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Nintendo of America executive VP of sales and marketing Scott Moffitt recently spoke with GamesIndustry about several topics. Moffitt mentioned that the Wii U is at a “tipping point” and could improve with high-profile releases, stated that there are no plans to keep the GamePad separate from the Wii U hardware bundle, and more.

Head past the break for Moffitt’s responses. You can find GamesIndustry’s full article here.

In this week’s issue of Famitsu, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3DS director Masahiro Sakurai wrote another column and discussed the addition of Miis to the game. You’ll find what he shared inside the magazine below.

Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime shared a few more words about Amiibo while speaking with Polygon at E3 2014 last week. Head past the break for his comments.

Popular RPG / Simulator hybrid Adventure Bar Story is set to come to 3DS in Japan on June 25th. The game has you assuming the role of the owner of Kamerina’s Bar, stopping a ruthless businessman from buying you out. The game has over 400 recipes of varying cuisines to help you become the most popular bar in town and stop the buyout, and the more adventurous ingredients are of course found by defeating monsters. As the game has already been localized, there’s a chance the game will make it to the West. Check out some screenshots of the game below


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