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A couple of Mario wallpapers were recently added to My Nintendo in North America. Another two, based on Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Snipperclips, are out now as well.

These rewards will set you back 50 Platinum Points each just like the Mario ones. They’re also compatible with PCs and smart devices.

You can obtain these rewards here. They will be leaving the site on July 2.

We’re a little ways into March, so we want to know what everyone is up to with their gaming sessions as of late. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is no doubt something that many of you are playing, but I’m willing to bet there are at least a few of you out there who are spending your time with something else. Plus, I know some folks enjoy going through more than one game at once.

So what are you playing right now? Is Zelda: Breath of the Wild indeed taking up most of your time? Let us know in the comments below.

Highlights from last week’s topic: Your impressions of Switch and Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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Fire Emblem 0 series 8 is coming to Japan on March 17. Since that date is so close, a live stream was held to show off what’s in store in the near future as well as a few months from now.

Not only cards from series 8, but also ones from series 9 were on display. Additionally, we also have news about series 10. Thracia 776, Fates, and Heroes will all be represented there.

If that wasn’t enough, the Japanese Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia – Valentia Complete edition was shown. This included a look at the box, special edition, Blu-ray, and promo cards.

Serenes Forest’s Kirie recaps the entire event below:

FE Cipher S8 Pre-Release Livestream


Swap Fire normally costs $14.99 on the North American Wii U eShop. Either the developer is feeling extra generous, or someone made an error as the game is currently showing as free.

Even if you’re not interested in Swap Fire, it might be worth “purchasing” regardless. We’re hearing that it’s giving users 20 Gold Points on My Nintendo.

You can order Swap Fire from Nintendo’s website here. It should probably be up on the eShop itself as well.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.


Nintendo of America put up a couple of additional videos for MAR10 Day on its Twitter account a few hours ago. In both, Yoshiaki Koizumi, Shinya Takahashi, and Shigeru Miyamoto were asked about the one game they’d play if they were stuck on an island. Find their responses below.


This week’s episode of Nintendo Minute has gone live. In today’s video, Kit and Krysta try out Super Bomberman R’s multiplayer with a couple of friends. Watch the full episode below.

The MAR10 Day celebrations continues with a new video from Shigeru Miyamoto. Below, you can hear Miyamoto answering a question about the power-up he’d want to have the most in real life.


Update: Bumped to the top. Amazon’s MAR10 Day digital sale is now live. Super Mario 64, Mario Kart 64, Super Mario Bros. 3, and more discounted by 20 percent. Pretty rare for a retailer to have discounts on digital codes.

Original: It’s MAR10 Day, and retailers are celebrating the occasion with a special sale. Mario games and toys are discounted at Best Buy, while Amazon also has a few select titles on sale.

You can find Best Buy’s offerings here, available for today only. Amazon’s deals are here.

At the moment, Best Buy has the NES Classic Edition in stock. How long that’ll hold true remains to be seen, but likely not more than a few minutes. If you’re quick enough, you might be able to place an order here.


Three new rewards have been added to My Nintendo in Europe. For 50 Platinum Points each, you can get a Super Mario (Red), Super Mario (White) or a Snipperclips wallpaper. The wallpapers can be downloaded in eight different resolutions, with various options for both PCs and smartphones. All three rewards are available until October 1st 2017.

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