Mario Kart 8 devs talk game’s graphics and using Wii U’s power, balance, original Rainbow Road is “really spectacular”, more
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 6 Comments
GameSpot has published a series of articles featuring commentary from Mario Kart 8 producer Hideki Konno and director Kosuke Yabuki. During a roundtable session held at GDC last month, the two touched on the game’s graphics, balance, brand new Rainbow Road course, and more. You can find the Q&A roundup below.
More: Hideki Konno, interview, Kosuke Yabuki, Mario Kart 8, top, Yabu
Rumor: Voice actor suggests Raiden appearance in the new Smash Bros.
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Rumors, Wii U | 14 Comments
Update: Debunked. The quote now reads:
“Let me think about that. Well the Metal Gear series is always coming in and out of my ‘field’. We have put bids out on it a couple of times. Raiden was always a character that I had wanted to play. I did end up playing him on PlayStation All-Stars (*amended at the request of Mr.Langdon); so I actually did kind of end up playing him eventually (* Amended- Reuben here is referring to playing Raiden in Mocap- not as a voice actor). But NOT to the extent that he exists in the other games.”
Original: I’m only going to mention this in passing – at least for now – since this may be a misunderstanding or plain confusion. But as the title reads, there’s talk of Raiden playing some sort of role in the new Smash Bros.
When asked in a recent interview about a franchise he’d like to appear in, voice actor Reuben Langdon said:
Let me think about that. Well the Metal Gear series is always coming in and out of my ‘field’. We have put bids out on it a couple of times. Raiden was always a character that I had wanted to play. I did end up playing him on Super Smash Bros; so I did end up playing him eventually. NOT to the extent that he is in the other games.
Langdon’s comments have led to speculation that Raiden will be in the upcoming Super Smash Bros. That doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll be playable though, nor does it exactly confirm Snake’s appearance. I’d personally advise taking all of this with a grain of salt until we have some sort of clarification.
More: Reuben Langdon, Super Smash Bros.
Video: European eShop highlights – March 2014
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
More: Europe, Nintendo Download, Virtual Console
Mario Kart 8 art
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Images, Wii U | 0 comments
More: Mario Kart 8
Nintendo Download (4/3/14, North America)
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Wii U eShop | 3 Comments
This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:
3DS Retail
Super Monkey Ball 3D
3DS Download
Rusty’s Real Deal Baseball – free
Mystery Case Files Dire Grove
Mystery Case Files Ravenhearst
Wii U Virtual Console
Metroid Fusion – $7.99
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga – $7.99
Advance Wars – $7.99
Wii U Download
Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate – Deluxe Edition – $19.99
Evofish – $4.99
eShop sale
Buy Dr. Mario, get $5 off Dr. Luigi in the Nintendo eShop for a limited time – Is there a doctor in the house? How about two? If you buy or already own the classic puzzle game Dr. Mario from the Virtual Console service in the Nintendo eShop on the Wii U console, you can get $5 off the purchase price of its sibling game Dr. Luigi in the Nintendo eShop starting today at 9 a.m. PT until April 10 at 8:59 a.m. PT.
Source: Nintendo PR
Japanese NES Remix 2 site open, footage
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U eShop | 0 comments
You can find the Japanese NES Remix 2 page here.
More: NES Remix 2
Mario Kart 8 features music recorded by live performers for the first time in the series
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 1 Comment
This is something that we covered in our Mario Kart 8 press release today, though this nugget deserves a bit of extra attention.
Yep – Mario Kart 8 does in fact feature music recorded by live performers. It’s not for all tracks, but it’s a fantastic addition in any case!
Live recorded music: For the first time in the Mario Kart series, select courses in Mario Kart 8 feature music recorded by live performers.
More: Mario Kart 8, top
Retro Studios not working on Mario Kart 8
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 0 comments
Remember how Retro Studios contributed to some of the retro tracks in Mario Kart 7? Well, that seems to have been a one time thing. While not absolutely confirmed, a Nintendo representative indicated to NintendoWorldReport that Retro Studios is not involved with Mario Kart 8.
More: Mario Kart 8, Retro Studios
Konno explains why you can’t customize tracks in Mario Kart 8
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U | 6 Comments
Despite rumors to the contrary, Mario Kart 8 will not include a track editor. Producer Hideki Konno finds the idea interesting, though implementing such functionality would be difficult, he explained during a roundtable held at GDC.
Konno started out by stating that allowing gamers to design Mario Kart 8 tracks is “a fun feature” and something he’s “been interested in for a long time”, he said. “However, with Mario Kart, course creation is key to the series, and it’s really tough.”
Konno added:
More: Hideki Konno, Mario Kart 8, top
Nintendo open to revisiting Mario Kart: Double Dash’s dual racers feature
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in GameCube, General Nintendo, News | 4 Comments
The Mario Kart series has yet to see the return of dual racers since Mario Kart: Double Dash. Yet even though this feature hasn’t been revisited, Nintendo is still open to the idea of featuring two racers per cart.
Mario Kart 8 producer Hideki Konno said during a GDC 2014 roundtable session:
“It wasn’t just a simple case of, ‘Hey, we’re not going to do that again.’ We really think the two racers together in one kart of Double Dash was really unique, and we thought it worked really well.”
“We’ve got that in our pocket, so if we come up with any new, cool ideas that utilize having two players racing together, we will definitely grab that and possibly bring it back out.”
“Having two players racing together, it does have a pretty high cost in terms of processing power, so that is an obstacle. That being said, if we could come up with some ways around that processing cost, we may have two players, maybe even three players, racing together. If we could come up with some cool ideas, we’ll definitely use them.”