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Lucah: Born of a Dream

Publisher melessthanthree and developer Syndicate Atomic have announced Lucah: Born of a Dream for Switch. The hack-and-slash game will be available digitally on July 3.

Here’s an overview of Lucah: Born of a Dream, along with a trailer:

Slender: The Arrival is appearing on the Switch eShop starting today. Get a look at some footage of the horror game in the video below.

War Tech Fighters

War Tech Fighters launches for Switch on June 27 as a digital download. Have a look at some gameplay footage in the video below.

Daemon X Machina’s demo ended up working out very well for the game. Marvelous was able to field feedback from a ton of users who tried it out, resulting in many improvements. You can see what was changed in a recent trailer here.

One aspect not pointed out in the video concerns a technical improvement. According to director Kenichiro Tsukuda, the frame rate has been improved since the demo’s release. We won’t know how the game holds up until we’re closer to release, but it should be smoother than what players experienced previously.


System: Switch (eShop)
Release date: June 20, 2019
Developer: DeadToast Entertainment
Publisher: Devolver Digital

Let me begin with a full disclosure: I have never used hallucinogenic drugs in my life, and after playing My Friend Pedro, I don’t think I’ll ever need to. It’s a game where you can take commands from a talking banana, explore the inner psyche of said banana, and slow down time to gun down your enemies with all the grace of a ballet dancer. This latest release from darling indie publisher Devolver Digital is unabashedly weird, violent, and, in its own strange way, beautiful. The experience may be over far too soon, but this potassium-packed shoot’em up still manages to create a truly appealing experience.

Astral Chain features five Legions that can be used in battle. Sword, Arrow, Arm, Beast and Axe variations exist in the game.

In a blog post, animator Marumi Nakajo shared more about Astral Chain’s Legions. Continue on below for a look at early concepts and more.

Koei Tecmo provided an update today on Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle. As part of the latest information batch, fans are introduced to the new battle systems.

Here’s the full lowdown:

This week’s European Nintendo Downloads are as follows:

Switch Retail

Another Sight – €39.99
Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled – €39.99 (available June 21)

NIS America has announced a partnership with Granzella to publish Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories outside of Japan. The game will reach North America and Europe sometime in 2020.

Here’s an overview of Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories, along with the first English trailer:

A bunch of footage is in showing off My Friend Pedro on Switch. Check out a half hour of gameplay below.

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