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New Pokemon Snap version 2.0.0 update

New Pokemon Snap is about to receive a major update. We already know that three new areas will be added to the game along with twenty creatures, but it turns out that there are some quality of life improvements as well.

Here’s the full rundown:

Atlus has shared a new daily demon video for Shin Megami Tensei V offering a closer look at the demon Anahita. Check it out below.

According to an eShop listing, Space Invaders: Invincible Collection will be arriving digitally in the West on August 17.

The collection of arcade shooters first arrived on Switch last June, but only through limited physical copies on Strictly Limited Games’ website. Though available digitally in Japan, this will be the title’s debut on the Switch eShop in North America. Check out our original coverage here.


Forever Entertainment has given an update on the release for rhythmic and tactical space shooter Project Aether: First Contact. The title will be launching digitally on the Switch eShop on August 5.

Original coverage of Project Aether: First Contact, including an overview and trailer, can be found here.

Source: Forever Entertainment PR

Forever Entertainment has announced that adventure platformer Smashroom is arriving on the Switch eShop on August 5. Check out an overview and trailer below.

A new Prize Showcase is now live in Dragalia Lost, which will award additional prizes to players each time they summon. Here are the details and a video:

A new Egg Event is now live in Pokemon Masters EX. The Flying and Psychic-type Egg Event brings multiple new eggs for the pokemon Abra, Farfetched, Exeggcute, and Spearow.

Ahead of the Tempest Trials+ Ice and Flame 2 event arriving on August 6, Fire Emblem Heroes is hosting a new Summoning Focus. Here are the details:

Nintendo Switch Online

The Nintendo Switch Online app has been updated once again. On both iOS and Android, version 1.12.0 is available.

Below are the full patch notes:

Pokemon Unite update

Pokemon Unite is set to receive a new update on Wednesday, August 4. It will feature a spectate feature test release, balance adjustments, and more.

Below are the full patch notes:

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