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This information comes from Metroid producer Yoshio Sakamoto and MercurySteam’s Jose Luis Márquez…

On whether Nintendo reached out to MercurySteam or the other way around…

There was a very fateful meeting, so we’ll tell you that to start off with.

I just wanted to start out by saying I’ve been wanting to make a 2D Metroid game with today’s technology for quite a long time. It wasn’t only my personal desire, but also because I know there are a lot of people out there in the world who have been clamoring for a 2D Metroid game.

For myself, I’ve been wanting to revisit that fundamental, basic, core essence of Metroid, that 2D gameplay, and I was considering ways to go about taking on that challenge. That was more than two years ago.

This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

“The way we continue to make Nintendo 3DS vibrant as a platform is first we continue to innovate from form factor standpoint. So the New 2DS XL is just the latest for us in having form factor innovation. We know colors are a key differentiator, consumers love the variety of different colors. And also the larger screen and the different form factor in the 2DS family, we think is a going to drive and continue to drive the 3DS platform.”

“We’re going to continue to bring new content, and that’s what’s going to keep this device vibrant and keep it going well into 2018 and beyond.”

“We say that it’s (Switch) a home console that you take with you and play with anyone, anywhere, anytime. It really is meant to deliver that great home console performance, you just happen to be able to undock it and take it with you, which is a key innovation. But look, in the end, what we want is we want the consumer to call it their device, right? Their preferred gaming device that they can play fantastic Zelda, Mario, third-party content, all of their favorite franchises brought to life on the platform. That’s what we want. And we’re greedy and we want Nintendo 3DS right alongside it.”


This information comes from Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…

Reggie on Metroid: Samus Returns…

“We wanted to make it clear that Metroid is an important franchise for us. As we think about how to satisfy the needs to the Metroid fans, we needed to make sure they understood there was a great console experience coming, in addition to Metroid: Samus Returns coming on Nintendo 3DS. That’s what we wanted to make sure it was clear that it wasn’t one or the other, that we were going to support both of our platforms with a great new Metroid experience.”

– Metroid: Samus Returns wasn’t included in the pre-recorded presentation for two reasons
– One of those being the the company has learned people seem more interested in learning about Switch (and other console experiences) first, at least at E3

The European boxart for Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions is in, and it shows a completely different design compared to the North American version.

To compare, here’s what we’re getting in the states:


After hearing about the sales success of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes, it certainly makes sense that Warner Bros. and TT Games are making a sequel. David Haddad, the president of WBIE, told GamesBeat that it’s the “best-selling LEGO game ever.”

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes hit Wii U, 3DS, and DS in 2013. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 launches this holiday.


The third and final day of Nintendo’s E3 2017 festivities will be kicking off soon. Treehouse Live will be back at 10 AM PT / 1 PM ET / 6 PM in the UK / 7 PM in Europe and will be airing all day long.

You can watch Nintendo’s latest E3 activities below. We’ll bring you any notable news we come across as well as recordings of each Treehouse segment.

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