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Super Mario Odyssey recently debuted on Switch, and TheDominoKing decided to celebrate in the only way he knows how. 148,777 dominoes were used to recreate images from the game, including Mario himself, Cappy, and more.

TheDominoKing used a screen link, meaning each clip was created separately and edited together to make it look like a single scene. Many would probably agree that what has been created here is nonetheless worth admiring and is undoubtedly a painstaking process. You can watch the full tribute below.

The January 2018 issue of CoroCoro will have a serial code for Splatoon 2 to unlock the Emperor Gear, the magazine has announced. The outfit made its first appearance in the game’s manga in the comic magazine.

The Emperor Gear is comprised of the following:

– Headgear: Kaiser Cuff – Gear Power: Raises ink ratio
– Clothing: King Bench Kaiser – Gear Power: Raises movement speed in human form
– Shoes: Imperial Kaiser – Gear Power: Raises movement speed in squid form

This announcement was shared in the current December 2017 CoroCoro issue. The magazine will also upload a video about the Emperor Gear on its YouTube channel on December 9. Nintendo has not shared any news about making the gear available in other territories outside of Japan at this time.



CNET spoke with the developers of Super Mario Odyssey not too long ago. Kenta Motokura, the game’s director, as well as producer Yoshiaki Koizumi talked about the new game.

Something Motokura brought up is how Koizumi challenged him to surprise players. The team took that to heart, and it became a key words while development was ongoing.

Motokura said:

Update: Bumped to the top. Nintendo has posted a non-blurry version of the clip on its UK Twitter page:

Original: Over the past week, Nintendo has started to tease ARMS players with what’s next for the game. These last few days have shown us a new stage and a very vague look at a new character. That continued today with another tease in GIF form. Take a look at the latest tweet from the Japanese ARMS Twitter account below.



On Friday, Snipperclips Plus started to be sold in stores and the original title earned some new content. See what’s new in the gameplay video below.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle

As we know, Ubisoft announced its latest financial results this past week. We have more information from the call that was held after the initial report was posted.

Early on in the call, Ubisoft said that Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle outperformed its own forecasts. The game is also once again confirmed to be the best-selling third-party title on Switch.

It was also pointed out that the growing / successful install base on Switch should have many benefits for Ubisoft. As a result, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is expected to have a longer than usual sales curve.

Fire Emblem Heroes has kicked off a new round of content. Players can participate in a Sacred Seal Forge Support Event. It’ll let you earn Sacred Coins, Orbs, Great Badges, and Crystals from special maps and quests.

Here’s the full rundown of the event:

Fresh footage is in showing off Rive: Ultimate Edition, which is heading to Switch this coming week. Watch 35 minutes of gameplay below.

This week’s issue of Dengeki PlayStation has new details about Atelier Lydie & Suelle: Alchemists of the Mysterious Painting. The magazine provides the latest information about characters, requests, and Activation Items.

Here’s the full roundup of information, courtesy of RPGSite:

An official video from Marvel contains a bit of new footage from LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2. Check out the gameplay below.

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