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Nordic Games still isn’t ready to make any announcements about Darksiders. The company is currently “looking at all possible design directions”, product development director Reinhard Pollice told GenGAME.

That being said, Nordic says that Darksiders has a future “and it will be awesome.” Pollice also mentioned how fans should keep the series on their radar and keep track of what the company is announcing in the future.

Check out the exchange between GenGAME and Pollice below:

Bandai Namco has released the first screenshots from Majin Bone 3DS, as well as the game’s boxart. It’s due out in Japan on October 9 for 5,690 yen.

Shovel Knight butt mode

Shovel Knight has a wholeeeee lot of cheats. One of these, the “Butt Mode”, might just be the most humorous one yet.

By entering “WSWWAEAW” as your name when starting Shovel Knight, mentions for various reoccurring words such as Shovel, Knight, Health, and Magic are replaced with the word “Butt”. Lovely, isn’t it?

You can find more cheat codes here.

Source, Via

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