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Nintendo’s Japanese store has added in a listing for the Switch version of NBA 2K18. According to the page, the game will feature amiibo support. We’re currently assuming that the page is accurate rather than being an error.

It’ll never happen, but it’d be hilarious if you could have characters such as Mario and Luigi playing alongside the likes of LeBron James. I’m pretty curious to see what the functionality turns out to be…

Source, Via

The toys-to-life market currently isn’t where it used to be a few years ago. It’s been on the decline, as is evident by the lack of a new Skylanders game this year and the slowdown of LEGO Dimensions.

Given the market, it came as a surprise to many when Ubisoft announced Starlink: Battle for Atlas at E3. Players can buy and attach physical starships to controllers. The concept is risky, Ubisoft CEO Yves Guillemot has admitted, but the company believes “that there are lots of people who want this type of game.”

Guillemot told GamesIndustry:

“We thought that bringing 2.0 of that model was potentially very interesting. We’ll see. It’s a risk, but we feel that there are lots of people who want this type of game. Maybe they don’t want to say it, but they do want to buy it.”


The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has one more DLC pack to go. Following The Master Trials, Nintendo is also working on The Champions’ Ballad.

We’ve slowly been learning more about the next round of DLC. At Japan Expo in France last month, series producer Eiji Aonuma confirmed that the shirt Link starts out with in The Wind Waker will be added. That’s not all though. In a new blog post on Breath of the Wild’s Japanese website, Aonuma teased that other Zelda-related equipment will also be offered.

The Champions’ Ballad DLC for Zelda: Breath of the Wild launches this holiday. You’ll still be playing as Link, but you’ll learn more about Zelda. The DLC will also feature a new dungeon, an original story, and more new challenges.

Thanks to Jake for the tip.


For Switch owners in Europe, NIS America has started pre-orders of two limited editions. First, Nights of Azure 2: Bride of the New Moon is up here. You can also nab the Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle Limited Edition here.

To recap, here’s what you’ll find in the Nights of Azure 2 packaging:

The results are in for the first true North American Splatfest in Splatoon 2. Ultimately, it was mayonnaise that beat out ketchup.

Ketchup was much more popular than mayonnaise with 73 percent of the vote. However, mayonnaise took home the battles – just barely so – in the other categories. That helped Team Mayonnaise win by a score of 2-1.

Mayonnaise was also victorious in Japan. We should be finding out about the European results later today.



Japan just had one of its best weeks in a long while in terms of gaming sales. Dragon Quest XI finally launched to huge success, and Nintendo shipping out a steady supply of Switch units also helped.

Console-wise, the sales of all 3DS systems combined sold 417.62 percent more than last week. Again, part of this was due to the release of Dragon Quest XI. Square Enix also put out a special Liquid Metal Slime New 2DS XL design, which was no doubt purchased by many consumers.

Sonic Forces

Recently, Famitsu spoke with Sonic series producer Takashi Iizuka and Sonic Forces producer Shun Nakamura. The two had much to say about the brand new custom character aspect and more.

First, Famitsu asked about the details on why character customization was added in Sonic Forces. Iizuka said that for many years in which he had been working on Sonic games, he received a ton of requests from fans to have their own original characters appear. While he has never been able to put in those characters exactly as they are, he still wanted to make those dreams come true, so SEGA decided to add a custom character that will fight together with Sonic.

The 1993 interactive movie game Night Trap is being revitalized this year. Originally, Screaming Villains hoped to bring the 25th Anniversary Edition to Switch. That looks like it won’t be happening, however.

Screaming Villains told one fan on Twitter that “Nintendo was on board originally but pulled out two days later for a very random reason.” The specific reason here is unknown.

So any theories as to what happened here, folks?


Update: Since the live stream is ongoing, here’s a video with just the footage:

Original: Dragon Quest Builders 2 is in development for Switch, Square Enix has revealed. The news was just shared during the Dragon Quest Summer Festival 2017.

Square Enix showed the first footage during a live stream just moments ago. You can watch it towards the end of the video below.

Among the new elements in Dragon Quest Builders 2 are underwater exploration and gliding. Multiplayer is also confirmed to be in.


We’re in a strange place with Dragon Quest XI on Switch right now. Last week, the long-awaited RPG launched in Japan on 3DS and PlayStation 4. Despite that, we still have yet to see a single image from the Switch version. Square Enix has also chosen not to provide any information thus far.

Dragon Quest XI was actually “announced” for Switch way back in 2015 during the NX days. However, Square Enix then said it was only “considering” bringing the game over to Nintendo’s new platform. Square Enix then clarified that it was officially happening last year. We also received another confirmation when Switch was initially unveiled . Finally, this past May, series creator Yuji Horii noted that they’ll say something when they are able to. 

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