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Publisher Numskull Games and developer Dinosaur Bytes Studio today announced that Clive ‘N’ Wrench, a brand new 3D platformer, is on the way to Switch. We’ll be seeing it this winter on Nintendo’s console.

Here’s some information about the project:

Thunder Paw is out on the Switch eShop today, and we have some new footage showing the action-adventure game. Get a look at the gameplay below.

The latest Tempest Trials+ event is now live in Fire Emblem Heroes. Full-Bloom Bout will run from today till March 30. The big rewards this time are a 5-star Bartre: Earsome Warrior and Def Feint 1 and Death Blow 1 seals.

It’s Friday, which means another round of character trailers for One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4. Today, we’ve got Charlotte Katakuri, Vinsmoke Reiju, Vinsmoke Ichiji and Vinsmoke Yonji for you:

Ratalakia Games has readied a launch trailer for Thunder Paw, a 2D action-adventure game for Switch. We have the video attached below.

Billion Road won’t be available in the west until April 16, but some new English gameplay has surfaced. Check it out below.

With the release of Doom 64 on Switch, we’re able to see what sort of graphical updates were made since the original N64 version. View a video comparing the two versions below, courtesy of GameXplain.

Exit the Gungeon

Exit the Gungeon, which just launched on Switch yesterday, will soon be updated to version 2.0.2. It will include gameplay changes/improvements as well as fixes.

Below are the full patch notes:

Doom 64 will finally be re-released on Switch tomorrow. For a look at some footage, watch the gameplay video below.

Red Death, a vertical bullet hell shoot ’em up, dropped on the Switch eShop earlier today. Take a look at some footage below.

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