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3DS eShop

AeternoBlade will be available on the European 3DS eShop starting on February 27, the game’s official Facebook account has confirmed.

A message posted on the social media page states:

AeternoBlade will be launching in North America a bit earlier – February 18.


This week’s video additions to the Wii U/3DS eShops are as follows:

Wii U

Disney Magical World Trailer
Remix II Stage 12: Get to the Goal Before Time Runs Out!
The LEGO Movie Videogame Trailer
Bravely Default – Accolades Trailer
Ninja Gaiden Trailer
Percy’s Predicament Trailer
Shovel Knight Trailer 2
Wooden Sen’SeY Trailer
Wooden Sen’SeY Time Attack trailer
Armillo Trailer 2
Assault Android Cactus Aubergine Trailer
Assault Android Cactus Trailer
Ballpoint Universe trailer
Ittle Dew Trailer
Monkey Pirates Trailer
Scram Kitty Trailer 2
Teslagrad Trailer 2
Squids Odyssey Trailer
Nihilumbra Trailer


Disney Magical World Trailer
Touch Battle Tank 3D 2 Trailer
Remix II Stage 12: Get to the Goal Before Time Runs Out!
Bravely Default – Accolades Trailer
Retro City Rampage: DX Trailer
The LEGO Movie Videogame Trailer
Shovel Knight Trailer 2
Squids Odyssey Trailer
Moon Chronicles Trailer
Retro City Rampage: DX Video
Siesta Fiesta Trailer
Treasurenauts Trailer 2

Source: Wii U/3DS eShops

This week’s 3DS eShop charts are as follows:


1. Bravely Default
2. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
3. Pokemon Dream Radar
4. Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
5. Retro City Rampage: DX
6. Super Mario Bros.
7. Zelda: Oracle of Seasons
8. Animal Crossing: New Leaf
9. Zelda: Link’s Awakening DX
10. Gunman Clive
11. Mario Bros.
12. Zelda: Oracle of Ages
13. EDGE
14. The Legend of Zelda
15. SteamWorld Dig
16. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies
17. Fire Emblem: Awakening
18. Super Mario Bros. 2
19. Pokemon Y
20. Witch & Hero


1. The LEGO Movie Videogame Trailer
2. Mario Kart 8 Trailer
3. Bravely Default – Gameplay Trailer
4. Super Smash Bros. – Rosalina Reveal Trailer
5. Hyrule Warriors Teaser Trailer
6. Nintendo 3DS – Nintendo Network ID
7. Mario Kart 7 Video
8. Pokemon Dream Radar Video
9. Super Mario 3D World Trailer 3
10. Yoshi’s New Island Trailer 6/11/13
11. Remix I Stage 1: Invincible Mario!
12. Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze Trailer
13. Kirby 3DS Teaser Trailer
14. One Piece: Romance Dawn Trailer
15. Nintendo 3DS – StreetPass
16. Retro City Rampage: DX Video
17. Nintendo 3DS – AR Cards
18. Bravely Default Story Trailer
19. Deluxe Digital Promotion Video
20. Remix I Stage 17: Go and Rescue Mario!

Source: 3DS eShop


One new game has been confirmed for the Japanese 3DS Virtual Console. Bio Miracle Bokutte Upa (Famicom) will be out on February 19. Pricing is set at 500 yen.


A trio of Atlus titles are currently on sale on the eShop. Code of Princess, Etrian Odyssey IV, and Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers have all been discounted.

Atlus relayed the news via Twitter:

Each game can be purchased for $20 each. The sale lasts until February 17.


Red Hook Studios’ Darkest Dungeon has experienced a great deal of success on Kickstarter. In just 24 hours, the “challenging gothic roguelike RPG” exceeded $75,000 in donations and received full funding.

Darkest Dungeon’s Kickstarter page mentions that the team is “very interested in consoles”, including 3DS. Red Hook Studios’ Tyler Sigman also told reader WALEED that “anything is possible” when it comes to Wii U.

“Anything is possible! We’ll have to see how the campaign goes and see if we can get enough funding to look at porting it to other platforms. The more interest there is, the more likely it is to happen!”

You can check out Darkest Dungeon’s Kickstarter here. If there’s any news about the game heading to Nintendo platforms, we’ll be sure to let you know.

Thanks to WALEED for the tip.

Heads up, European 3DS owners. If you plan on purchasing Inazuma Eleven 3: Team Ogre Attacks on the eShop, you’ll need to reserve over 13,000 blocks of space. Far from the biggest 3DS game, but still a heavy amount.


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