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Three versions of Metroid II technically exist. We have the original Game Boy version, the fan-made Another Metroid II Remake, and Nintendo’s new Samus Returns version for 3DS. Game Informer takes a look at how all three compare in the video below.

Nicalis previously announced that the physical version of Tiny Barbarian DX will include an instruction booklet. On GameStop, additional goodies have been revealed for launch.

Those who pre-order Tiny Barbarian DX around release will receive a Chibi PVC keychain. It’ll be tucked away inside a microfiber pouch, so that’s another extra.

You can pre-order Tiny Barbarian DX on GameStop here.

Thanks to Goldmario791 for the tip.

Beach Buggy Racing is due out on Switch very soon via the eShop. If you’re curious about the game, check out the video below for footage.

Note that Beach Buggy Racing takes up 117MB of space.


It was last month at Gamescom when Square Enix’s Hajime Tabata hinted at something Final Fantasy XV-related for Switch. He’s followed up on that initial tease since then, and Kotaku is the latest outlet to have asked him about the system.

One thing to note is that someone from Nintendo called Tabata after what he said at Gamescom. However, he wouldn’t reveal what was discussed.

As for that Gamescom tease and Switch, Tabata explained:

Mutant Mudds developer Atooi brought Chicken Wiggle to the 3DS eShop last month. Sadly, sales have not been strong thus far.

Atooi founder Jools Watsham discussed Chicken Wiggle’s sales in a new blog post. Below are a couple of excerpts:

Amazon offered “Rider Set” DLC with pre-orders of Monster Hunter Stories. GameStop is doing something similar.

If you buy Monster Hunter Stories at GameStop, you’ll receive the “Hero Set” DLC. Rathalos, Lagicrus, Brachydios, and Qurupeco are included. The offer is valid in-store and online.


Digital Foundry is back in action with a new technical analysis. In its latest video, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle gets the spotlight.

One aspect Digital Foundry brings up is resolution. When docked, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle runs at 900p. The resolution drops to 600p when playing in portable mode. However, this is masked by good implementation of anti-aliasing, so in handheld more in particular, the resolution drop isn’t really noticeable. Smooth edges and depth of field also help.

Morphite was initially planned for release on September 7. At the end of August though, the game was pushed back to September 21. Morphite is now seeing another delay specific to Switch.

An unspecified technical issue has resulted in the second delay for Morphite. Unfortunately, it’s not yet clear when the new release date will be.

Crescent Moon Games relayed on Twitter:


GameXplain released a new ten-minute video highlighting ten minutes of Rayman Legends Definitive Edition on Switch. You can watch the gameplay below.

The game releases on September 12.

Below is a video showing the first 16 minutes of Semispheres on the Switch. Made by Vivid Helix, Semispheres is a puzzle game about dual realities.

The game releases on the Switch eShop on September 14th.

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