through a code included in the latest issue of the Final Fantasy Magazine. This nets players the Chocobo Hammer upon completion.


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