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This information comes from head of development Yoshifumi Hashimoto…

“[The original Harvest Moon] released at a time when games were all about battles and monsters, and we made a game about being a farmer, but not a farmer with a tractor,” he said. “You took care of things with your bare hands. If you didn’t take care of your animals, they would die. Initially, we received complaints from parents who said the game was too dark. But this whole game is about a farmer’s life. I want people to experience what life is like.”

– Hashimoto doesn’t see a game like Story of Seasons or any of the Harvest Moon titles forcing a message onto players
– He believes the actions and consequences in the game make it easier for players to understand life and death
– He said he recently heard on Japanese radio of a kid whose pet died, and who explained to his parents that the pet had “run out of batteries”
– He hopes Story of Seasons helps younger players understand that the world is a bit more complex than that

“Death is a touchy subject to talk about. But it’s one of the things I’m really proud of doing in my games. I was thinking of what kind of life I could have the user experience … I wanted to make it easier for players to understand life and death.”


– When in the Link costumes, finding items results in Zelda music
– Initially, there was an undershirt beneath Bayonetta’s Link costume
– Nintendo suggested they get rid of it, since it wasn’t fitting of Bayonetta’s character
– Hashimoto joked that he was surprised Nintendo would suggest that, but PlatinumGames went ahead and removed the undershirt
– Samus’ costume is the original Power Suit, not the Varia Suit with rounded shoulders
– You can change whether the visor on the helmet is up or down
– You can change the visor on the fly depending on your preference


Hello Players!

I hope you’re having fun playing I’ve Got to Run! I can tell you that as the developer, it’s awesome to watch players posting high scores and competing. The game was designed with this in mind, and it’s really exciting!

I would like to take this opportunity to let you guys know what is currently in the update that I’m developing for I’ve Got to Run! Please note, however, that the patch is not done, and could take some time to come out.

Update Notes:
BUG FIX: When a player hasn’t played a mode yet, it no longer shows “NaN” with a star. It will now read 0 with no star, as intended.
Pro Controller Support
Updated High Score Screen (still a work in progress)
Rearranged Title Screen
Ability to use buttons in the menu.


This information comes from Nintendo of America marketing boss Charlie Scibetta…

“There are different examples of when its the right time for us to take something that happens organically and make it part of corporate messaging. It was a late addition, and we thought that we could pay homage to the fans. With the Luigi Death Stare, people started to pick up on it and share it — and sometimes we just let that play out and enjoy watching it like any other fan would. We like to see how the fans evolve stuff like that. Other times we may decide to give something a boost like we did with this. If you’re into that, and you see it, you immediately get it and the fact that Nintendo acknowledged it.”

“It was a collaborative effort. They came up with ideas, and so did we, but they let us know, from a comedy standpoint, what they thought would work well.”


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