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Darkrai is coming to Pokken Tournament, Bandai Namco revealed today. The news was made during a live stream to promote content being added to the arcade version on July 20.

Here’s some footage:

While Darkrai’s arrival specifically applies to arcades, it’d be very surprising if the character didn’t end up in the Wii U version. Darkrai, along with Scizor and Empoleon, recently found in the game’s files.

Pokemon GO’s steady worldwide release is continuing – yesterday the game was released in Germany and today the game was finally made available in the UK. Pokemon GO can be downloaded on both the Google Play Store and iTunes.


Final Fight is out later today on the North American New 3DS Virtual Console. Take a look at the official trailer below.

Amazon Japan briefly listed the Pokemon GO Plus accessory with a release date of July 29, although the page was pulled later in the day. Though Amazon, Nintendo, and The Pokemon Company all refused to comment, this does line up with the E3 reveal of the device, where it was planned to release before the end of July. Keep in mind that even if the release date is true, that may still only be for Japan.



Yesterday, Capcom held its latest live stream for Monster Hunter Generations with plenty of gameplay. Head past the break for the full Twitch recording.

Journey to Kreisia will be available on the North American and European 3DS eShops starting tomorrow. We’ve posted the RPG’s trailer below.

After a couple of years of development, Aqua Moto Racing Utopia is seeing its initial release on Steam today, followed by Wii U later this summer. Get a good look at the game below with 12 minutes of footage.

Pokemon GO is a huge hit and all thus far, but are you curious as to how the app actually works? In a new video, Digital Foundry dives a bit into the technical aspects with GPS tracking, augmented reality, and Google Maps’ huge database coming together. Watch it below.

This week’s issue of Famitsu has a feature on E3 2016. In its piece, the magazine asked a slew of Japanese developers to list the games or announcements that impressed them the most.

Many of those included in Famitsu’s poll chose Zelda: Breath of the Wild. That includes Suda51, Final Fantasy producer Shinji Hashimoto, NieR creator Taro Yoko, and more.

Find the full results after the break.

The 64DD was made as an expansion to the Nintendo 64, allowing the console to use more memory and offering a handful of exclusive games. It saw a brief run in Japan, but never headed overseas. That’s why a new find may end up being very interesting.

Over on the ASSEMbler forums, user “PostedOval” claims to have come across a U.S. version of the 64DD. Although this person shared some photos that seems to indicate that it’s legitimate, we can’t completely say that it’s definitely real. We’ll let you know if there are any other developments pertaining to the situation.



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