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Despite Switch’s success, The Legend of Heroes and Ys developer Falcom isn’t quite ready to commit to Switch. Speaking with MCV, as published in one of the magazine’s latest issues, president Toshihiro Kondo indicated that the company is adopting more of a wait-and-see approach. 

Kondo explained that “there’s still no positive guarantee that the fan base that would play Falcom games are on the Switch yet.”

NIS America was present at Switch’s launch with Disgaea 5 Complete, and released Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle not too long ago. The company is also readying The Longest Five Minutes and Penny Punching Princess. Going forward, we can expect this type of support to continue.

In a recent issue of MCV, NIS America president and CEO Takuro Yamashita said that Disgaea 5 Complete “did very, very well.” He believes that “the Switch market is only going to grow and become stronger” over the next couple of years. Because of this, NIS America wants to target Switch along with the PlayStation 4 and Steam as platforms it supports.

Miitomo has been updated with more content. Users will find returning stages with more items.

“Jack in to fashion! Cyberpunk streetwear” is the returning theme. The stages provide the following:


At the end of October, The Wall Street Journal shared some rumored information claiming that one reason for Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp’s delay was due to the game seeing an overhaul “at least once during the development process to ensure quality.” Liam Robertson from Unseen64 apparently has more on the situation, and dug up details about how a much different title was initially planned.

Development on the Animal Crossing game for mobile apparently began in early 2016. At the time, what Nintendo had been cooking up was said to be more simplistic.

Following the last update in August, a new patch is out now for Death Squared on Switch. It’s been upgraded to version 1.2.0.

The official details about the update haven’t been made known. However, it seems as though new cosmetics have been included. SMG Studio did intend to offer new hats after the Japanese release, so that might have been added.


Black The Fall is coming to Switch. Rather than having the news revealed through an official announcement or an eShop listing, we’ve actually found out about it through the system’s news feature. The game now has a channel of its own, though no posts have been made just yet.

Black The Fall is a puzzle-platform game that released earlier this year, and some have compared it to Inside – another game planned for Switch. Square Enix published the title and supported it through its Square Enix Collective program.

We have additional details about Black The Fall below, along with a trailer.

Capcom is celebrating the launch of Resident Evil Revelations and Resident Evil Revelations 2 on Switch with some special gifts. Codes can be obtained for various items in Raid Mode, including rare weapons and exclusive parts.

All of the information you need to know can be found here. However, it looks like you’ll need to register with Capcom’s official website in order to obtain codes and participate in the giveaway.

The Switch Pro Controller has been widely praised since launch. However, some players have taken issue with its d-pad. With the new version of the controller released alongside Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Nintendo may have made some improvements.

One difference pointed out by Reddit user Howwy23 is that the pole in the Xenoblade Chronicles 2 controller has a pole that’s longer than the old version. The old version had its own pole, but was apparently shorter.

Another update is now available for Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp. On both iOS and Android, Nintendo has started distributing version 1.0.3.

Today’s update admittedly isn’t terribly exciting. The patch notes only state that bug fixes have been implemented.

Source: iOS / Android

This month’s EDGE review scores are as follows:

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 – 4
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 – 7
Call of Duty: WWII – 7
Need for Speed Payback – 4
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp – 5
Hidden Agenda – 4
Bury Me, My Love – 7
Million Onion Hotel – 8


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