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LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 added new Champions DLC this week, comprised of several characters. Purchasing the pack grants access to Amadeus Cho, Nova, Ironheart, Devil Dinosaur, Moon Girl, Viv, Wasp (Nadia Pym), and Hawkeye (Kate Bishop). Hit up the video below for a look at the DLC.

Kirby Battle Royale launched in Europe and Japan awhile back. Nintendo has now finally released the game in North America as well.

If you purchase Kirby Battle Royale, make sure that you download the game’s day-one update. Version 2.1 brings it up to speed with the European and Japanese release, adding in the new Mirror Copy Ability and more.

A scan emerged earlier this week revealing that Jiren and Android 17 from Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 will be featured in the next DLC pack for Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. They’ll be joined by original character Fu, who was previously revealed.

Aside from the new DLC, Bandai Namco will also be releasing another free update. It’s comprised of three components: “Over Limit”, the Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Avatar Awakening Skill, and new swimsuit costumes.

A number of new discounts are now available for My Nintendo users in Europe. Most can be redeemed with Platinum Points, but a couple are for Gold Points as well.

Here’s the full lineup:

Artdink announced Neo Atlas 1469 for Switch this week, a simulation and exploration title. We now have the game’s boxart above. It’s set to launch in Japan on April 19.

This week’s issue of Famitsu reveals the top 100 best-selling games of 2017. A ton of games on Nintendo platforms made the list. In fact, 3DS and Nintendo Switch titles make up the full top ten.

Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon was the top-seller on 3DS and overall with just over two million copies sold. Splatoon 2 follows second with over 1.75 million units sold.

This week’s Switch eShop charts are as follows:


1. Arcade Archives Vs. Super Mario Bros.
2. NBA Playgrounds: Enhanced Edition
3. Stardew Valley
4. Rocket League
5. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
6. Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition
7. Super Mario Odyssey
8. Zelda: Breath of the Wild
9. The Escapists 2
10. Oxenfree
11. Overcooked: Special Edition
12. Sonic Mania
13. Enter the Gungeon
14. Splatoon 2
15. Human: Fall Flat
16. Darkest Dungeon
17. Super Meat Boy
18. Furi
19. Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
20. Snipperclips

Source: Switch eShop


If anything has become a meme in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, it would be the battle dialogue from certain enemy soldiers you encounter. This has taken on a life of its own due to how often their lines are repeated, especially in short bursts.

These lines may ring a bell if you’ve played through Xenoblade Chronicles 2:

– “Think you can take me?”
– “Don’t forget me!”
– “You’re done!”

Switch has actually sold more units in its first ten months in Portugal than Wii U managed to in five years. To date, the system has moved 20,000 units. That may not seem like a whole lot, but Switch still managed to already reach a major milestone in Portugal, surpassing Nintendo’s previous console in less than a year.

Source, Via


Splatoon 2 kept up with its usual weapon updates tonight, adding in the .52 Gal Deco. See it in action below.


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