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Nintendo’s 2017 Summer of Play Tour has been taking place over the past few weeks, and the Play Nintendo hosts were on the scene. Get a look inside the event below.

Producer Adi Shankar just wrapped up the first season on Netflix’s Castlevania animated series, and he’s setting his sights on Assassin’s Creed next. Shankar also has interest in Nintendo franchises, as it turns out.

When asked about other game series he’d like to adapt while speaking with Nintendo Life, Shankar turned to Metroid. “Dark Metroid in the same anime style,” he responded.

With Nintendo more open to video content these days, perhaps the idea of Shankar working on Metroid isn’t entirely far-fetched. At the very least, he’d likely treat the IP well given the strong reception to Castlevania thus far.


Nintendo president Satoru Iwata passed ago two years ago today. Iwata lost the fight to bile duct cancer on July 11, 2015.

With Iwata’s contributions to Nintendo and the gaming industry as a whole, we should take a moment to recognize and reflect on his importance. He wasn’t your typical president having originally started out as a game developer. Iwata kept coding until he was 40, and helped Smash Bros. Melee get out on time. He was instrumental in the hugely successful Wii and DS. And really, that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

So, thank you Iwata. It’s still unbelievable that you’re not here with us still, but everything you accomplished will not be forgotten. 

A new Japanese trademark application has been filed for “Nintendo Check-In”. Nintendo reserved the image just a few weeks ago on June 20.

Aside from the image above, there’s not much else to go on with the trademark. However, the filing is associated with the following categories:

– Screening and production or distribution of movies
– Stage play performances
– Musical performance
– Planning and management of game tournaments
– Providing games online
– Providing entertainment facilities
– Rental of toys



Amazon Prime Day 2017 kicks off today. Consumers subscribed to the retailer’s membership program will be able to save on deals for 30 hours starting at 9 PM ET / 6 PM PT.

Amazon has provided an early tease as to what’s in store this year. As for gaming, you’ll be able to save up to 50% on select titles, consoles and accessories.

Previews of the deals are starting to go live. You’ll want to keep track of this page for all of the deals. Early on, we can see the Smash Bros. 3DS will be included as well as a deluxe Switch case and Retro-Link Wired GameCube Style USB Controller. Throughout the day and into Prime Day, more deals should be added.

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After Nintendo announced the new Zelda: Breath of the Wild at E3, we learned that Japan would be receiving a 4-pack of the figures. Urbosa, Revali, Mipha, and Daruk will be sold together for those who are interested.

As it turns out, this 4-pack won’t just be for Japan. A similar listing has appeared on the amiibo site in Germany. The only difference between the two is that each character lines up correctly in the packaging.



Nintendo has been sharing special Zelda art pieces to promote the masterclass held by series producer Eiji Aonuma and other developers at Japan Expo. Following the event of the session, the final piece of art was published online. You can view it above, and look at the other two pieces of art here and here.


A new interview has appeared with Level-5’s CEO. Glixel recently spoke with the company’s Akihiro Hino.

Hino had plenty to say about the Layton series, including its success in the west, continued popularity today, and how it came to be in the first place. He also commented on other topics as well. These include how Level-5 is different from other developers and how it has changed as a company, and more.

You can read up on notable excerpts from the interview below. Head on over here for the full interview.

Coming out of E3, Paste published an interview with Doug Bowser, head of marketing at Nintendo of America. Much of the discussion focused on the handheld market.

During the talk, Bowser was asked about the future of handhelds, whether 3DS game development is continuing, and more. He also took on questions about the durability of Switch’s screen and whether there will be a crossover between 3DS and Switch features.

For a roundup of notable excerpts, continue on below. Paste’s full interview with Bowser is located here.

In April, Oddworld creator and Oddworld Inhabitants founder Lorne Lanning appeared on The GameOverGreggy Show. Though the show was originally recorded in April, some comments Lanning made about Nintendo made the rounds at the end of this week.

Lanning noted a few things – he personally thought Switch would likely be unsuccessful, that it might not be worthwhile for third-parties given what happened on Wii and Wii U, and several other comments.

Ultimately the biggest remark that caught on is something Lanning said about late Nintendo president Satoru Iwata. He said that “The thinking has to change,” before adding: “The biggest problem I see at Nintendo is the thinking. Personally, I think it killed Iwata – that he couldn’t move the organization into a really successful arena.”

Lanning has now apologized “for the poor choice of words concerning Satoru Iwata.” He also clarified what he was originally trying to say. We’ve rounded up everything Lanning passed along on Twitter below.

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