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3DS eShop

This week’s North American Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Wii U Retail

Mario Party 10 (available Friday)

Wii U Download

Elliot Quest
Super Destronaut

Wii U Virtual Console

Klonoa 2: Dream Champ Tournament

3DS Retail

Fossil Fighters: Frontier

3DS Download

Iron Combat: War in the Air
Navy Commander

3DS Themes

Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. Lincoln vs. the Aliens
Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars
Skylanders Trap Team Air Theme
Skylanders Trap Team Life Theme
Skylanders Trap Team Magic Theme
Skylanders Trap Team Tech Theme

eShop Sales

Wii U/3DS

Moon Chronicles, Xeodrifter and other Wii U and Nintendo 3DS games from Renegade Kid are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on April 2.

Turtle Tale on Wii U and Nintendo 3DS is 33 percent off (reduced from $2.99 to $1.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on April 2.

Wii U

Paper Monsters Recut is 25 percent off (reduced from $7.99 to $5.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on April 2.


Glory of Generals, Quell Reflect and Swords & Soldiers 3D from Circle Entertainment are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on April 9.

Spot the Differences!, Viking Invasion 2 – Tower Defense and other games from Bigben Interactive are on sale until 8:59 a.m. PT on April 2.

Big Hero 6: Battle in the Bay and Disney Frozen: Olaf’s Quest from GameMill Entertainment are on sale from 9 a.m. PT on March 20 until 8:59 a.m. PT on April 27.

Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX is 37 percent off (reduced from $8.00 to $4.99) until 8:59 a.m. PT on April 18.

Permanent Price Drop

GetClose: A game for RIVALS is $2.99 (reduced from $4.99).


Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. – Medal March Tournament – See how your Code Name: S.T.E.A.M. squad stacks up online in Nintendo’s Public Tournaments. Top players earn unique titles that are visible online and earn major bragging rights with their friends and around the world! The Medal March Tournament will run through March 22. To keep updated on Nintendo’s Public Tournaments, opt in to notifications via the SpotPass feature in the game. Click here for more information. Good luck, agents!

Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars – Create your own levels in the Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars game and challenge players all over the world to complete them. You can also give tips to other creators and spread the word about your favorite levels. Click here to learn more about building levels so you can start earning stars!

The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D – The results of The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D drawing challenge in Miiverse have been revealed by Eiji Aonuma, producer of The Legend of Zelda games. Aonuma also gave his comments on the recognized drawings. Click here to see the gallery!

Source: Nintendo PR

The official website for the next installment in Syn Sophia and Nintendo’s actually-really-good-I-swear series was today updated with some new information. Girls Mode 3: Kira Kira Code will feature 19,000 different items of clothing and accessories, including special items that are unlocked by using amiibo. The game will support all amiibo, however it seems that only the figures for Mario, Peach, Yoshi and Kirby will give out special “character items” like the stylish Mario hat pictured above. I for one am disappointed at the lack of Donkey Kong’s tie and King Dedede’s regal robes.

This week’s video additions to the Wii U/3DS eShops are as follows:

Wii U

Nintendo Minute – Indie Developer Battle Royale
Pentapuzzle Trailer
Etrian Mystery Dungeon – Sovereign
amiibo TV Commercial
Fossil Fighters: Frontier Commercial
Hyrule Warriors – Boss Pack Trailer


Nintendo Minute – Indie Developer Battle Royale
Navy Commander Trailer
Etrian Mystery Dungeon – Sovereign
amiibo TV Commercial
Fossil Fighters: Frontier Commercial
Hyrule Warriors – Boss Pack Trailer

Source: Wii U/3DS eShops

Does HTR High Tech Racing ring a bell for anyone? We first mentioned this 3DS eShop game back in July 2013, and it didn’t resurface until May of last year. QUByte is still working on the 3DS edition (which now seems to have the final title “HTR+ Slot Car Simulation”), and it’s apparently coming out “soon”.

A new off-screen video provides a look at the track editor on Nintendo’s handheld. You can check it out above.

Circle Entertainment has indicated that the company will be releasing Samurai Defender in North America and Europe.

As stated in a tweet earlier today:

Samurai Defender is coming to the Japanese 3DS eShop next week for 400 yen. Check out the trailer below for a look at the game:


Square Enix has decided to remove Chousoku Henkei Gyrozetter from the Japanese 3DS eShop.

Originally released in 2013 at retail and through the eShop, the game was about cars that turned into robots and had an anime to support the story as well. Neither game nor anime did very well and the anime was cancelled shortly after the release of the game.

Chousoku Henkei Gyrozetter will be removed from the eShop on March 31st.


Several new titles are coming to the Japanese eShop next week. Here’s a look at the upcoming digital downloads:

Wii U Download

Chariot (1,499 yen)

Wii Download for Wii U

Sin & Punishment 2 (2,700 yen)

Wii U Virtual Console

Mega Man Battle Network 4: Red Sun (GBA, 702 yen)
Mega Man Battle Network 4: Blue Moon (GBA, 702 yen)

3DS Download

Samurai Defender (400 yen)
Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX (600 yen)
Puzzlebox Setup (400 yen)

All of the games above are due out on March 25.


PEGI has announced the expansion of its rating system to mobile and digital storefronts in Europe. This comes as part of a global initiative with other classification authorities from around the world, which includes the following groups:

Pan European Game Information (PEGI) – Europe
Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle (USK) – Germany
Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) – North America
Classificação Indicativa (ClassInd) – Brazil
Classification Board – Australia

The International Age Rating Coalition (IARC) was recently established in hopes of streamlining the process for assigning age and content ratings to digital games as well as mobile apps. At the moment, the IARC system is adopted for use in Google Play/Firefox Marketplace, but the eShop will soon be represented as well.

Ultimately, this should mean that more games will make their way to Europe. That’s because developers will be able to submit their game, and then collectively obtain age ratings for various countries. The process will be much, much simpler… and free.


More: , ,

Pokemon Shuffle has received another new update. You can nab version 1.1.4 by heading over to the “Check In” section of the game. We’ll let you know what the update encompasses as soon as we obtain more information.


This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:


1. Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate
2. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars
3. Mario Kart 7
4. Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D
5. Mighty Switch Force! 2
6. Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
7. Super Mario Bros. 3
8. Mighty Switch Force!
9. Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D
10. The Legend of Zelda
11. Super Smash Bros. for 3DS
12. Shovel Knight
13. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy
14. 3D Out Run
15. Super Mario 3D Land
16. Super Mario Bros.
17. OlliOlli
18. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
19. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies
20. Donkey Kong Land


1. Pokemon Shuffle Trailer
2. Fossil Fighters: Frontier E3 2014 Trailer
3. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars Launch Trailer
4. Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D Launch Trailer
5. New 3DS XL Trailer
6. Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Tipping Stars Gameplay Trailer
7. Azure Striker Gunvolt Update Trailer
8. Mario Kart 7 Video
9. Xenoblade Chronicles 3D – Heir to the Monado Trailer
10. Code Name S.T.E.A.M. Launch Trailer
11. New 3DS XL Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D
12. Super Mario 3D Land Video
13. Mario vs. Donkey Kong Tipping Stars E3 2014 Video
14. Photos with Mario Trailer
15. Donkey Kong Swings onto the Virtual Console Trailer
16. Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D Gameplay Video #2
17. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS One Dog, One Bird, One Zapper
18. Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire E3 2014 Trailer
19. Cube Creator 3D Trailer
20. OlliOlli Trailer

Source: 3DS eShop


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