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The way the Switch Joy-Con is now, there isn’t room for any flexibility – making it just like most controllers. You can hold it in your hands or slide it into the system itself, but that’s about it. Now, however, Nintendo has filed an interesting patent that would give users an extra degree of freedom.

Recently, a patent popped up in the official Japanese patent database for a hinged Joy-Con. As shown above, it would allow the device to be moved, and this applies even when the controllers are docked.

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Following this week’s announcement of Overwatch for Switch, Eurogamer spoke with a couple of developers behind the game. Specifically, principal game producer Wes Yanagi and lead game producer Matthew Hawley participated in the chat. They commented on variety of topics, including implementing motion controls, maintaining feature parity on Switch, and whether cross-progression could happen in the future.

You can find these highlights from the interview below. For the full piece, head on over to Eurogamer.

Nintendo eShop

NBA 2K20 launched on various platforms today, including Switch. View some footage from the game running on Nintendo’s console below.

Carrot will be playable in One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4, according to the latest issue of Weekly Jump. We have a scan from the magazine above.

Staying true to her character, Carrot is capable of attacking foes with electricity. She can also use her Sulong form as her awakening technique in the game.

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 launches for Switch in 2020.


A new update is now available for Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden Deluxe Edition. The team has implemented Stalker Trial Leaderboards, crash fixes, and general bug fixes.

Below are the full patch notes:

Bandai Namco has published a new story trailer for Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition. Get a look at the video below.

PQube has shared a launch trailer for the Switch game Gun Gun Pixies. Have a look at the latest video below.

Aksys Games has readied a new Spirit Hunter: NG trailer to promote the game’s October 10 release date. Check it out below.

One of the surprise announcements of the latest Nintendo Direct was Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore, an enhanced port of the JRPG collaboration between Atlus and Intelligent Systems that originally released on the Wii U. In addition to major new content like a new song and a new dungeon, the Encore version also has a few other additions, namely some new costumes. The following were all initially spotted by Twitter user @theprinceofiris. First up, a brand new costume for Mamori can be seen in a screenshot on the official Japanese website of the game, which shows her wearing a student outfit from the Officers Academy in Fire Emblem: Three Houses (see above).

Next up, Tiki gets a new outfit based on her classic appearance in the very first Fire Emblem game. In the Wii U version, Tiki only appeared in battle as part of some special moves, but she seems to be a permanent party member now, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to see this new outfit:

It seems like PlatinumGames is pleased with the response to Astral Chain – the developer shared the special artwork shown above on Twitter, which was drawn by Hajime Kimura, thanking players for making Astral Chain “such a success”. We don’t have any concrete sales numbers yet, but judging by its first-week performance on various sales charts in different countries as well as the eShop, it’s definitely been doing well.


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